Walmart associate dating policy


  1. Walmart is not the place to work
  2. Animal Welfare Position
  3. Walmart Policies and Guidelines

I have been in a management position at one of my other jobs, and i worked hard for my people. Thus, out of respect they worked hard for me. Yet, i find myself at Walmart where it's not the same. According to my management, they are told to make us work and not work themselves. I understand this military style thinking, but we are not putting our lives on the line to protect our country. We are out there saling low end products to people. I think the job itself is great, but the management makes the job difficult some days. When it comes to the hours and pay: I started off making 7. I now make 8.

If you do the math, it doesn't add up. The schedules tend to flux like a heart beat. Three weeks, you will get 12 hours per week. While the next two weeks, you acquire hours per week. Also, the hours on conflicting. This week, Thursday, i work pm, then on Friday i work pm. I live an hour away. This would be perfect for someone that lived closer, but i live far away. I informed the management using the open door policy, but as you can see, nothing has changed this past year. Thus, Walmart scheduling of hours is a little messed up.

The job itself is a great job. The customers can be fun to work with, and "sometimes" the management can be fun to work with too. If you are not willing to apply yourself and stand up against abuse, you can't move in this company. I say this because it can be both physically abusive When your a man and emotional abusive.

All in all, Walmart is great for a temp job, not a career.

To anyone who does NOT agree with the post has it easy in the walmart world. I started out as a cashier when i was 18 about 2 years ago making 8. I quickly moved on up to a CSM about 5 months after working there at We recently just moved from our little store to a new store, a supercenter, on April 13, This time last year I was asked to apply for a position in assistant management for the new store and agreed.

I was making When we started building in the new store I was in charge of the whole grocery dept aswell as HBA. I remember helping a co-worker who was a dept.

To be honest all of these people ride the clock or salary doing nothing but thinking of way to make someones life miserable. They think all employees are joke when they are the ones with so much power that they have no clue what to do with. Manager Diana makes comments the whole time, I finally had enough of her mouth and I said, "You didnt keep your nose in your own business when I first started working here, so now its time to do it.

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I feel sorry for anyone who goes into walmart for a job, your looked down on and joked upon. Management at walmart is nothing but a competition to see who can get the highest up. BReich in Lombard, Illinois. I have been sitting here reading all of your comments about how WalMart is horrible. Well, let me fill you in. Try working for a mall department store and then come back and tell me which is worse. Before that I worked for Sears. The location I worked in shut down because it was a small store in a dying mall.

After working my ass off for 2 and a half years, that is what I got.

Walmart is not the place to work

Even our store manager lost her job after working for the company for 17 years. Then I go to Carson Pirie Scott thinking it may be better. I wasn't even "part-time". They hired me as short hour. Which is less than 19 hours a week. Now who the hell can live off that? Not to mention, when I became pregnant, they treated me like I was sub-human or something. Well, I finally quit that godforsaken job and never looked back. Yea, the work is hard, but thats what you get paid to do, WORK!

Animal Welfare Position

Management may suck, but you gotta let it roll because guess what? There will always be that pain in the ass manager, that lazy ass employee, and gossip mills are everywhere! My advice, do your job and shut up. You don't like it, find another one. Obviously if you complain this much, you just can't handle retail. Yeah times are tough but, I found this position in the recession, you can find another one too. Dont do it, you will be lucky enough to get that.

Full time employees barely make that many hours. They always say they need to cut back on hours. Having group interviews is not professional at all.

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Also doesn't that go against invasion of privacy acts with some of the questions they ask. The government needs to start cracking down on walmart and there policies. They treat no one with respect. Ha-are you working for the corporate office? Really anyone who has worked there for over 2 years knows walmarts tactics. They give all new employees more hours ,so the "older employees" can be kept on their toes so to speak.

The managers will also put We are hiring new people in your ear. This means in walmart language ,"you are replaceable" When the new people come in ,thats when they get rid of the people who they think have missed too much work. Maybe someone management just doesnt like,someone who maybe has been asking too many question's about why they time people when stocking ,or maybe someone who just feels like they need to defend themselves for various reasons.

I have seen this happen many,many times. Walmart has a system and a method of who stays and who goes,who gets more hours and who doesnt. You'll come to see what's going on if you're there long enough. Its almost like you lose your rights to work there. If you feel like you can work in a place where management can disrespect you whenever without you saying a word back,then this is a place to work.

And i had nothing to say i was just baffled they had just told me this. The company its self is good to work for its the management team that is the biggest issue. I am sorry to hear that, ok the first thing you should do is speak to the store manager than if that dose not work than call home office.

Joe in Susanville, California. BReich in Lombard, Illinois said: So obviously you are the type of employee they are looking for, one that won't question management when they do something wrong and just likes to get stepped on. My advice, just shut up. All this talk from you about "you dont like it, find something else" is complete crap.

Take this into account and then stick it up your rear-end for good measure: What I can't handle, and nor should anyone else for that matter, is management constantly stepping over employees. So obviously you haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about. Wal-Mart sucks, especially their attendance policy. Have any more than that and you are fired.

Well I apologize for being human and getting sick, my bad. So before you judge people that bad-mouth Wal-Mart and they do for a good reason take into account that maybe all of what they are saying is the truth, and therefore all of us have every reason to complain. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Walmart Policies and Guidelines

AR in Fort Worth, Texas. I have only worked at Walmart for over a month. I worked that when I was 18 in and it was better than it is now, for sure. Not only do you get junky pay 8. Your first a year after you've been there.