Tender fields free dating


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  3. Welcome to the New Zealand Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS)
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You can also sign up for our general emails if you want to keep up to date with information from Love Me Tender. Send others a unique link to your results or share them on social media. Export your results to an image file, Excel, or embed them in your own site. Gain insights from others' research in the gallery , or contribute your own.

Vote for your favourite posts to ensure they are seen by the world. Data from 1 July to 3 January is obtained from data. Data from 4 January onwards is obtained from the weekly export provided on AusTender. Data will continue to be updated as more contracts are released through data. The data is provided through AusTender, and as such may contain inaccuracies. As in all industry analysis, findings from this data should be treated as indicative with the appropriate caveats about the quality of the source data.

Beyond these inherent limitations, if you notice data on specific contracts that is inaccurate, missing or duplicate, please get in touch. Contracts are sometimes amended after their initial publication. The approach taken by Love Me Tender is to include only the most up-to-date versions of these amended contracts to avoid double-counting. However, if you wish to view previous versions you may select that option within the table view.

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  3. Current Tenders!
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AusTender data includes a free text field for supplier name, meaning that the same supplier may be referred to using multiple names. Fortunately, the Australian Business Number ABN is also listed, which provides a more stable identifier of individual suppliers. The supplier name is determined by finding the most frequently occurring supplier name for that ABN across the entire dataset. Love Me Tender allows you to search by these categories.

The categories are based on an eight-digit coding system, where each pair of digits adds an increased level of specificity. AusTender data includes a publish date, start date and end date for each contract. Love Me Tender suggests using publish date for analysis over time as it represents a 'point in time' to attribute a particular contract. Revenue earnt from the contract may not flow until the period between the start date and the end date. All of these dates are viewable in the table view of contracts. Department of Finance rules specify three methods, which in decreasing order of competitiveness are open tender, prequalified tender and limited tender.

Open tender involves a broad approach to the market. Limited tender involves a direct approach to one or more suppliers. Prequalified tender sits in the middle, with an initial 'prequalification' round followed by a tendering process with a shortlist of suppliers. While Love Me Tender includes only the most frequently useful fields in its user interface, by downloading the table data to CSV you can explore all fields from AusTender. Love Me Tender is an open democracy project delivering public value from government data.

Its initial prototype was developed at GovHack , where it received an honourable mention in the 'Best contribution to open data' category.

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  • Following further development of its functionality, it was made publicly available in Daniel has worked in management consulting at Nous Group, at the data analytics crowdsourcing platform Kaggle and as a data analyst for the Australian Labor Party. Toggle navigation Love Me Tender.

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    Home Gallery About Contact. A match-making service for government agencies and suppliers. One tool, many uses. Love Me Tender is a versatile tool and is free to use! Lots of fun bits. Access a comprehensive database The data includes all federal government contracts published on AusTender since 1 July Use advanced search options Search contracts by keyword or filter by specific fields such as agency, supplier and category. Visualise your results Pull up an interactive chart of your results in seconds. Drill down into the detail View details of individual contracts in a sortable table including fields such as contract value, date, agency, supplier, category and description.

    Not all tenders are first shown on this page, nor does listing here imply that the tender will ever be issued. This page is used to provide long term indications of upcoming tenders. The degree of detail about the tender will vary according to how much is known at the time of publication, and how much information may be disclosed.

    To login to this service you now need a RealMe account.

    The details about a tender listed in this section may change. Tenders are grouped according to the category, and then sorted in date order, with tenders that close soonest at the top. To navigate to a specific category, click on the category link at the top, or scroll down using the vertical scroll bar. This screen shows all open tenders, grouped by category.

    In order to view tenders in other states, either use the additional quick links eg: Electronic Lodgement , Closed Tenders , etc or use the Search option to provide a list of tenders according to a specific criteria. To respond electronically to a tender, you must be a registered site user.

    If you are a registered user, log in before lodging a tender response electronically. When you lodge a response electronically it is automatically encrypted using a digital certificate VeriSign - up to bit depending on browser version and transmitted via a Secure Sockets Layer SSL transmission session to the secure server. Suppliers wishing to ensure the maximum security are recommended to download the latest version browser software.

    If you wish to download the latest browser click on one of the following links:. Each tender has a separate electronic tender box and none of the responses submitted can be accessed until after the closing date and time of the tender.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    At the expiration of the time and date lock, the relevant agency authorised officer can open their electronic tender box. A user can request support, or provide feedback on the service. Support requests will be routed to the System Administrator, who may forward them on to others for resolution. If the user is known i.

    Welcome to the New Zealand Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS)

    Otherwise, they are prompted to log in, or provide an email address. A system-generated password will be emailed to you, with a confirmation of your registration. Once you have logged in using the supplied password, you can change it to a password of your choice. If during the registration process you receive an alert telling you that your name and email address are already registered on the website, but you cannot remember your username or password, you can press on the Retrieve Password link found on the menu bar located to the left of the screen.

    Tender fields free dating

    Sign in Forgot Password? Click here to register. Frequently Asked Questions This page lists the most frequently asked questions by users of the website, as well as some tips. If you don't find an answer here, use the request support feature. If your query relates to a tender then follow up with the designated contact person for that tender. You can turn on alerts for the following options: If you have any questions or require further information about the operation of this site, please contact: What if I forget my password?

    If you forget your password you can retrieve it yourself in minutes! Just press the retrieve password button, place your first name and surname in the relevant entry fields remember the fields are case sensitive , enter your email address and send the request. How do I receive email notifications for tender opportunities? Select the Search button on the side menu.

    Create a name for the search above 'Search Criteria' in 'Profiles' and save it. The screen will refresh and show your newly created Search. Select the 'Add Alert' button for the search.