Ex girlfriend dating after a week


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  3. Here’s What You Need To Realize If Your Ex Moved On Quickly
  4. Is Your Ex In a Rebound Relationship? Find Out With These Telltale Signs

I've lurked for a while, just never posted. Used to workout alot, but stopped going to the gym for a couple years on the regular due to work and other issues. Back in the gym 3 times a week now and have gained 10 lbs already. Anyways, I broke up with my girlfriend 2 weeks ago and I ended up talking to her tonight because a mutual friend said how upset she was over everything. I found out she is already with another guy after talking with her. Her excuse was "so she didnt have to be alone" and she "cant live alone".

I was taken aback as I've known this girl for years and she used to tell me all the time how much she loved me blah blah blah. We had solid plans to move in together and I had been around long enough where her daughter called me dad even though it freaked me out a bit I told her she obv doesnt care too much about me if she moved on that quick, even though I know its a rebound.

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Just sucks hearing about this, obv everyong eventually moves on Idk what to think. Guess this is why we have no contact huh? I'm not really the type to sleep around even though I did it some in college Why do you care anyways since you broke up with her? If you cared you shouldn't have broken up with her. Negtaitve, Im not I'm 27, I dont know why my age thing said that.

She was doing a bunch of messed up stuff like messing with her BC and trying to get me to leave it in her etc also yelling at me all the time because she cant control her emotions.

What If Your Ex Starts Dating Someone Else Right Away?

Yes, I care about her and still do, but I dont know if we have much a future based on her behavior. Standard behavior for women and sloots. I just got home from a girls place. I look to the left of the bed and theres a starbucks cup with another guys name on it.

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Not the least bit rattled cause she ain't mine. Just would have never expected it from this one. I've been friends with her for years and we went on a couple dates in college, just nothing ever came of it. Obv I know I shouldn't be too upset seeing how I was the one who dumped her Hurts just as much doing the dumping as getting dumped.

I should have known, she cheated with me on her ex-bf although it was a very short term long distance deal with him Originally Posted by Nate Oh well though, I went against my own advice getting involved past FWB. Even after the breakup, the love she has for you, while she may not be fully connected to it at times, is still resonating in her heart. It is better to understand this phenomenon of a rebound relationship when you frame it in terms of physical needs and psychological catalysts meet up with certain circumstances.

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When I speak of circumstances I am referring to things like your ex girlfriend possibly being in an especially vulnerable state and then meets up with someone by happenstance. Maybe an old boyfriend comes back into the future. Hey, never mind that making love stuff…. And to be honest with you, one should not rule out the possibility of their woman jumping quickly to be with another man due to an imbalance or deficit of certain hormones. For clarity sake, this is not some kind of unusual condition.

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Indeed, it is a natural way in which men and women react after a breakup. At first stress hormones come out to play. But you are not there anymore. That good part of the relationship is missing and she may be looking to replace it with a substitute. Never mind it may be a terrible idea in the long run. So as you see, this whole business of a woman rebounding is full of complexity driven by both the individual circumstances of the breakup, her feelings about you and the future that you might be able to offer her, as well as the raging chemical bath her brain might be experiencing.

So when you ponder such questions of what drove her to this madness and whether your ex girlfriend will come back to you after a rebound relationship, things can get confusing. Let me give you a sampling of what I have heard from men and women in the past about their particular rebound situation so you can be assured you are not alone. What is going on with your girl is not some strange affliction. It is far more commonplace than people realize. And I know you have a ton of questions and thoughts running through your mind.

In fact, it might feel like you are going a little bit crazy knowing she is out there with some fricken guy. Chris, does an ex rebound relationship no contact strategy work for my woman. She just quit us and now has taken up with an old boyfriend.

Here’s What You Need To Realize If Your Ex Moved On Quickly

Then she tells me he is not the only one. Yep, all the classic rebound relationship signs happening here. Emotions, crazy needs, stupid drunken nights around bars and guys. Hey there Man, I got to know if I have a chance with her. I think she is seeing some guy. Does a rebound relationship last? I am not even sure if she is in one.

Do you have some kind of ex in a rebound relationship quiz. I need to take it and see if its worth trying to get her back. I am not sure if I want her if she has been with another. This whole thing is crap. She runs out on me and goes back to her earlier boyfriend. So at the top of this article, I gave you the traditional definition. I think we need to take a deeper dive into this whole business of guys and gals and what goes on after the breakup! What I am going to do for you is discuss all the factors that go into them so you can hopefully apply them to your own situation and determine if your ex girlfriend is in a rebound relationship.

Now, I am assuming you are reading this page because your ex girlfriend just entered into a new relationship with someone else and you are trying to determine whether or not that new person is being used as a rebound by her. Rather, this guide is meant to help you determine whether or not your ex girlfriend has indeed entered into a rebound relationship with her new guy. What I would like to do is talk about each of these three factors in depth. However, before I really dive into that I would like to talk a little about the purpose of a rebound relationship.

To learn more about how to get your ex girlfriend back click this link.

Is Your Ex In a Rebound Relationship? Find Out With These Telltale Signs

Women are extremely emotional creatures and sometimes they get a bit of the grass is greener syndrome. Basically this is a syndrome where a woman believes she can do better than her current boyfriend you. So, when they enter a new relationship with someone who they think may potentially be better than you they are going to expect him to be able to take away all the pain they experienced with you.

For example, if you cheated on your ex girlfriend not saying you did then she may be looking for her new boyfriend to take some of her pain away. They can also use rebound relationships to serve as a major distraction from facing the pain of getting over a relationship. You are here because you want your ex girlfriend back more than anything.

You are having trouble facing the pain too. So, what a woman who is in a rebound relationship may be doing is using the rebound to prevent her from facing the pain that follows a breakup. The truth is that some rebound relationships can last. I have encountered situations where the re-bounder has actually married the rebound and found a lot of happiness with them. Of course, you do have to remember that this is a rare occurrence.

That also includes any scenario involving a new man she's found to replace you. Not surprisingly, your ex girlfriend is probably just as heartbroken as you are about the end of your relationship. She'll do anything to stop the pain, including finding a new man to fill the void that's created by your breakup. But in reality, anyone new she's with in the days and weeks after your breakup is probably a temporary rebound relationship to help her cope with her pain and sadness. Yes, it sucks that your ex girlfriend is sleeping with someone else, and that can be ridiculously painful to think about.

But here's the good news: Your ex probably doesn't love this man the way she loved you, especially if they've only been dating for a week or two.

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True love -- the kind that lasts -- takes months and years to form. So, now that we've established that your ex girlfriend's new man is actually not really a "replacement" for you but rather a temporary distraction while she gets over her feelings for you, let's examine why your ex's new man may actually be a good thing for you in the long run. As mentioned earlier, your ex girlfriend isn't in love with this guy, and in all likelihood, they're probably not compatible anyway.