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In terms of the advice it all sounds like the advice that a father will give to his daughter before she goes out on her first date. And this is evident when Steve retells the incident between his father in law and one his daughter's dates. Some of this advice might apply to a teenager getting to grips with the opposite sex. But once you reach a certain level of wisdom and maturing really the game playing is out of the question.

The fact that he assumes that as women we have no idea what some men are after really belittles our intelligence.

Think Like a Man (2012) - Honesty is Overrated Scene (3/10) - Movieclips

Of course we know and sometimes it is exactly the same thing that we are after, sex. I just find the book a little condescending towards wise and experienced women because in all honesty if I have to run a game on you, in order to get you, then maybe we should not even be doing this thing. View all 7 comments. Apr 03, Kathrynn rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: All Women Plan to Date Men. First read April 6, A quick, easy read that wasn't as funny as I thought it was going to be. Several of his examples are with divorced women with kids: As for you First read April 6, As for younger women starting to date, this book could be very insightful.

Respect yourself and a good man will respect you. He recommends not having the first sexual encounter for 90 days. Uses the advice of starting a new job and having to wait 90 days for the "benefits" to kick in health insurance. Men can do it if it's important to them, if it's not they move and women are better off knowing early on. I felt the book was primarily geared toward young women just starting to date As for married women, Mr.

Harvey gives some advice on keeping your man happy at home. Why they cheat and who they cheat with. He states that men will cheat if they aren't getting "the cookie" at home or if "the cookie" is not like he wants it to be. He mentioned that men will cheat and not consider it cheating, just having sex.

I laughed at his joke about how men will deny their butts off when caught cheating--even in mid "pump" with their social security numbers tattooed on their butts. There is a section on forgiving a man who has cheated, too. He mentions how women should deal with a momma's boy. What questions a women should ask a man she is dating both early in the relationship and later.

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He explains what type of answers women should receive if the guy is committed to a long-term relationship or a fling. He uses the analogy of sports fishing: He talks about the first words out of a woman's mouth when a guy begins talking to her. Women set the stage for how the guy will see them and treat them: He mentions how men will do almost anything to get sex and how not to be used for sex if your goal is a long-term relationship. Harvey gives a brief insight into his own life at the beginning of each chapter, then delves into the topics that range from: The Mind Set of a Man: Who they are 2.

What they do 3. How much they make Why Men Do What They Do - This section was neat to read because it talked about how men behave--if they love you--particularly for married men. How to Win the Game View all 17 comments. Jan 04, Lola rated it it was amazing Shelves: I loved the movie inspired by the book and I enjoy listening to Steve Harvey talk about relationships so of course I had to give this a try eventually.

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What an entertaining and interesting book! Whether what is being said is true for most men or not, I still feel like I learned a lot and think differently about the opposite sex and how I should act with men and react to them. Apr 06, Kristen marked it as are-you-shitting-me Shelves: This is a movie now? Are you fucking kidding me? Sure, why wouldn't I take relationship advice from a some fourth-rate hack comedian whose greatest accomplishment is hosting Family Feud which apparently wasn't canceled in ?

Clearly this guy is a relationship expert since he's been married three times himself, so who better to tell us women how to act right for our man. I especially like the casting of unapologetic woman beater Chris Brown for the movie. Sadly I actually have a friend who o This is a movie now?

Sadly I actually have a friend who owns this book, in answer to my ridicule she tells me it's 'not so bad', but then she's also reminds me exactly how much time I have left to breed every single time I see her, so I guess she's the target demographic, whereas I'm just disgusted by self help books in general, and Steve Harvey as a human being specifically.

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The only book this guy is qualified to write is "How to Make Money in Comedy Without Being the Least Bit Funny", really, a self-help book for women written by a thrice-married egomaniac made into a movie starring a women beater. The only way it could be better is if had a crossdressing Tyler Perry. View all 45 comments. Jul 05, Judith rated it did not like it Shelves: Moreover, Harvey insists all men are simple, like him. Also, all women are complicated, nurturing, irrational beings, or if not, they should fake it so they can get a good man.

Harvey compares dating to sport fishing: I only read the book because I track the most popular books in the browsing collection at Rhode Island College, and this book has circulated many times. Perhaps everyone who borrowed it expected a book by a comedian to be funny, or at least witty.

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man Quotes

Perhaps, like me, they were all disappointed. Mar 02, Kristen rated it it was amazing. I saw this book being promoted on "Oprah" one afternoon rarity, since I typically work until 5 and thought he made a lot of sense. So, I picked the book up and within 2 days I read it cover to cover. I recommend it for any woman struggling with relationships with men.

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It brought a lot of clarity to what I have been going through and made me realize what to look for in men. Jul 16, Suzanne rated it it was ok. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Advice for the desperate? I guess someone who's having a lot of trouble getting married might find this book helpful.

I have never found men to be all that simplistic. I also don't need some guy telling me how to be a girl "don't paint". Okay, the guys can do the heavy lifting, they're much better equipped for it, but I'm from a generation of women who decided nobody was going to tell us what to do, or what not to do, including painting, mowing the lawn, and finding what's making that funny noi Advice for the desperate?

Okay, the guys can do the heavy lifting, they're much better equipped for it, but I'm from a generation of women who decided nobody was going to tell us what to do, or what not to do, including painting, mowing the lawn, and finding what's making that funny noise in the car. And we seem to have gotten married at the same rate as women from the fifties, which is the decade this book sounds like it came from.

I have to question the sanity of someone who says that we all know women run the household, but women should continue to let men think they run it. He knows this, and he still says that?

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If he's aware of it women are not doing such a hot job of letting men think they run things, are they? I thought it was particularly sad when the author related how his wife had given up sports she loved, like scuba diving, because he, not knowing how to do those things, could not protect her while she did them. Being a comedian and not a social scientist, he seems blissfully oblivious to the fact that not all men are raised exactly the way he was and men don't all think alike, not by a long shot.

Jun 02, Amanda Roa rated it did not like it. There are so many things wrong about the advice in this book. I mean, right off the bat, he admires his wife for giving up scuba diving because he is afraid something will happen to her. He actually applauds her for giving up something she loves to do.

And what the hell is wrong with wearing a t-shirt to bed? My husband happens to think it's sexy.

Think Like a Man - Wikipedia

Follow the advice in this book and you'll find yourself back in the stone ages being drug to the man cave with a huge bump on your head. Not all men t There are so many things wrong about the advice in this book. Not all men think this way. I'm married to one who doesn't.

I gave up and didn't finish the book about three-fourths the way through. It's a shame how he objectifies women. It's also a shame that this book is on the best sellers' list. I feel guilty for contributing to this book's success by buying a copy. Jun 03, Miranda rated it did not like it. I'm sorry to say this, but this book is a JOKE. The first half of the book, it acted like it was talking to smart women, telling women what drives men and how to make your man feel like a man.