18 year age difference in dating


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  5. Mind the gap – does age difference in relationships matter?

There is almost 21 years difference between Fiance and I.

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We have been together for 9 years living together for 8 and are planning our wedding for We are definitely an equal partnership with similar views on all the important things and we have so much in common… a lot of people comment on how similar we are and seem surprised at how well we get on lol.

I am with someone who is ten years older.

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The way I look at it is.. You feel comfortable with him etc. Yet there is the future to think of. At the end of the the relationship is between you both. My grandpa was almsot going off to war when my grandma was being born. Although times are different now than they were back then, I see no problem with your bf being 18 years older than you. Like others have stated, make sure that you guys are on the same page on topics such as children, etc.

Mind the gap – does age difference in relationships matter?

You could tell more that my grandparents were a larger amount of years apart when he was dying and she was taking care of him, as well as the 5ish years before that. I agree about making it VERY clear between the two of you that you are indeed compatible in what you want in life. I once dated a 50 yr old man when I was He was young in spirit, very physically active, and was financially very successful. He would tell me all the time how much he LOVES children and how he enjoyed raising his son and being a parent, etc. I thought that meant he loved being a father and was open to having children.

I learned that as much as he loved how he saw himself as this man who is crazy about children and loved being a dad, deep down he valued his freedom and flexibility more. I agree the only big issue I can forsee is children. Do you want kids?

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Have you talked about how he might feel dealing with a young child at an older age? Be on the same page babieswise and consider how you will feel knowing that he is significantly older and therefore you are more likely to be widowed at a slightly younger age than some of your peer group. Your family love you and therefore they worry. Your friends want to gossip so they make an issue out of something that means absolutely nothing to them. It is you, your happiness and your future that you have to be selfish about. My husband is 15 years older than me and we got married last year.

I got married as an older bride. I think my family in my case was just happy to see me finally get a husband. Had I been 25 in the same position, though, I am almost positive they would have felt the same way your family does. Most of your family members will adjust in time and see how wonderfully your man treats you.

I like the stability and the babying that my husband gives me.

Mike And Catherine On Their 18 Year Age Difference

Most age gap relationships have some kind of extra benefit to it like that — you get something out of it that someone your own age might not give you. I think people are way too concerned about age differences. Obviously, I can understand concern about an 18 year old and a 40 year old but once you are talking about adults, it matters less and less. But you know what?

The older I get and now that I got married I realize people just get to live their lives. I would have a long talk with your parents. That way they can say anything that concerns them, because they love you, and you can answer so they feel more comfortable.

6 things you'll only know if you're in an age-gap relationship

Find support, ask questions, swap stories, and follow brides planning real weddings here on Weddingbee. AnotherMrsBrown 5 years ago Wedding: So fewer women will prioritise resources when looking for a mate. As for same-sex couples, there's very little research. Some suggest a lack of , or a reduced pool of, suitable age-similar mates may bring about same-sex coupling with large age differences.

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  • 18 year age difference, everyone sees a problem but me. Help..

Many people assume that age-gap couples fare poorly when it comes to relationship outcomes. But some studies find the relationship satisfaction reported by age-gap couples is higher. These couples also seem to report greater trust and commitment and lower jealousy than similar-age couples.

Over three-quarters of couples where younger women are partnered with older men report satisfying romantic relationships. A factor that does impact on the relationship outcomes of age-gap couples is their perceptions of social disapproval. That is, if people in age-gap couples believe their family, friends and wider community disapprove of their union, then relationship commitment decreases and the risk of break-up increases.

Mind the gap – does age difference in relationships matter?

These effects appear to apply to heterosexual and same-sex couples. So the negative outcomes for age-gap couples seem to reside not in problems within the couple, but in pressures and judgments from the outside world. Another factor at play may have to do with the stage of life each partner is experiencing. For instance, a ten-year gap between a year-old and a year-old may bring up different challenges and issues than for a ten-year gap where one partner is 53 and the other is This is because our lives are made up of different stages, and each stage consists of particular life tasks we need to master.

And we give priority to the mastery of different tasks during these distinct stages of our lives. So when each member of a couple straddles a different life stage, it may be difficult for the couple to reconcile each other's differing life needs and goals. The success of a relationship depends on the extent to which partners share similar values, beliefs and goals about their relationship; support each other in achieving personal goals; foster relationship commitment, trust and intimacy; and resolve problems in constructive ways. These factors have little do with age.

So the reality is, while an age gap may bring about some challenges for couples, so long as couples work at their relationship , age should be no barrier. Equal earnings help couples say 'I do' and stay together. There are lots of theories about why some couples who live together get married while others separate. In dual-physician couples, women with children worked fewer hours than women without children but similar differences in hours worked were not seen among men, according to a new research letter published by JAMA Internal Among couples with marriage-like commitments, same-sex couples have a similar break-up rate as heterosexual couples, according to a recent study.

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