Dating relationship devotionals


  1. Building a Christ-Centered Relationship
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  3. Thinking About Marriage? New Devotions for Singles and Dating Couples - Bible Gateway Blog
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Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. My significant other and I just recently finished this book. IT was a great first devotional book for us.

NIV Devotions for Couples, Bible Devotional

He had never done a bible study with anyone he's been in a relationship with. We really enjoyed the aspect of studying on our own and then coming together at the end of the week. It was perfect for our LD relationship. We would Skype on the last day of the study. I would recommend this study for new relationships looking to get into the Word together.

It's isn't super deep, but you are able to learn about one another, while connecting spiritually. It helped us grow closer to the Lord separately, yet brought up good, insightful questions to discuss together and brought us closer as a result. This is an absolutely fantastic and informative read. My girlfriend and I used this book to start delving into spiritual matters together. It starts off slow and easy, with simple establishing questions and by the end your discussions will likely be very long each week.

There are some duplicate or super similar questions, but other than that it was great. We barely got through two weeks of it. I don't know why this devotional states it's for dating couples because none of the content actually helps strengthen a relationship. Sure, Ben Young talks about his marriage in the context of each week's topic Love, Grace, etc.

Building a Christ-Centered Relationship

It definitely reads like more of an individual study. If I wanted one of those, I would have purchased one. I feel very misled by the title. The main issue with this study is that it's so negative and overly critical. I felt judged and guilty through every chapter. The main theme of this book is that I'm a sinner in need of grace and I'll never be good enough no matter what I do. I know this, but again, what does this have to do with a relationship devotional and building spiritual intimacy? Ultimately, if you're looking for a devotional geared towards prepping a dating couple for engagement and marriage through the building of a God-centered relationship, this is not it.

My Boyfriend and I were struggling. Before this book, we were praying together and attending church as much as possible together, but we live some distance away from each other and have busy family schedules that just didn't allow us to really "get on the same page" - both Bible Believing, Evangelical Christians, both attended higher level Christian education institutions, we just had some things that probably would have never been addressed unless we read this book.

This book covers a new topic every week, with scripture and a short note usually a page and a half to two pages and space to write in the book, though larger sticky notepad was sometimes a better option. This very thought provoking book lead my boyfriend and I to consider several areas in our lives and the way we look at the world! This was the perfect format for us to get individually spiritually nourished, but also come together to discuss theology, wildly issues, relationships and roles.

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My Boyfriend and i would read through the week and spend time together just the two of us to go back over each day's notes- it was amazing how I honestly thought we would get the same thing, and we would pull different things out, but I loved how it made both of us be intentional and accountable about our time, and made us pray about certain issues together. If you are single, get it! The content is great, and all except for the "purity" portion, good way to get into reading every day.

If you are two adults or college students dating- get it! It will seriously help you two grow together! If you are married, get it! You will need a copy for each person, as you probably don't have the time to pass it back and forth, plus this made it easier take notes in- which it was intended for! And if something more is going to happen in the relationship, we can allow our spiritual connection to draw us together, rather than mere physical or emotional attraction. Emotional and physical intimacy can be enjoyed at their fullest when spiritual intimacy comes first. Skip to main content.

Building a Christ-Centered Relationship. Want to narrow down your search? Building a Christ-Centered Relationship by July 19, The main issue with this study is that it's so negative and overly critical. I felt judged and guilty through every chapter. The main theme of this book is that I'm a sinner in need of grace and I'll never be good enough no matter what I do. I know this, but again, what does this have to do with a relationship devotional and building spiritual intimacy?

Ultimately, if you're looking for a devotional geared towards prepping a dating couple for engagement and marriage through the building of a God-centered relationship, this is not it. My Boyfriend and I were struggling. Before this book, we were praying together and attending church as much as possible together, but we live some distance away from each other and have busy family schedules that just didn't allow us to really "get on the same page" - both Bible Believing, Evangelical Christians, both attended higher level Christian education institutions, we just had some things that probably would have never been addressed unless we read this book.

Buy for others

This book covers a new topic every week, with scripture and a short note usually a page and a half to two pages and space to write in the book, though larger sticky notepad was sometimes a better option. This very thought provoking book lead my boyfriend and I to consider several areas in our lives and the way we look at the world! This was the perfect format for us to get individually spiritually nourished, but also come together to discuss theology, wildly issues, relationships and roles.

My Boyfriend and i would read through the week and spend time together just the two of us to go back over each day's notes- it was amazing how I honestly thought we would get the same thing, and we would pull different things out, but I loved how it made both of us be intentional and accountable about our time, and made us pray about certain issues together. If you are single, get it! The content is great, and all except for the "purity" portion, good way to get into reading every day.

If you are two adults or college students dating- get it! It will seriously help you two grow together!

Thinking About Marriage? New Devotions for Singles and Dating Couples - Bible Gateway Blog

If you are married, get it! You will need a copy for each person, as you probably don't have the time to pass it back and forth, plus this made it easier take notes in- which it was intended for! I have been searching high and low for another book similar with similar content- good Bible references, and such a great format! Nothing else cuts it.

I really don't think you will be disapointed! I disappointed that each daily devotional really didn't have any questions for further thought or discussion for the couple. Additional scriptures are great, but the book focused more on the individual relationship with God than how that relationship with God impacts a relationship. I didn't really see this as a couple devotional at all. Great concept for growing couples and i love that the devotions are short and to the point so that i will actually do them each day.

However, it is a bit too fundamentalist baptist for my taste. See all reviews.

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