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The waitress brings her to my table, and I see another man walking with her. For the first time in my entire life, I was completely speechless.

6 TRUE Scary Dating App Stories - Scary Stories

I had no idea how to reply, so I just got up and walked out of the restaurant without saying a word. We decided to go get dinner, and she was even better in person. When I got home, she texted me saying that I was just going to use her had we had sex, calling me a pig. Her friend went to her house, where Ashley had apparently left her phone, and her car and the front door was wide open. So I told this mystery person to call the cops.

I usually leave my phone in my truck until lunch, so when I went out for lunch at noon, I had new texts and 48 missed calls. So I blocked her number and assumed that was it.


She knew where I worked and the rough time I got off work, which is almost an hour and a half from where she lived. She tried following me home. I took a roundabout way of getting home and ran a few red lights but managed to lose her. We had both apparently made fake profiles. I moved his hand away. He put it back on my leg.


I moved it away again. Reddit users have shared stories of their worst first dates while warning others to not make the same mistakes. Puked and blacked out.

Married her,' the person wrote. SirNarwhal advised that people should never have their first date on Valentine's Day, explaining that he and his now-wife witnessed a truly awful date the first time they spent the holiday together. We went to this nice Italian restaurant we both liked in Manhattan that we didn't go to that often since it's kind of pricey, but we figured, screw it, let's splurge a little and have a nice dinner. We sit down and we were both really young at the time I was 18, she was 20 and as a result people kept acting all weird around us since we were young.

Nah, it was the couple to the left of us that they should've worried about.

Worst Online Dating Stories from Reddit |

He went on to explain that a couple were in their late 20s and very obviously on their first date together. He noted that the guy was overweight and 'nothing really special', while his date was 'totally out of his league, but again, nothing really special'. The Reddit user noted that the man was a 'nervous wreck' and hardly said anything, and what was even worse was the fact that they both saw their relationships at different levels.

While she acted like they were 'an old married couple', he was 'just clearly still feeling out the waters - on Valentine's day'. So there you go, don't go on first dates on Valentine's Day. Squatchlott said the worst thing to do on a first date is 'get naked and sit there staring in silence', and according to russianout , people actually do that.

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She likes a few dates to decide if she's really into a guy,' she explained. She comes back from the potty and he's buck naked on the couch. And while some of these stories are uniquely awkward in their own right, other people noted common mistakes such as bashing your ex, talking too much, or sticking your date with the bill can be your downfall. Well on my very first date ever, he didn't bring any money with him. So I ended up paying for everything. I'm fine with paying, if am the one who asks for the date. Netflixismyqueen noted that she will never forget her 'very first date ever' - but it was far from magical.

PhenobestinTabs said that one of her dates she 'couldn't get a word in edgewise'. By the eighth frat story, it was actually painful to keep pretending to be interested. Froggycakes explained that she doesn't typically think mentioning a past relationship is a big deal - until it becomes the only thing you talk about.

I had absolutely zero interest in being this guy's unpaid therapist or sounding board. I had even less than zero interest in being the third person in this couple's relationship.

FatTyrtaeus revealed that women typically ask him about how long he has been single for or if he goes on a lot of dates, essentially forcing him to bring up his ex, who he broke up with 14 months ago. However, after sharing his story, it dawned on the Reddit user that he is the reason why he is still single.

I just realized why I never had a second date with any of them. I [am going] to stop talking about the time a gf tried to kill me now,' he noted. En route to this ultra luxe, classy date, these two get into a car accident which is where things get interesting. What is it about vans? There was a bed in the back with a red velvet curtain halfway across it.

The worst of it was mounted on the passenger side of his dashboard a lovely photo That would probably be enough to make most people climb right back out of the van, toot sweet, just like this Redditor did. But holding a machete? Would you ever want to sleep anywhere alone with a guy who admired Patrick Bateman? Imagine taking vacations with such a person? Half-expecting them to drown you somehow whenever you go scuba diving, or maybe push you off a cliff if you go rock climbing?

Life would be no fun if you had to sleep with one eye open all the time. The reason we give for calling off the date might be a little white lie, like if you use the excuse that you suddenly came down with something, or your great aunt Gertie died and of course you have no great aunt Gertie. Unique lists featuring pop culture, entertainment and crazy facts. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want.