Sba business matchmaking event


  1. Business Matchmaking: Speed-dating for government contracts - Jun. 18,
  2. SBA to host small-biz, big-biz matchmaking event in Detroit
  3. Meet the Lenders: Lender and Business Matchmaking Event

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In addition to the Buyer Representatives, various federal, state and local Resource Partners will also be available to assist the Small Businesses during the event. What are the advantages of participating as a Buyer? Our Matchmaking event can help your organization meet its statutory subcontracting goals and build a strong diversified supply chain. Will companies be given contracts during the event?

Business Matchmaking: Speed-dating for government contracts - Jun. 18,

Our Matchmaking event provides unique opportunities for small businesses to meet with prime contractors and government agencies in a way not previously possible on such a large-scale basis. Each organization registered may send up to two Buyer Representatives.

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A continental breakfast will be provided for all attendees. Register and pay online before May 9.

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All SBA programs or cosponsored programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for person with disabilities will be made, if requested at least 2 weeks in advance. Contact SBA, S. Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo NY , Small Business Matchmaker Join us as a Buyer!

SBA to host small-biz, big-biz matchmaking event in Detroit

Vendors will have the opportunity to be matched, based on NAICS codes, with federal agencies and primes for minute appointments. The first registrations will be accepted. For more Information and to register: You do not have to be on the GSA schedule to participate. If you are, then you already know that you have to be seen.

Meet the Lenders: Lender and Business Matchmaking Event

You have far greater opportunities when you meet one-on-one. Showcase what makes your company standout through new innovation,.

Our events are an effective way to meet face-to-face with buyers, technical specialists, military and government contractors looking for teaming-agreements. The two-and-a-half day event features breakout sessions, networking time, and keynote speakers covering many topics relevant to all types of businesses. Meet federal and local Contracting Officers from across the state and region to discuss opportunities with various agencies and how they buy your product or service.

Attend breakout sessions to learn about topics specific to government contracting as well as general business strategies related to money, management, and marketing.

Network with economic development professionals to learn about free resources available to business owners.