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In the school became the Tempe State Teachers College and offered four-year Bachelor of Education degrees as well as two-year teaching certificates, in , the legislature authorized Bachelor of Arts in Education degrees as well, and the school was renamed the Arizona State Teachers College.

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Under the year tenure of president Arthur John Matthews the school was given all-college student status, the first dormitories built in the state were constructed under his supervision. Of the 18 buildings constructed while Matthews was president, six are still in use, Matthews envisioned an evergreen campus, with many shrubs brought to the campus, and implemented the planting of Palm Walk, now a landmark of the Tempe campus.

His legacy is being continued to this day with the campus having been declared a nationally recognized arboretum. During the Great Depression, Ralph W.

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Swetman was hired as president for a three-year term, although enrollment increased by almost percent during his tenure due to the depression, many faculty were terminated and faculty salaries were cut. He also oversaw the development of the graduate programs. The schools name was changed to Arizona State College in , at the time, two other names considered were Tempe University and State University at Tempe. Association football — Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball.

It is played by million players in over countries and dependencies making it the worlds most popular sport, the game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal, players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play, unless they are goalkeepers. Other players mainly use their feet to strike or pass the ball, the team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins.

If the score is level at the end of the game, the Laws of the Game were originally codified in England by The Football Association in The Online Etymology Dictionary states that the word soccer was split off in , according to Partha Mazumdar, the term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the s as an Oxford -er abbreviation of the word association. Within the English-speaking world, association football is now usually called football in the United Kingdom and mainly soccer in Canada and the United States.

People in Australia, Ireland, South Africa and New Zealand use either or both terms, although national associations in Australia and New Zealand now primarily use football for the formal name. According to FIFA, the Chinese competitive game cuju is the earliest form of football for which there is scientific evidence, cuju players could use any part of the body apart from hands and the intent was kicking a ball through an opening into a net.

It was remarkably similar to football, though similarities to rugby occurred. During the Han Dynasty, cuju games were standardised and rules were established, phaininda and episkyros were Greek ball games. Phaininda, episkyros and harpastum were played involving hands and violence and they all appear to have resembled rugby football, wrestling and volleyball more than what is recognizable as modern football.

As with pre-codified mob football, the antecedent of all football codes. Non-competitive games included kemari in Japan, chuk-guk in Korea and woggabaliri in Australia, Association football in itself does not have a classical history. Notwithstanding any similarities to other games played around the world FIFA have recognised that no historical connection exists with any game played in antiquity outside Europe.

The modern rules of football are based on the midth century efforts to standardise the widely varying forms of football played in the public schools of England. It took place in South Africa from 11 June to 11 July , the matches were played in 10 stadiums in nine host cities around the country, with the final played at the Soccer City stadium in South Africas largest city, Johannesburg.

Thirty-two teams were selected for participation via a qualification tournament that began in August In the first round of the tournament finals, the competed in round-robin groups of four teams for points.

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These 16 teams advanced to the stage, where three rounds of play decided which teams would participate in the final. Host nation South Africa, champions Italy and runners-up France were all eliminated in the first round of the tournament and it was the first time that the hosts had been eliminated in the first round. New Zealand, with their three draws, were the undefeated team in the tournament, but they were also eliminated in the first round. Africa was chosen as the host for the World Cup as part of a policy, abandoned in The committee also decided not to consider Libyas solo bid as it no longer met all the stipulations laid down in the official List of Requirements.

South Africa, which had failed to win the right to host the event, was thus awarded the right to host the tournament. Having successfully campaigned for South Africa to be granted host status, during and , rumours circulated in various news sources that the World Cup could be moved to another country.

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Franz Beckenbauer, Horst R. Schmidt and, reportedly, some FIFA executives, expressed concern over the planning, organisation, and pace of South Africas preparations. Blazer stated, I and others on the Fifa executive committee agreed to accept bribes in conjunction with the selection of South Africa as the host nation for the World Cup. On 6 June , The Daily Telegraph reported that Morocco had actually won the vote, the qualification draw for the World Cup was held in Durban on 25 November As the host nation, South Africa qualified automatically for the tournament, as happened in the previous tournament, the defending champions were not given an automatic berth, and Italy had to participate in qualification.

