Disadvantages of dating a hot girl


  1. The Pros and Cons of Dating a Hot as Hell Guy!
  2. The Cons of Dating a Hot Guy
  3. www.therichest.com

Is dating arm candy all we dream it will be? Here are the pros and cons of dating a handsome and hot as hell guy: Of course, this is the obvious place to start. When your man is dead sexy you get the pleasure of having one hunk of sexy man eat at your side all the time.


His great looks, plus your great looks, equals some incredibly adorable children! Of course we all love our children and they are adorable in our eyes. He is ever so hot, and even better he has a great personality. He is the total package, and he picked you. This man could be with anyone, yet you are the one he finds special.

The Pros and Cons of Dating a Hot as Hell Guy!

You are the one he wants to be with. Having a hot guy choose you over all the prospects he has can make you feel amazing. Sure women look, lots of people look. But, that hot guy is all yours. He is all yours. Sure he gets loads of attention because of his looks. But, sometimes that attention comes with perks. He catches the eye of plenty of people, including bartenders, bouncers at trendy night clubs, and hostesses at nice restaurants. All that sexy can make it easier to get a drink, to get into a hot club, and to get a good table at a great restaurant.

At first it can be fun to show off your sexy man. The two are now happily engaged.

The Cons of Dating a Hot Guy

Rochkind proposed to her last May in Central Park. After dating an athletic banker with model good looks for two years, Sonali Chitre, 34, has sworn off hotties. Megan Young, a year-old p. The svelte, blue-eyed brunette used to exclusively date 6-foot-tall dudes who looked like Calvin Klein models. In August , she met Christopher Argese, a year-old security technician.

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Unlike the square-jawed bachelors who disrespected her, Argese is more boy-next-door in the looks department. However, if the lady still looks stunning without any makeup on the morning after, you jump out of bed and break into a victory dance! I respect all women and their right to dress however they like! However, if the only way a lady can stand out of the crowd is by dressing trashy then you should not even consider dating her. Hanging out with a lady in one of those tops that look like they might just snap sending her boobs spilling on the floor especially around elderly people is very uncomfortable.

All women have some semblance of insecurity. They are afraid that with time as they grow older a better looking and younger lady woman would snatch away their man. Despite this, most beautiful ladies are less insecure since they know they could easily get another man should the current boyfriend choose to walk away from her. A man can only appreciate such a lady after dating one who is insecure and clingy!

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Sadly, every week I meet men who sacrifice their own happiness to please their women. Guys who are not used to dating stunning women make the mistake of worshiping every woman they find irresistible! Since little girls are cultured not directly demand stuff by the time they turn 25 they are experts at manipulating men smitten by them for selfish reasons. Therefore as a man make a point of dating to a couple of hotties before getting hitched.

Reblogged this on KwamchetsiTales. Reblogged this on lewisnews. Did you know that beautiful women are the most insecure? It is also the most beautiful women that dress trashy because they feel that they have to be the center of attraction. I just wonder where you did your research on this.

Reblogged this on esieopiyothoughtsrevealed. Good article, accurate too. I have to say that the most attractive thing in a beautiful woman is her confidence.


She knows her values and will stand tall to show them. But when it comes to the treatment given when you go out with someone attractive — I think it goes to both sexes. Great article on dating attractive women, Mark.