Online dating h.k


  1. If you’re dating in Hong Kong, can you relate?
  2. Why Bumble?
  3. Popularity of dating apps in Hong Kong shows technology and love make a good match
  4. More than a date – C-Date. Dating in USA

So give me a try. Thank you for reading! ID: fef53dc4bbd6-bdaa8f8e1f One day someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else September 28, My desire is to meet a warm, matured and loving woman who is willing to love and be loved and who I can hold her hands and together we will write the remaining chapters of our life and forever together. ID: b33d9deaa-4deadfebd Seeking gentle person for serene walks September 28, I'd appreciate having an attractive female friend for walks in parks, quaint neighborhoods, temples, bookstores, and other quiet activities.

A kind person who cherishes simple things and seeks peace, away from the noise and bustle. Of any age, race, nationality, etc. I am upper middle-aged, courteous, thoughtful. I am an ethnic Chinese man who grew up in the U. ID: a4b7e5cec24ad8a7. Searching for love September 26, I'm a simple and easy-going gentle man with a golden rule type of philosophy and a desire to be better.

If you’re dating in Hong Kong, can you relate?

I'm in my early 60s, been divorced for 8 years and have great passion for animals and nature. I'm having my retirement in a couple of months and I'd love to settle down with a woman who is caring, sincere, loving, faithful and trustworthy. I like a woman who can keep up a good conversation, we can start off with a good friendship and see what the future holds. I can be very busy sometimes but I will always find time for someone I love.

Thank you for reading, don't be shy to contact me. ID: cf3d-a36aec88d. Let's walk the talk September 25, Hello there, I'm not good at writing narratives about myself, so you really have to bear with my poor narrative skills. I'm new in Hong Kong and looking at meeting a woman I can share real life experiences with. I actually moved over to HK because of Britain's exit from the EU and how it's affected my firm; unfortunately the protests for the anti-extradition bill haven't made made my story better. I want to believe that your reply to this ad would the beginning of my better experiences in HK.

English is my first language and then Mandarin before Cantonese. If you're within the age range of 35 and mid 40s and you're willing to be a part of my HK story, please do not hesitate to leave me a message. We shouldn't despise our little beginnings ID: f3b44bf4-ef-bf6a-bdaeaae2. ID: d43babcbf3b5fefe8b.

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A serious Love Life September 22, Good day ladies. I'm a single father of one girl his late 40s in search for a serious long lasting relationship. I'm a successful business man that believes in love. Do send me a message, interested parties. See you soon. ID: 19ffe94baa4-a2cc-5abaefc15da1. September 16, Be patient. For what was written for you was written by the greatest of Writers. ID: b7ef-5db6f7-d10e6dc. The future holds more than your past.

Why Bumble?

ID: d5dcbdc-4ede Average yet romantic guy needs female partner in crime September 15, I am an average look, 36 years old, Indian guy, educated, working in IT, like to explore peaceful places, foodie yet vegiterian, looking for educated and decent lady for long term commitment. ID: df-1acce3ba I am looking for a woman who enjoys lovemaking September 14, Hi I am looking for a friendly girl who enjoys a man's touch.

I am 52 years old and extremely fit. I was a international athlete in the past. I am looking for a girlfriend who enjoys lovemaking. I prefer small breasts A cup I enjoy music ,dancing,art. To establish a robust association between the use of dating apps and sexual health, people in general population should be recruited by probability sampling in future studies.

Second, all outcomes were self-reported, which might have bias. However, using self-report measures to obtain data is a common and practical methodology in studies of behavioural health. To strengthen the validity and reliability of our data, all the questions were adapted from previous research studies. In addition, to avoid social desirability bias, the questionnaire was anonymous and self-completed by interviewees themselves. Third, this cross-sectional study only provided clues regarding associations, and longitudinal studies are needed to establish any causal relationship between independent variables and sexual health.

