My parents are against interracial dating


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  3. Interracial Dating: What Do Parents Think?
  4. Parents Not OK With Interracial Dating? Why it Could Be a Good Thing.

Flash forward a decade and I meet Maria His first comment regarded a wetback reference and I pop off about it being a gppd thing I fifn't choose a black girl Thoufh I wasn't sure if it would be the heart attack that would kill him, ot if the vein in his head would explode from yelling nigger so many times His other foot was in yesterday and dating a woman of color was just Are they still requiring things like comprehension and critical thinking in school or are they just handing out diplomas to whoever shows up? Not sure why you're giving me an attitude. I wasn't being rude, I was legitimately trying to understand your point, which was, by the way, not playing devil's advocate.

In words you gave contradicting statements, and a jarbled mess of points that were incohesive, muddling your message. I was asking you -not impolitely- to clarify, because I was interested in your point and trying to understand. In playing devil's advocate, you flesh out the opposing argument for the sake of revealing more about that argument. You spent two sentences on how they come from a different time, with no actual exploration into the matter, and the rest on explaining how it hurt you.

I actually have two degrees and am an editor.

What If Parents Don't Approve of Interracial Dating

You, on the other hand, wouldn't pass high school English if you had to retake it. I don't care if you are the fucking ghost of Hemingways past or Gods gift to writing, much less a professional ediot. Can you follow breadcrumbs? At the time of my yapper opening all other secondary responses to the OP were along the lines of the pollyana "Try and work it out". You wanna respond to this message thinking your anonymous ediot bullshit is going to impact my life? Come on down to Texas If your argument was as clear as you think it was, people wouldn't have downvoted you to shit.

Your post made no sense. I'm not the only one who scratched my head in confusion. And, again, I asked you nicely to clarify. However, you responded in a very tasteless manner of someone who clearly likes to run his mouth but has nothing of value to say. Btw, I'm editor for Texas publications. Got my last degree in Texas. Anybody can get paperwork that certifies them an American but you gotta be born a Texan.

It's kind of like those who can You engage in a discussion by writing a response to OP. I ask you to clarify your response, because it's jumbled.

When parents don't approve of your interracial relationship | KPCC

So you attack me instead of actually clarifying your argument? And you continue to rebut without clarifying your point, slinking back to hackneyed Texas references as your fallback. If that is what native Texans do, and if that's how they behave, then I am so glad I wasn't born there. You clearly lost on proper home training. When will you be here and I will set out a double double for ya? What if he's an insufferable prick that can't handle the slightest changes in culture? Then he'll be losing a lot more people than just his son. To me, a closed mind incapable of dealing with change is a dead one.

Not dead as in 'you're dead to me', but dead as in there is no more vibrance or creativity. He's no longer thinking, no longer interested in learning. I'd much prefer living in the real world than hanging back in a fading reality because I can't open my mind to new ideas. So that I understand your message here If this is the case, I should begin a round of slow clap for the massive amount of hubris required for you to actually feel justifiably superior to all of the likeminded people who broke their backs to build a country in which you feel safe in calling them all dead from self imposed obsolescence.

I'm saying that while I'd still love a parent, I'd rather live in the real world than stay behind with them in a fading shade of reality. That means I won'the stop loving someone just because my dad can't handle change. I won'the stop living just to make daddy happy. The longer time passes, the less he'll be able to change, and the more isolated he'll become.


You'll be doomed to the same fate if you follow in his footsteps Your father is rebelling against the ideals of your generation, and as such, if you continue following dad's orders on all things you'll quickly run into difficulties with your friend group. Your dad will be able to coast on by with his ever dwindling gcast of friends who share the same beliefs, but you, you're going to be an anomaly if you listen to dad. I would much preferred to have had my relationship with my father for those decades when compared to the less then a year with the girl he flipped out over.

Just gonna throw this out there, you really didn't need to introduce them after 60 days. No matter who you date their might be an issue, what if you dated a single mom , an artist, a college dropout , blah , blah , all these things can make your life harder. Hell my friend is a Russian Jew married to another Russian Jew and her husbands mother just doesn't like her , so race aside , if it's not one thing it'll be another. Don't care about your parents approval , odds are you won't end up marrying this girl anyway I would just stop talking about this with your parents.

Im with your mother on this. Why would you choose to degrade yourself OP. You seem like a good guy. I am sure if you wait long enough you will find a normal white girl. Ins tead of having a race traitor baby you could have a beautiful white baby girl or boy.

To be fair, there are a few studies about this type of problem and especially how hard it would be for your child, should you have one. Don't assume someones bias based on their political affiliation, that's the same kind of generalization that would make you a hypocrite. Honestly, it's not that bad. My father's black, my mother's white. I think you're overemphasizing the psychological effects here.

We are not damaged people because we're mixed, and many mixed children go on to live perfectly functional, successful lives. Eg, the US president. I get your point but anecdotes and exceptions are moot things to focus on. I'm not trying to be rude, but I honestly cannot remember the links to these studies and I really don't care enough to search google just to show them to you.

It's not like I read them just the other day. I'm sure if you are that interested you can find them. In any case, your opinion on what is a good or bad reason to engage in a relationship is as relevant as OP's mother, whatever it is. To say it's "silly" is rather pompous. Especially when the context is a potential child's welfare. To base a relationship on race is as silly as racism itself. It's not pompous to say that judging people based on their skin color is wrong. And let's be clear here, you provided an unsupported argument.

Your statement is as moot as anecdotes. You're clearly ignoring the context about the mental and physical health of a child, which yes, has a basis in race. Biology is racist according to you and apparently everyone accepts everyone. No one made this about skin color and even OP has yet to determine that's his mother's issue. Like I said, I don't care enough to prove you anything. If you actually give a shit about learning the information you will look into it.

Interracial Dating: What Do Parents Think?

You're making the argument that mixed children have a lot of psychological problems because of their mixed race. And thus, it may be better to eschew interracial relationships. Race is a part of the context, by default; I'm ignoring nothing. The fact is, the mother is judging the girlfriend by her race.

Parents Not OK With Interracial Dating? Why it Could Be a Good Thing.

I'm not making it a race issue, here. Race IS the issue. Do you tell women that they should not have female children, since studies show that females have it harder than males?

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  3. The Newsies! awards honoree: A look at interracial dating and the parent problem;

Is that justification to avoid girls? How about minorities having children? Why should they bring children into the world, when they set their kids up to be in prejudiced situations? The fact is, kids get bullied. If it's not one thing, it's another. Having a completely Anglo child will not save the child from some kind of psychological trial. Arguing that the potential for having a mixed child is reason to not pursue any interracial relationship is nonsense, and it's that kind of mentality that holds all of us back as a human race. I brought it up as a topic to consider and didn't even focus on it, instead trying to have OP and anyone reading, try and understand the mother instead being closeminded about it.

Which has obviously been a waste because this thread is a giant echo chamber of political correctness instead. No, you were being, and still are being disingenuous.

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  • Dear Straight Up! My Parents Don’t Approve of My Interracial Relationship;
  • You strawmanned the topic into being about skin color and then throw more ridiculous, condescending, and intellectually dishonest statements by focusing on one of two genders or saying ridiculous things like minorities having children somehow makes it an issue. I care about this as much as a the fly that is in my immediate vision. Of course im going to respond, that red box is distracting and I'm already on this site.

    Did they truly become more open-minded?