Dating someone less spiritually mature


  1. The Teaching Ministry of Mark Ballenger
  2. Singles Q&A: Evaluating Spiritual Maturity Before Dating - Christian Dating, Singles
  3. Dating Someone Less Spiritually Mature
  4. Leading From Behind: When Your Wife’s More Spiritually Mature

How are you gonna argue with that?

How to Guard Your Heart When You Have a Crush (4 Christian Relationship Tips)

Having that thrown back at you a few times will certainly make you gun-shy to lead out in your home. The end game of all this seems to lead to only one conclusion: Spirituality, Christianity, church, all that stuff—that will be her thing; my thing will have to be something else. So where does that lead you? Where do you go from here? Is there any hope that you will ever be able to be a spiritual leader in the home like other guys seem to do?

Leading the family can include: More about answering questions later. Believe me, even your more spiritually mature wife will rejoice if you routinely take the initiative to lead out in your home.

The Teaching Ministry of Mark Ballenger

Note for the wives: Support whatever he does; if you have to correct him, do so privately and as lovingly as you can. Step up to the plate. As long as she went, he was covered.

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Even though Eve was the first to disobey God, God held Adam accountable for it: It has also helped me end relationships where there were things that I could have overlooked except I read your posts or book. The sooner we come to this understanding, the better. In His Heavenly Courts, I have the strength to love the unlovable, forgive the unforgivable, to walk humbly and with a grateful heart… Outside of His Courts, I am left to my own devices….

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There is a peace that exists when I realize God is working on me…but not until I realize it. I think this post challenges us as a Christian, married and single. For me the answer is YES! I all to often forget and let my husbands faults frustrate and pull me away from the growth I could be experiencing. I lack tolerance, patience and grace, I let my temper take over my thinking. Again thank you for such a good blog, this one is a keeper.

Singles Q&A: Evaluating Spiritual Maturity Before Dating - Christian Dating, Singles

This post reminds me of 1Peter 3: Does one have to wait until heaven before we receive the inheritance? Not always the easy path, but always the right path. Thank you for the insight and inspiration. Thank you so much for reminding me to walk the walk, and talk the talk. My husband and I were on fire for God for the first 5 years of our marriage. We slowly began turning away from God, our business started to make alot of money. And just love him. I have been so mad at him for not leading us back on Gods path for us. But he did right, I have never been so much into God as I am now. I all to often forget that, I let my husbands faults frustrate and pull me away from the growth I could be experiencing.

I was served divorce papers on Tuesday this week. I was in a 25 year marriage that would be described as unequally yoked. I have often not acted lovingly, humbly though I persevered. I was often discouraged from desiring to pursue the leading of the Lord in service. I knew in dating that ministry was not in her DNA.

Dating Someone Less Spiritually Mature

I see that this situation has driven me to his heart. I really needed this this morning, not with regard to my husband but some other people in my life. Similar if one of you is very particular about theology and doctrine while the other is rather laissez-faire.

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It might be politics, ethical issues like abortion, issues of Christian freedom like alcohol consumption, who will find a new job so you can live in the same city or [fill-in-the-blank]. When we were dating, discussing how we would cultivate spiritual intimacy was really hard for us.

For a number of complex reasons, it was a touchy topic that we steered away from, but should have pursued more. If you sense an area is sensitive, handle it with care, but make sure you handle it. On the surface, this can seem honorable and Christ-like. For example, a guy might decide to move to be near his fiancee as she pursues grad school.

Leading From Behind: When Your Wife’s More Spiritually Mature

And if the relationship is clearly unhealthy, have the courage to end it with conviction. Is anything too hard for me? Your 10 Favorite Posts From Hey Scott, thanks for taking the time to read and comment.