However, we did not have such variables in this present study. Fourth, we combined homosexual group with bisexual group in data analysis in order to improve the model fit of the regression models. Further study should recruit more people in each group and conduct subgroup analysis to explore whether there are differences in sexual risk behaviours between heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual people. Fifth, nowadays, smartphone apps are versatile. Some messenger apps also have a function for making new friends nearby. However, these apps which are not primarily for dating were not considered in the present study.

Popularity of dating apps in Hong Kong shows technology and love make a good match

Further studies might include this kind of apps to see if there are any impacts on sexual risk behaviours. The present study found a robust association between using dating apps and sexual risk behaviours including having more sexual partners, having had unprotected sexual intercourse with more sexual partners in a lifetime, inconsistent condom use in a lifetime and no condom use the last time subjects had sexual intercourse in our sample of college students, suggesting that app users had greater sexual risks.

With the growing popularity of using smartphone dating apps, it is time to consider development and testing of novel interventions that can target app users so that they can stay safe when seeking sexual partners through dating apps. Further studies should also be conducted to understand the motivations for using dating apps and attempt to reveal mechanisms that may explain the relationship between using dating apps and the associated sexual risks. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. PLoS One. Published online Nov 9. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

Competing Interests: The authors have no financial conflicts of interest. Formal analysis: EPHC. Funding acquisition: JYHW. Visualization: EPHC. Writing — original draft: EPHC. Received Mar 9; Accepted Oct This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Associated Data Supplementary Materials S1 Instrument: Study instument for assessing the use of dating apps, sexual behaviorus and sociodemograhpics.

Abstract Dating applications apps on smartphones have become increasingly popular. Introduction The Internet has long been a popular platform for seeking romantic and even sexual relationships [ 1 ]. Methods Subjects and sampling This was a cross-sectional study. Study instruments The questions about the use of dating apps, sexual behaviours and sexual orientation were adopted from previous studies [ 5 , 8 , 12 — 17 ].

Use of dating apps Subjects were asked if they were using any smartphone dating apps[ 5 ]. Sexual behaviours Subjects were asked if they had ever had sexual intercourse [ 15 ]. Sociodemographics All subjects also completed a set of sociodemographic questions about age, gender, sexual orientation, relationship status, monthly income, student status, smoking habits and drinking habits. Ethics All authors declare they have no conflict of interest. Results Subjects characteristics Subjects were recruited between September and December Table 1 Demographic information of participants.

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More than a date – C-Date. Dating in USA

Factors associated with having sexual intercourse experience Factors associated with having sexual intercourse experience, the corresponding chi-square statistics, adjusted odds ratios aOR derived from multiple logistic regression analyses and model evaluation statistics are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Correlates of having sexual intercourse experience. Factors associated with the number of sexual partners Two hundred sixty subjects who had sexual intercourse experience were further analysed to explore factors associated with their sexual behaviours.

Table 3 Demographic information and sexual behaviours of participants who have sexual intercourse experience. Table 4 Factors associated with the number of sexual partners by multiple linear regressions. Male Heterosexual Not currently in a relationship 0. Non current smoker 3. Non current drinker 0. Heterosexual 0. Non current smoker 0. Non current drinker Table 5 Factors associated with the number of sexual partners by multiple linear regressions length of time using dating apps. Table 6 Correlates of consistent condom use by multiple logistic regressions. Table 7 Correlates of condom use at the last sexual intercourse by multiple logistic regressions.

Discussion To the best of our knowledge, this was the first study to examine the association between the use of dating apps and sexual health in a sample of heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual subjects. Multiple sexual partners Compared with nonusers, dating app users were more likely to have more sexual partners in their entire lives 4. Unprotected sexual intercourse Contrary to the findings of previous studies about the use of dating apps among homosexual men [ 6 , 8 ], we found that, compared with nonusers, apps users were more likely to have had unprotected sexual intercourse with more sexual partners, inconsistent condom use and no condom use when they last had sexual intercourse.