Dating tbi


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  2. Dating: What You Should and Shouldn't Do | BrainLine
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  4. Dating, Romance and Sexuality Post-ABI
  5. Dating: What You Should and Shouldn't Do

His feelings are dead.

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He no longer has the zeal for life, and basically goes through the motions. I have tried, but this past Sunday I asked him to move out because I felt more like a roommate then someone wanted and loved. It is very sad, because, he will move on and exist, but never really live, and we had a wonderful first year together, but year after year he continues to spiral into a world where being alone is his real comfort. My boyfriend of 5 years was injured in a blast force in Iraq in We have gone through it ALL and come out of it until we had a baby.

I understand and feel for you!

Dating: What You Should and Shouldn't Do | BrainLine

I get through it by not taking his actions mostly lack of actions personally. People treat us the way we allow them to.

9 Things NOT to say to someone who has had a TBI

Lead by example and move forward with your life. Being productive and content with our lives will encourage them to do the same if they want to continue the relationship. Hello, My wife and I have been married for 10 years, we have 4 children. Just over 2 years ago we were in a car accident.

She suffered a concussion that was missed by everyone in the medical system. She has a lot of symptoms when she doesn't get her brain rest. I didn't understand it at first but i have done a lot of reading and research. I relied heavily on the medical system, which was a mistake. She has brain fog, hemidystonia hands , tinnitus, eye problems, walking problems, balance problems, memory problems, neural fatigue, neuropathic pain in arms and legs, neck problems, muscle problems and so much more.

It is heartbreaking watching her go through this. In the last few months she has been talking about the new person that she is. I understand that the injury has changed her, i am very supportive. She has told me a few times recently She started this family life, i don't want it" She goes on about leaving sometimes.

I know and understand that this is injury talking but it doesn't hurt me any less to hear these words come from my wife. Has anyone had to deal with this? Does it get better? I don't know what i would do if she left us. Its hard, tiring and draining mentally, emotionally and spiritually when I have no support. I educated myself a lot about TBI to understand it and get strategies.

Comments (6)

It does get better if you put the work in to help your spouse get better and progress because this injury takes away their ability to help themselves and their ability to know any better since they literally don't know anything. My spouse is a survivor of TBI and has been healing for 8 years now and now WE recovering and overcoming the limitation and effects of TBI together their: It's a burden to carry this load especially alone but it does have the great gift once a TBI SURVIVOR recovers and they do recover in time up to 10 years depending on the encouragement around, support and willingness!!

Help it gives you some light to an almost hopeless situation because their is hope and love around you guy's!! Hi, not sure if you'll see this, but it's worth a shot.

Dating, Romance and Sexuality Post-ABI

I'm someone who is currently recovering from a TBI and it sounds like I've gone through a lot of what your wife is experiencing. I'm at the point where things are looking up, but it's a long bumpy road to getting there. Is your wife seeing a neuropsychologist as well as the neurologist? I don't know how much they overlap. What about using anti-depressants? I was on Prozac for a while and it really helped me, though I initially was wary of it. Diet can be important as well. Something also that could really, really help is vision therapy, if you can find someone near you.

As I said, it's a long road and I still go through mood swings, but they get fewer and farther between as I have started to adjust, heal, and accept what has happened. Wish you all the best. Is it healthy for relationships to allow your significant other to freely use their cell phone for hours? With TBI, the format is easier to communicate. It feels insulting to be unwanted. My fiance has TBI.

Sometimes out of nowhere he cusses me and hurts me mentally How do I handle this. I know this sounds crazy but he doesn't mean it. He is frustrated because either things did not go the way he wanted. I suffer from a TBI from I was 19 years old. I get mad at a drop of the hat. I am 48 years old and things have changed for me but it took a long time. Be patient just know you are a good person and it's not your fault and it's not his.

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The TBI changed him and there is no going back. I am rn for a pt, tbi. He tells me to go home He used to really smile and be happy when i was there. Cant deal w it! Talk it through with him almost child like since its is a hard pill to swallow for a TBI person to realize they have to be somewhat raised again in an adult form its humiliating, embarrassing, and scary because of the vulnerabilities they realize people can take advantage of.

I have had a severe tbi, and with it I was diagnosed with something called PBA pseudo bulbar syndrome. We can have damage done to the centers of the brain that control emotions and reactions. Talk to him about the issue. If this isn't the man he was before or isn't a part of him, talk to a doctor. It is most likely part of the brain injury. They have medicines to help, as they helped me very much.

I have been dating someone for 3 months who had a accident 13 years ago. The first month was loving and spontaneous and he would show lots of affection.

  • The Truth about Dating with a TBI?
  • Will Anyone Want to Date Me After a Brain Injury? | BrainLine.
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  • But for the last two months he rarely shows any affection or instigates physical contact. Jbhbe spoken to him about this and he said that he did not even realise. I honestly thought that something was wrong with me and it's made me feel very self conscious. I have been in a 6 month relationship with a man that had a Subarachnoid hemorrhage 3 years ago.

    He told me how it effected his memory and gave him bouts of E.

    Dating: What You Should and Shouldn't Do

    I honestly thought the E. His emotional swings and memory issues are the biggest issues. He was cheated on by his ex wife prior to the stoke and has major trust issues. I have always been an independent person and he takes my independence or what appears as of lack of need to him as me having someone else in my life. No matter what I say or do it turns into an argument that ends up becoming escalated and confusing.

    Comments (21)

    Things I said are either not remembered at all and I am "cold" because I ignored his feelings or if they are remembered then the whole conversation is twisted and not at all received correctly. I get frustrated trying to explain because it seems no matter how I try to carefully phrase things to be honest yet as positive as possible it is rarely received as either.