Dating someone exactly like me


  1. 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Date Someone Who Is Exactly Like You
  2. What It's Like When Your Ex Starts Dating Someone Who Looks EXACTLY Like You | GO Magazine
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We know each other well Pro: When you're dating someone who has almost identical personality traits as you, reading them becomes easier. Your lady isn't exactly a revelation for you because you understand every frown, smile, laugh and gasp, which takes the understanding and communication between you and your woman to a whole new level.

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Date Someone Who Is Exactly Like You

However, that also means that you both know how to push each other's but tons. Sure, she knows what will make you smile, but she also knows what will tick you off. So while conversations may take you to a whole new level, we're sure your arguments catch fire within seconds too.

We have the same goals Pro: Couples who share a lot in common and are very similar are often on the same path when it comes to their professional lives.

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Having someone going through the same as you are in the work place can be reassuring and engaging. It can also turn you into competitors. You will eventually start comparing yourselves to each other which can get nasty.

What It's Like When Your Ex Starts Dating Someone Who Looks EXACTLY Like You | GO Magazine

So when one wins, say in the form of a raise or promotion, it can result in jealousy and feelings of resentment. We are so comfortable with each other Pro: When you and your girl are alike, your comfort zone turns extra cozy. Your life together is content and you both fall into designated roles and patterns day-in day-out. You may think it's the start to your happily ever after, but it could also lead to… Con: You two getting stuck in a rut.

And because it's just so comfortable there, neither of you have the interest or capability to get yourselves out of it.

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Seeing how much they love something will make you love it too. You never know, whatever they push you to try or do might end up being your new favorite thing. Obviously big thinks like morals, religious stance, political views etc. On the other hand, if someone is different than you but in a weird unexplainable way still compliments you, give it a shot and see where it goes.

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At the beginning, it was awesome how much we had in common. There were no disputes over eating a kale salad or a slab of carne asada for dinner, and my friends quickly became her friends — and vice versa. Sure, the dangerous combination of independence and irresponsibility led to an angry phone call or two.

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  6. 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Date Someone Who Is Exactly Like You | Whiskey Riff.
  7. For the most part, we understood each other better than it seemed possible in a short amount of time.