With a pool of entrants comprising of the FIFA national teams at the time, some controversies arose during the qualifications. Defender association football — In the sport of association football, a defender is an outfield player whose primary role is to prevent the opposing team from scoring goals. There are four types of defenders, centre-back, sweeper, full-back, the centre-back and full-back positions are essential in most modern formations. The sweeper and wing-back roles are more specialised for certain formations, a centre-back defends in the area directly in front of the goal, and tries to prevent opposing players, particularly centre-forwards, from scoring.

Centre-backs accomplish this by blocking shots, tackling, intercepting passes, contesting headers, with the ball, centre-backs are generally expected to make long and pinpoint passes to their teammates, or to kick unaimed long balls down the field. For example, a clearance is a long unaimed kick intended to move the ball as far as possible from the defenders goal, during normal play, centre-backs are unlikely to score goals.

In this case, other defenders or midfielders will temporarily move into the centre-back positions, in the modern game, most teams employ two or three centre-backs in front of the goalkeeper. The 4—2—3—1, 4—3—3, and 4—4—2 formations all use two centre-backs, the sweeper is a more versatile centre-back who sweeps up the ball if an opponent manages to breach the defensive line.

This position is more fluid than that of other defenders who man-mark their designated opponents. Because of this, it is referred to as libero. For example, the system of play, used in Italian football in the s. The more modern libero possesses the qualities of the typical libero while being able to expose the opposition during counterattacks. The Fundell-libero has become popular in recent time with the sweeper transitioning to the most advanced forward in an attack. This variation on the position requires great pace and fitness, while rarely seen in professional football, the position has been extensively used in lower leagues.

Modern libero sit behind centre-backs as a sweeper before charging through the team to join in the attack, some sweepers move forward and distribute the ball up-field, while others intercept passes and get the ball off the opposition without needing to hurl themselves into tackles. If the sweeper does move up the field to distribute the ball, they will need to make a speedy recovery, in modern football, its usage has been fairly restricted, with few clubs in the biggest leagues using the position.

Though it is used in modern football, it remains a highly respected. A recent and successful use of the sweeper was made by Otto Rehhagel, Greeces manager, Rehhagel utilized Traianos Dellas as Greeces sweeper to great success, as Greece surprisingly became European champions. The full-backs take up the wide positions and traditionally stayed in defence at all times. Women's association football — Womens association football, also commonly known as womens soccer, is the most prominent team sport played by women around the globe.

It is played at the level in numerous countries throughout the world and national teams participate internationally. The history of football has seen major competitions being launched at both the national and international levels. Womens football has faced many struggles throughout its history, the ban stayed in effect until July Women may have been playing football for as long as the game has existed, evidence shows that an ancient version of the game was played by women during the Han Dynasty.

Two female figures are depicted in Han Dynasty frescoes, playing Tsu Chu, there are, however, a number of opinions about the accuracy of dates, the earliest estimates at BCE.

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Reports of a match being played in Scotland are reported as early as the s. The first match recorded by the Scottish Football Association took place in in Glasgow, in England, the first recorded game of football between women took place in Association football, the game, also has documented early involvement of women. In Europe, it is possible that 12th-century French women played football as part of that eras folk games, an annual competition in Mid-Lothian, Scotland during the s is reported, too.

In , football governing bodies introduced standardized rules to prohibit violence on the pitch, the most well-documented early European team was founded by activist Nettie Honeyball in England in It was named the British Ladies Football Club, Honeyball and those like her paved the way for womens football. However the womens game was frowned upon by the British football associations and it has been suggested that this was motivated by a perceived threat to the masculinity of the game.

Womens football became popular on a scale at the time of the First World War. The most successful team of the era was Dick, Kerrs Ladies of Preston, some speculated that this may have also been to envy of the large crowds that womens matches attracted. This led to the formation of the English Ladies Football Association, in August , a tournament was launched for female munition workers teams in northeast England.

