Dating someone since high school


  1. 19 People Who Actually Married Their High School Sweethearts
  2. I'm still with my high school boyfriend — here's what it's like
  3. More From Thought Catalog
  4. I'm still with my high school boyfriend — here's what it's like - HelloGiggles

Romantic movie scenes trigger your inner cornball and lead to a telling thigh rub or a brief but intense moment of eye contact. Watching other people have sex on screen makes you want each other so badly, you sometimes hit pause to satisfy your urges before finishing a movie or TV show.

19 People Who Actually Married Their High School Sweethearts

You think of all your past relationships as the practice rounds that prepared you for the main event. Nothing terrifies me more than being so close to someone and then watching them become a stranger again.

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We live together, we know each other intimately, and we talk about growing old together regularly. When I met a guy I could see myself dating long-term, I used a little reverse psychology to prove my theory. From the beginning, I told him just how […]. You have to ask […]. Death, divorce of your parents, that terrible haircut you went with for a full six months.

Being with the same person for such a long time means not having to reach out to a friend in tough times, because you already have someone right there with you.

By the way, High School Dating Advice

This might not be the same with all long-term relationships, but we started out with a very similar friendship group. This meant that as we made new friends separately they usually joined the wider pool that we share, until we basically have no-one outside of that circle. It sounds suffocating, but it means we deal with all the same drama, go to all the same parties, and never get that dreaded can-I-bring-my-other-half struggle. You change a lot from the ages of 14 to That goes without saying.

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Having someone to do all that with you can make it a little easier. It also means that sticking it out for almost a decade during your formative years will take a lot of adapting and being super understanding.

I'm still with my high school boyfriend — here's what it's like

Having someone up in your personal space at all times for nine years might seem like a little bit of a nightmare. That is until you realize that not only is someone in your house to accompany you on week-long Netflix binges and congratulate you on all your achievements, but to do their fair share of the chores.

Laundry, washing up, bills, hoovering, pet care… all now only half your responsibility. We have puppies, birds, chickens and ducks together. He just bought his first house, fully supports me, pays for everything while I study.

More From Thought Catalog

He's been with heaps of girls before me and I've never been with anyone else. I love him so much and so does my family, and he does so much for me.

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But am I going to get to 40 and we're married with four kids and I go, 'Holy shit, I've never been with anyone else'? And that really scares me. And what I would say is if you're going to resent the relationship, if you're going to have your eyes wander all the time, then you actually owe it to your partner to take a break.

Because you're not any longer being respectful to that person, if you're going to blame the relationship for your uncomfortable feelings.

I'm still with my high school boyfriend — here's what it's like - HelloGiggles

Alana, who met her boyfriend Tom when they were both 17, thinks that taking a break was precisely what has kept their high school romance burning bright. Alana and Tom both dated other people in their time apart. Alana says it was the experience that catalysed the rekindling of her original relationship. But how long do you take a break for?

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  • 17 Reasons Why High School Sweethearts Have The Strongest Relationships | Thought Catalog.
  • What's it like to stay with your high school sweetheart?;

Ms Crib says it depends on what new experiences you're looking for. Then we can get some hurt feelings and some crossed signals when we have continued contact. Ultimately, it seems that successful high school romances operate under the same principles as all healthy love connections.