Dating ultrasound preparation


  1. How is a dating scan performed?
  2. Your pregnancy and baby guide
  3. Week 8: Your Baby's First Ultrasound
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It is important that we are able to take the time needed to ensure an accurate and thorough assessment occurs for all patients. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

  • Your Baby's First Ultrasound.
  • Pregnancy Ultrasound: Purpose, Procedure & Preparation.
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Because of this level of service, we are unable to routinely offer bulk billing. When you book your appointment, our reception staff will advise you of the cost of the ultrasound and the expected Medicare rebate. We suggest that you consider registering for the Medicare safety net, entitling you to access the benefits of this scheme.

How is a dating scan performed?

If you have difficulties with the cost of your ultrasound, you should discuss this with your referring doctor, or alternatively, our friendly reception staff may be able to assist you with your enquiries. Standard fees will apply for your pregnancy ultrasound and you will still require a referral from your doctor. We provide a personal and professional service with a specialist doctor in the practice to review your ultrasound as it is being performed. Dr Ladwig will meet with you after the ultrasound to discuss your results and answer any questions.

We understand that you may be anxious about your ultrasound and hope this consultation provides reassurance and information. You may not wish to wait for this consultation with our doctor and plan to just return to your referring doctor to discuss the results.

Your pregnancy and baby guide

If you do not wish to wait for this consultation, please talk about this with your sonographer at the end of your ultrasound. We understand that pregnancy is an exciting time and know that many families are keen to find out the sex of their baby during the pregnancy.

Routine ultrasound

The gender of the baby can usually be determined at the week morphology ultrasound. If you are planning prenatal diagnosis CVS or amniocentesis , the sex of the baby can be accurately determined from this test.

It is good for parents to keep in mind that the pregnancy ultrasound is primarily a medical examination, assessing your baby for significant problems that can sometimes occur. Establishing the gender of your baby is important to us, but you should remember that your sonographer also has many other important things to examine to ensure that your baby is healthy and developing normally.

If you want to know the sex of your baby, please tell your sonographer at the beginning of the examination. This will give us multiple opportunities to establish the gender of your baby. If you do not want to know the sex of your baby, please tell your sonographer at the beginning of the ultrasound. The sonographer will then not focus on this area during the scan. Ultrasound is safe for your baby. It has been used to assess pregnancies for many years and there is no evidence that ultrasound causes any serious birth defects or harmful effects to babies.

Both transabdominal through the abdomen and transvaginal internal scan through the vagina ultrasound are considered safe in pregnancy. There is no evidence that ultrasound causes harm to developing babies, however it is suggested by many authorities for example, the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine that ultrasound only be performed when it is medically indicated.

Week 8: Your Baby's First Ultrasound

If you have any further concerns about the safety of ultrasound, please discuss this with your referring doctor. Ample parking is available outside Advanced Women's Imaging and Sunshine Coast Radiology but we suggest you allow sufficient time to find parking so that you are not late for your appointment. Alternatively, you may have a family member or friend who can drop you off for your appointment while they park the car.

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  • Frequently Asked Questions | Advanced Women's Imaging.

How should I prepare for my pregnancy ultrasound? How should I prepare for my pelvic ultrasound? How should I prepare for a sonohysterogram or HyCoSy procedure? Do I need a referral? The ultrasonographer will take many measurements of your baby. The position of your placenta and the vessels in the umbilical cord will be examined. The amount of fluid around the baby will be measured.

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This is a scan or ultrasound which determines your expected date of confinement EDC based on the development of the embryo. The limbs and the yolk sac, though obviously important, are not the primary means of measuring growth. An average length of the embryo at 7 weeks is anywhere between 5mmmm. The average weight is less than 1 gram. Obviously, every pregnancy is unique and individual factors influence the size of the embryo at this early stage, and the embryo shows development week by week.

The ideal time for a sonographer to assess the gestational age in the first trimester is between weeks of pregnancy. This is the period of time which provides the most accurate assessment. Generally, ultrasounds which are performed in the first trimester are within days of being accurate in terms of assessing gestational age. This is because although every little embryo is unique, there are still defining characteristics of development which apply to all embryos at particular stages of early gestational development.

As the embryo matures to a foetus, individual genetics and growth factors influence its growth. This is why an early pregnancy dating scan, rather than one done in the later stages of pregnancy, is considered more accurate when assessing the expected date of delivery. With maturity, the size of the baby correlates less to its age than in the early weeks.

There are two ways of having a seven week ultrasound. One is via the abdomen — transabdominally and the other is through the vagina — transvaginally. Some sonographers believe that at seven weeks of gestation, transvaginal ultrasound provides the best and most accurate visualisation.