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Following the FA ban on womens teams on 5 December , a silver cup was donated by the first president of the association, Len Bridgett. Meniscus anatomy — In anatomy, a meniscus is a crescent-shaped fibrocartilaginous structure that, in contrast to an articular disk, only partly divides a joint cavity. In humans they are present in the knee, wrist, acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, generally, the term meniscus is used to refer to the cartilage of the knee, either to the lateral or medial meniscus. Both are cartilaginous tissues that provide structural integrity to the knee when it undergoes tension and torsion, the menisci are also known as semi-lunar cartilages — referring to their half-moon, crescent shape.

The menisci of the knee are two pads of fibrocartilaginous tissue which serve to disperse friction in the joint between the lower leg and the thigh. They are concave on the top and flat on the bottom and they are attached to the small depressions between the condyles of the tibia, and towards the center they are unattached and their shape narrows to a thin shelf. The blood flow of the meniscus is from the periphery to the central meniscus, blood flow decreases with age and the central meniscus is avascular by adulthood, leading to very poor healing rates. The menisci act to disperse the weight of the body and reduce friction during movement, since the condyles of the femur and tibia meet at one point, the menisci spread the load of the bodys weight.

This differs from sesamoid bones, which are made of tissue and whose function primarily is to protect the nearby tendon. In sports and orthopedics, people will speak of torn cartilage.

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There are two types of meniscus injuries, acute tears that are often the result of trauma or a sports injury. Acute tears have many different shapes and sizes and they are often treated with surgical repair depending upon the patients age as they rarely heal on their own. Chronic tears are treated symptomatically, physical therapy with or without the addition of injections, if the tear causes continued pain, swelling, or knee dysfunction, then the tear can be removed or repaired surgically.

The unhappy triad is a set of commonly co-occurring knee injuries which includes injury to the medial meniscus, non-surgical treatment is often considered first for a smaller or chronic tear that does not appear amenable to surgical repair. It consists of activity modification, physical therapy for strengthening and range of motion, two surgeries of the meniscus are most common. Depending on the type and location of the tear, the patients age, each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Many studies show the meniscus serves a purpose and therefore doctors will attempt to repair when possible, however, the meniscus has poor blood supply, and, therefore, healing can be difficult. Traditionally it was thought that if there is no chance of healing, then it is best to remove the damaged and this has been found to be wrong in some cases in at least one study. The Lummi nation are the inhabitants of the Puget Sound lowlands. Many tribal members were Christianized in the nineteenth century by the Catholic Oblate order.

The Lummi developed a technique known as reef netting. From July 30 to August 4,, the Lummi hosted their first potlatch since the s, in a revival of traditional practice,68 families paddled hand-made canoes to the Lummi Reservation from parts of Washington and British Columbia to celebrate the potlatch with other members. On the federal level, the Army Corps of Engineers is in charge of the review process, and ultimately.

The proposed terminal would primarily export coal, and if constructed would be the largest coal export terminal in North America, the Gateway Pacific Terminal would include a 2, foot dock and allow up to ships per year to berth. The scale of the resulted in protests by the Lummi Nation. Further, they argue the presence of the terminal could irrevocably damage religious and sacred sites, such as Cherry Point, previous requests for permits in the area, including for a proposed salmon fishery, have been rejected on similar grounds.

On June 1,, more than persons turned out for a hearing regarding the Gateway Pacific Terminal hosted by Mayor Dan Pike of nearby Bellingham, supporters of the project also spoke, with primarily members of local labor unions speaking in support because of potential employment opportunities. You cant say youre for jobs if you are against the industries that provide them, in May,, the Seattle City Council unanimously passed a resolution in opposition to the development of coal export ports in the region.

This followed the passage of resolutions in opposition by smaller municipalities regionally, including Hood River, Oregon, and Camas, Washougal, and Marysville, in Washington.