My girlfriend is dating a married man


  1. How to Handle Loving and Dating a Married Man | PairedLife
  2. The Truth About Dating A Married Man
  3. About David

I have gut feelings that he secretly private messages her on YouTube and messenger I have not once felt secure with him.

How to Handle Loving and Dating a Married Man | PairedLife

The worrying never stops. I feel like an idiot for being loyal to him. I've read the article and some comments. I have been with my guy over 7yr. We have had ups and downs. He has been honest from the beginning. And we have love and trust but I'm not unrealistic I know he most likely won't leave. I've met other guys and dates. Add to the mix another married man. They know about each other. I love them both for different reasons. As long as you can live with it and know what's real.

I really live this man but just the mixed feelings killing me He shows so much interested in me I have been with this married man for a year now.. I am just emotionally drain right now I want him for my self but its just taking to long.. I love him do want to leave because of his situation but its hard to do.. I'm just having the bunch of mixed feelings right now My case was different cos I met him single. We've been in relationship for almost 3 years then he decided to go for arranged marriage.

I was so broke and so down that he just decided so fast without thinking of our relationship. I can't blame his culture and his family's plan for him. So, I still keep in touch with him even after his marriage and he is giving response as well that he still loves me and don't want to leave me. I know it's unfair for me now, knowing that He has wife now and I am waiting for him to come back to me. In your position, I think I might have asked the spell caster to make my cheating husband's manhood go gangrenous and drop off. Hi Ladies, i have been looking foe woman who have been the same road as i am taking now.

I have been knowing this guy since last June and dating him now for 9 months.

When You Date A Married Man, You're Dating A Liar & A Manipulator

We have alot in common but what i think i love most about him is that he's been honest from jump. We live 3 hours away so we don't really see each other much. Yet we talk everyday. He has 2 kids with his wife and they have been married 17 years. I have never dated a married man before and i told him i had no intentions on being with one!!

The Truth About Dating A Married Man

Totally against everything i stand for but what do you do when he's everything you need. He calls my kids and ask them how there day went at school, keeps them in line, sings to them, and they love him but never met him. I on the other hand love him but i do see other guys to keep me from falling head over heels.

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He dont tell me sweet nothings but i can always tell through his actions that he do love me as well. I have nothing but respect for him and he has respect for me. He says its ok if i see other guys but i know for fact that was a whole lie. I think man i need to really let this go cause he never will. He's saying and doing more each day to prove to me that he cares for me and i don't even think he realizes it.

I love him but i know im going to have to let it go. He thinks we will still remain friends but i don't know if i could. Or she sees a relationship with a married man as a way of validating her own attractiveness see I can attract a married man, who is risking so much to be with me. And no the guy does not respect his wife and family, or he would not be diverting funds and time away from their family. My ex husband left after over 9 years, but it did not work out with the mistress or wife number 2, so I guess you could say he had a big dose of karma and to be quite honest the mistress did me a big favour, as I think I am much better off without this cheating scumbag.

I am trying hard not to judge but please help me understand why do you do it? There are plenty of hot,decent single men out there waiting for a good woman to love them,what's the allure of dating a married man? Its not like they would ever love you,leave their wives for you,treat you as an equal or marry you,so what's the allure? Believe me ladies,I know how hard finding a great guy is,but they are out there. I will not judge any woman who chooses to do that because that's life things happen, but you need to be strong if you want to play. And hell ya the single life! I love coming home whatever the time i want!

No difference even if he threatens with suicide. If he really does commit suicide, then it's better he stay dead instead of continue to insult my IQ. So it all depends how ruthless you can be and how much you want to love yourself. Here is a quote from Coco Chanel: As long as you know men are like children, you know everything! And lastly, Why the heck did I receive an email from HubPages editor about "How to be single and mingle"? What the hell does my status have to do with your editor or whatever whoever writes? Either some staff saw my comment and sent me that promotion, or a data analysis machine sorted me to that promotion.

Either way my privacy feels invaded and I will thus unsubscribe from all the feeds from this website. But I will find a way to reply my dear Diana since she cares to be curious about my story. So now, let's see if the author has the ball to let public of this comment evil laughing here hahaha. I'm really glad I came across this article. I'm currently in a relationship with a married man for around half a year.

He made it clear from the beginning that he's married and has one son but not having sex anymore with his wife for years. He said that he loves her "as a family", not in a romantic way, and they have chosen to not get divorce because of the son. He also said I'm not the first "girlfriend" he had; there were two other women before me.

About David

I felt happy in the beginning because I know that he loves me even until now. But then my happiness turns to guilt when he begins to spend more of his time with me; even keeps texting me all day and calling me when he's home. Also, he never hesitates to show his feeling in public area, such as holding my hand or kiss and hug me.

However, when I talked to him about the future, he said firmly that he cannot leave his family. I wouldn't lie that this relationship puts me in a dilemma. I feel left behind and lonely every time he comes home to his family, but at the same time I feel guilty if he spend more time or money with me than his family.

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All this feeling makes me unhappy, I can't feel the joy of the relationship. I openly talked about all my feelings to him and said that I want to break up. Come to think of it, I had asked for break up twice, but he always cried and begged me to stay in his life because he said he loved me so much and that I was the gift that he's got in his ruined life.

I don't see why he doesn't want to let me go. What's the point of having this kind of relationship? Last month I got pregnant, and he immediately asked me to abort the pregnancy. I was really really depressed, it made me so stressed and had miscarriage. It was my first pregnancy in my life, not a very nice experience. He was there, took care of me 24 hours for weeks until my health condition was better and no further doctor check up needed. I have a feeling that maybe, maybe he really loves me, but he's too comfortable with his married life to sacrifice anything for our relationship.

Now I am here sitting alone, typing on this comment while he's at home with his family. I am now thinking of seeing other guys behind his back, but I don't know if it is fair for him, because he's always truthful to me as far as I know. But the part of this article: Man will not tell the thruth because they know but that not all women are wlling to date a married man. Thats right but its the choice for the other woman to make. I dated a married man for 3 years. He lied about being married with children and about his age. Im a woman and i know the diffrent between a body of a man and a boy..

And i was like or you shure you have told me the thruth about your age? The next day i went back i saw my picture was delete. I told him i want her picture to delete also. I ask Again and he said he dont know how to remove pics from fb. That i should do it. From that point i start getting susspicious. So i started with his emails.. Because the woman i saw on his fb was not even his wife. I saw messages between him and that woman.

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  7. I was in shock. I felt like my heart has dissapeared. At that point he was not only fooling me.