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  2. The New Rules For Love, Sex & Dating
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  4. The New Rules For Love, Sex & Dating
  5. The New Rules for Love, Sex & Dating: Andy Stanley, North Point Resources: Movies & TV

Not a day goes by that you're not tempted to glance to the left and to the right to see how you measure up to the people around you. But it doesn't stop there, does it? You're tempted to compare your children to other children, your spouse to other spouses! In this 3-part series, Andy Stanley explores the difficult—but not impossible—challenge of escaping The Comparison Trap. God is the creator of the universe. He's big and smart and powerful. He orchestrates time and everything that happens in it.

And he has told us to call him. In this message, Andy Stanley unpacks what being part of God's family can mean for our self-assurance.

Designer Sex - Andy Stanley

God's opinion of us may provide something we haven't yet found comparing ourselves to others. We've all heard of a win-win outcome. But as Andy Stanley points out in this message, we are daily engaging in a lose-lose activity and we may not even realize how destructive it is. Being rich-er or smart-er or funny-er may feel like a short-term win, but for ourselves, our families, and our marriages, comparison is a game with no winners.

When someone hurts us, we go to war. Maybe we respond with the silent treatment. Maybe we dismiss the person from our life. But what if evening the score isn't our job? What if our weapons of vengeance can never make things right the way God can? In this message, John Woodall gives us a healthy way to react when we're hurt and tempted to get revenge ourselves. We can't go through life without someone stomping on our hearts. Someone has to pay The desire to right the wrong can lead you down a dark, dangerous path. Will you take it? Each of us either has been hurt, is currently hurting, or will be hurt.

And something inside us says, "This is wrong. In this message, John Woodall explains what the Bible says about our desire for vengeance and how we're supposed to handle it. Following the teachings of Christ has lots of benefits - financial security, relational stability, moral margin.

But at some point, being a Christian will cost you something. You'll feel a nudge to start, stop, get out of, or maybe go. In this message, Andy reframes the choices you have when following Christ begins to cost you something. Will it be worth it to give in to the nudge? Originally, "baptism" was not a religious concept.

Yet over time, baptism has become an exclusively religious idea - one that even rouses deep emotion and controversy. In this message, Andy Stanley unpacks baptism, from its birth with John the Baptist to its modern equivalent.

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If you are a follower of Christ and baptism is still on your "to-do" list, this message may be the nudge you need to finally go public. We all make resolutions. We all break resolutions. But if we're honest, there is something in each of our lives - a habit, a relationship, a debt - that deserves our attention this year. In this message, Andy recounts the Old Testament story of Nehemiah and draws out a lesson that can be the key to finally accomplishing the one thing we each need to put our minds to this year.

The ingredients in the Christmas story seem kind of random: Doesn't sound like the narrative we'd write if we were God. Some of the circumstances we may be dealing with this year aren't exactly what we'd write for our own story, either. In this message, Andy Stanley challenges us to respond to the seemingly random curve balls in our lives the same way Mary did to God's biggest curve ball yet.

The New Rules For Love, Sex & Dating

Christmas is complicated enough. There are presents to pick, parking spots to find, and family dynamics to navigate.

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The story of Christmas - God's most important message to mankind - shouldn't be complicated. In this message, Andy Stanley unpacks the bottom line of Christmas. And it's a bottom line that is truly "good news. What do our waistlines and our wallets have in common?

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Our giving habits share a pattern with our health habits. And in both cases, there's a better option out there.

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In this message, Andy Stanley challenges us to adopt a superior habit of giving. The difference we can make by doing so in is immeasurable. Guilt isn't a church issue; it's a human issue. Guilt exists where there is expectation.

North Point Community Church

It's an understanding that we haven't measured up. The good news is that guilt doesn't have to stand between you and God. In this message, Tom Shefchunas looks at how God can use your guilt to draw you closer to himself, freeing you from crippling regret. We strive for a life beyond measure, but it seems beyond our reach. We take three steps forward and two steps back. Just when we think we've almost reached it, the line moves.

Is the immeasurable life attainable or is it just another hopeless pursuit? The game of life drives us to measure everything.

The New Rules For Love, Sex & Dating

More money, more house, more power, just more We take three steps forward and two steps back, and just when we think we've almost reached it, the line moves. Is the immeasurable life attainable or just another hopeless pursuit? It may be the first truth we learned about Christianity - so simple it's the theme of Sunday school songs. But really grasping this truth can transform your life. Understanding that God wants to give you immeasurably more starts right here. When we're kids, we dream big. The New Rules for Love, Sex & Dating: Andy Stanley, North Point Resources: Movies & TV

Life's possibilities seem limitless. As we grow older, setbacks and disappointments in our careers, marriages, and family life can wear us down and cause us to pursue contentment in all the wrong places. In this message, Joel Thomas explores a passage in Ephesians that tells us how God's plans for our lives are immeasurably greater than we can imagine.

We only need to trust him. They were known for the extraordinary generosity they displayed. Is that how people in our communities would describe us? In this message, Andy challenges us to rise to the occasion. To unleash a wave of generosity. To be rich - in a big, big way. Why didn't God do something?