Experience dating a celebrity


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You should read Steve-O's autobiography, it is actually really funny and well written. Funny thing is, I'm briefly mentioned in it when he talks about couch hopping. I believe he recalled the chair incident, not quite sure. I grew up a couple minutes from Bam and used to work at circuit city. One day I came into work and saw a purple lambo and didn't think twice about it. When I walked in and went into the customer service area, I walked up to a register and signed in.

I looked up and said "are you being help sir" and there was an incredibly short stinky dude in ripped clothing who took me a couple seconds to realize it was Bam.

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He was like "kind of, we're trying to figure something out". Apparently he was trying to buy an ipod and his credit card kept getting declined. I was embarrassed for him. I had a thing with an NBA player. He was totally normal really, despite him being a big name. It was mostly a casual thing. We met at a bar and I was the only girl not trying to climb all over him so we ended up talking about our favorite Fantasy Football players he hooked me up with some great tips for my team.

Eventually he just turned into a superstar so we don't really talk anymore- but there's no ill will. His name sounds like dessert. Always made me hungry. I'm sure he still looks up at the night sky and, with a small tinge of sweet regret, he confides in the moon and the stars: My aunt was asked by Ted Bundy to go on a cross country road trip in his van.

She said he was very charming and she would have gone, but my grandparents wouldn't let her. They were very strict, thankfully! Great guy but him being away so often meant it could never really last. I tried so hard and got so far, but I guess in the end it doesn't even matter - I'm happily married now with 2 beautiful kids. The lead singer of Linkin Park is named Chester Bennington? From his name, I would expect him to be playing old jazz standards in a dark, smokey lounge.

Bennington's parents divorced when he was eleven years old and his father gained custody of him. As a result of the divorce, Bennington started abusing marijuana, alcohol, opium, cocaine, methamphetamine, and LSD. Bennington eventually overcame his drug addiction, and would go on to denounce drug use in future interviews.

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During a Linkin Park tour, he started heavily drinking but claimed to have quit in noting "I just don't want to be that person anymore". In an interview, Bennington revealed that he suffered sexual abuse from an older male friend when he was seven years old. He was afraid to ask for help because he did not want people to think he was gay or lying and the abuse continued until age thirteen. The abuse and situation at home affected him so much that he felt the urge to kill and run away. To comfort himself, he drew pictures and wrote poetry and songs.

Later, he revealed the abuser's identity to his father but Bennington chose not to continue the case after he realized the abuser was a victim himself. At the age of seventeen, he moved in with his mother and was banned from leaving the house when his mother discovered his drug activity.

He worked at a Burger King restaurant and used his money for cocaine and crystal meth before starting his career as a professional musician. Just to be clear, this is Wikipedia, I haven't confirmed or carefully sourced any of this, but if ya'll want to track down Wikipedia's sources, go for it.

Aw Hun. You Dated a Celebrity? It's Over. | SBM

So he's about to break.. Just saw him at a concert last night. He has amazing vocals. Been my favorite singer and band since I dated Kristen Bell in high school. She was funny and really cute. It was like dating a funny, cute high school girl. People asked for pics, but this is the best I have: I'm in the front with my eyes closed like an idiot What details do you want?

It was a typical high school relationship. She was the first girl I made out with. She dumped me on New Years Eve and hooked up with some other dude from her school. It wasn't like dating a famous person because she wasn't yet. A better question would be what it's like now seeing her on magazine covers at the grocery store or seeing her on TV when you're watching something with your wife.

Here's What It's Really Like to Be a Fangirl and Hook Up With a Celebrity

Once she started on Heroes, my wife didn't want to watch the show anymore. She was uncomfortable with me seeing any of her movies. I actually didn't see Frozen until very recently because I'd prefer not to piss off the woman I need to live with. It's sometimes weird to think about knowing someone that has become so famous, but it's kind of normal now, ya know? I've seen her on so many talk shows and in so many TV shows and movies that it's just normal.

It's a fun conversation piece Ehhh, I mean I kinda get it. Imagine thinking that you're always being compared to Ryan Gosling or Brad Pitt.

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The funny thing is that I was my wife's first boyfriend ever, so she has nothing to compare me to. That might be why she's so insecure. In reality, you don't constantly compare your current wife to your high school ex gf, and your wife probably understands that on an intellectual level, but has a hard time relating on an emotional level, because she has no experience having an ex bf. As someone who always gets insecure, thank you on her behalf for being understanding, chances are she hates herself for the insecurity more than any other redditor judging her before they even know her.

Once Christina Ricci lit my cigarette. She wouldn't let me hold the lighter. I thought she was hitting on me until I realized she was Christina Ricci, and then I felt dirty, knowing she thought I would want her lighter.

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She's got a big head. But there's something about her that I'm totally attracted to. Maybe it was her crazed nympho role in Black Snake Moan I dated Brian Warner aka Marilyn Manson before he was famous. He wrote me really bad poetry and drove a Fiero. She totally did the double take thing and said "hey" as I walked by. I just ignored it, cause I'm gay and I was weirded out but flattered.

A few years later, I saw that she was dating Ryan Seacrest so I guess she has a thing for gay guys. I would have trouble having sex with a woman as I am in no way attracted to them. But I'll take dad dick pics if you have 'em. You are doing the lords work right there. May I suggest a pen cam or similar pin-hole cam? Just leave it on a shelf in the bathroom and PM me the results. I'll take care of the rest.

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My roommate from college's mom dated a guy who was a musician, and dumped him for the guy who she eventually married my roommate's dad. The musician she dumped wrote a song about it. She said he was a good guy, but felt at the time he was pursuing an unrealistic dream of being a musician. My stepdad's cousin dated Woody Harrelson in college. He pursued her for two months, following her to classes, leaving weird notes on her dorm hall corkboard, and calling her every day with Bible quotes.