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Informal networks and the insider factor

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Even most liberal-minded folks have a hard time not openly scoffing at the concept of Otherkin, a group of not?


If you believe that spiritually you're an earthworm , follow your bliss and don't mistake the tapping of bird feet for rain. Much more deserving of some mockery are the numerous people who are really into telling these folks why it's not possible to turn into another species. Seriously, look at the replies below any of those perfectly harmless questions. One person who claims to be a nurse replied with a nearly thousand-word essay explaining to a young girl why she fundamentally can't be a werewolf.

Who precisely do we need to feel sorry for in that situation? Porn is more easily accessible than clean drinking water. No more hiding magazines under a rock in the woods, no more awkward conversations with a cashier, and no more low-res boobs. So why in the tittyshitting hell are people asking other humans for porn on Yahoo Answers?

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Examples of wheel and axle yahoo dating

Who are these people who didn't experience their sexual awakening alongside the triumphant rise of My Chemical Romance? If we're being honest, the answers are more alarming than the questions. Maybe you're simply not their type, buddy. And who is this user with just enough self-awareness to not look up hentai at school, but who is then spending their study hour searching Yahoo Answers for porn novices? Similarly, if you know what "Yaoi" is we did not , you should probably know where the hell to find it better than the random yahoos in Yahoo Answers.

But not all of these innocents are as innocent as they appear. Which brings us to Tumblr user "whitechickslovesasiandicks," who likes to ask questions like these:. He's also not helping his cause by posting a video that was obviously filmed as part of a Human Resources seminar. And make no mistake, WCLAD has a cause, which is why he starts answering his own questions -- and being super obvious about it:. It seems his questions show up often enough on Yahoo Answers that people want to know how to stop him.

At least we know now what he really gets off to: When in doubt, Christians have a handy saying that can guide them through difficult decisions: What Would Jesus Do? And while the real answer would be either "Give everything away to the poor" or "Freak out at the metal horse racing down the street," merely asking the question can give people the necessary perspective to figure things out.

But what do non-Christians do when faced with a tough question? They can't ask Christ for answers, after all.

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But thanks to Yahoo Answers, they can ask a Christian. Without getting into the Great Garfield Gender Debate , there's no reason to direct this kind of question to Christians as a whole. They're treating different systems of belief like they're different alien entities. We get it, maybe it seems like Christianity is a bastion of inclusion. Jesus hung out with the lowest of the low in society, so it would only make sense that Christians could help this poor fella out with his social skills.

However, not all of these seem to be pleas from the wretched.

Look, we hate to stereotype, but if you're asking Christians about cars, you're most likely going to end up driving a hatchback with a fish sticker on the rear bumper. Also, feel free to assume that they're too busy. On a related note, they're also not specially trained to advise you on whether or not to put a deposit down on a two-bedroom condo. While we hate to get political about the ridiculous realm that is Yahoo Answers, it seems that our fragile social climate has reached its shores. Every day, people flock to the website with their important questions about skin color.