Girl dating other guys


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I pity you, as you were a victim of someone who changed society long ago to what it is now, and are too immature and blind to see reality. You seem to be afraid of your insecurities, and on the contrary to what you claim to say, your the one who is running away from your insecurities. What kind of authentic, deep relationship can you have when your girlfriend is having sex with other guys? This advice is no better than the Machiavellian Red Pill bullshit floating around on the Internet. You are no better than PUA. In fact you are the same, just masquerading as something better.

Not all men actually most men out there know how to approach and talk to a woman naturally. There are actually good guys out there with no intention of laying s of women, but just want to learn how to approach and attract one. You blame PUAs tactics as manipulation? Fine, maybe they are a bit. Did you actually read the points made in the article? Or just read the title and assume you knew what it was about?

The content advises men get women they are dating to date other men. If non-exclusive, casual relationships are your bag then cool. Yes, I did read the article and I find it deplorable. Eliminating neediness and your insecurities can be done by working on yourself. And you say that you are different.

how to deal with girl dating other guys?

I know that I and most people who are psychologically mature would feel very wrong doing it. Have you stopped to consider if these ideas are true?

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The first one, to me, is incredibly limiting and has the potential to cause a lot of problems including jealousy, loneliness, and frustration in your life. The second one is more of a moral judgement but still limiting, nonetheless. Yes, the Red Pill people believe in sleeping around, but so do feminists: This article has clearly awoken some deeply held limitations in your unconscious and if you take the opportunity to open up, rather than close down, you could learn a lot about yourself and grow through this.

He very clearly says: But in the world of causal playing, it can be beneficial. The author is ultimately suggesting that you have to fuck many women to get rid of your neediness and insecurities, instead of focusing on one. This is a very immature attitude and I feel sorry for anyone who buys into his products. By the way I read both of his books. They are based of off gross generalizations about what the seduction community is. Funny enough, the more you do what told in this article, the more she will want to be exclusive with you.

Just show you again attraction is very counter intuitive. Yeah, um if a guy I was seeing came to me and advised me to go out and see other guys I would take it as a huge red flag.

But props to you for legitimizing cuckoldness! You guy call all be a bunch of cucks… whatevs. You pathetic beta male! I have 4 personal experiences with letting my girlfriend have sex with other guys. Each with its own out come. I consider just sex and love 2 difference things so has long has she told me i was ok with it. Never any race issues or homophobic traits. My current girl is white and 2 of my ex girlfriends were white and they fucked black guys raw in my bed multiple times. Hell three even stayed a week with me and my current girlfriend and we all take turns at her. The opposite happened to me recently.

A woman i was seeing started to talk about wanting to be FREE to date other men after she got off anti-depressants. Then something happened to her that brought us back together. Everything was good for the first 3 weeks or so and then the last time we were together after a night of making love- the next night she said she wanted to be free to see other men and not be in a committed relationship but that she was very comfortable with me physically.

I played along with the dialogue to see where it would go. Would you let me know? I guess you can say it turned into goodbye sex. She admitted to leading me on and realized it was not healthy behavior and I told her to call me if she ever wanted to just be with me. The freedom of the internet has confused many poor souls who have been hurt and instead of getting real help they read articles that encourage them to be FREE!

The truth is that it takes vulnerability to keep it fresh and work things out with one person. One has to take their armor off to do this. Lower consciousness is claiming to be free but really chasing Neuro-chemicals for a fix. Just a different kind of drug. To the addict, relationships are boring. Very ambitious, very fucking stupid, what could possibly go wrong?

My apologies for spelling or grammar issues. It started as a teen around somewhere around that age. However, it matured into who I am today around 19 I could tell many stories of sex that most would not believe. However, it seems you are getting plenty of that here. The person who commented This post is great for fantasy but not in real life it cause more issues Not trying to be rude. However, Those are the words of a weak person. There is nothing that this lifestyle can bring that I have not experienced, felt or seen.

She Found Another Guy

To the writer of this post. My wife came across this post and shared it with me. She was right, It nice to see others have gained the strength to not let their simple-minded weaknesses rule their life. I will list a few big things like the author did. It makes for some hot crazy intense sex. If you have not fucked out wife after she has been with another man. You are not living only creeping by.

I promise your girl will give you the best sex you ever had.

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It makes for a very strong bond between two people if it moved into marriage or life commitment. The odds of your marriage lasting a lifetime are increased by a large percent. Cons to this way of life. Only the cons you allowed society and your mind to create. Dude if she leaves you for another. She is not the right girl for you. I speak out to men as I feel they are weaker minded than women in most cases.

She's Dating Other Guys

The author is right though. You have to be a strong person to live free. Their weak thoughts get in the way of there life. It also is the proof you are weak. If anything I would like to help the weak become stronger. It will strengthen you in a countless way. The human mind is designed this way all us men and women alike. All men desire sex with another mans girl.

We unconsciously want to put our bloodline in another bloodline without the male knowing. However, it gives the desired result all the same. There was a study in the group about 10 years ago. I will try and find it. The study was about sex, lust, desire, and passion. The did a study with 20 men and 10 women.