Military officer dating enlisted


  1. Spouse Topics
  2. Air Force takes action against Kadena officer married to enlisted wife - News - Stripes
  4. Why can’t an enlisted soldier date an officer?

Joiner, 31, is married to Staff Sgt.

Spouse Topics

Evelyn Sosatoledo, 28, also of Kadena Air Base. The relationship is permitted if the couple is married. As a lawyer, Joiner knew the rules. He graduated from college, earned a law degree and was assigned to Kadena.

  • Fraternization can result in discipline, discharge | Post News |
  • Officer/Enlisted Marriage?.
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But he also knew dating between ranks is forbidden. Joiner said that he had been called on the carpet more than once for being too friendly with legal office enlisted personnel. But marrying was a step too far. After announcing his nuptials, Joiner said, he immediately was relieved of his duties as claims officer.

All co-workers and friends interviewed said they had no direct knowledge the couple had dated.

Air Force takes action against Kadena officer married to enlisted wife - News - Stripes

They had been seen together, but other people always were present. Joiner said that was lunch at a Mexican restaurant: Remington gave Joiner until Thursday to decide whether to accept the Article 15 and whatever punishment Remington proscribes, or ask for a hearing to present his side of the case. If he had declined the Article 15, the command could have dropped the matter or sought a court-martial.

So on Thursday he reported to Remington and accepted the Article He asked for a public hearing. The whole thing lasted about four minutes. January 17, 9: Falling in love is a cherished event for most - - but fostering relationships with the wrong people could land Soldiers in hot water. Even giving a subordinate an innocent ride home is frowned upon, said Capt.


Jerome Duggan, st Special Troops Battalion trial counsel. If a superior Soldier is caught fraternizing with a subordinate, he could face a dishonorable discharge from the Army or even prison time in more serious cases. The fraternization policy prohibits dating, engagement and marriage between officers and enlisted Soldiers, but does not affect existing marriages. In the past the Army had a more tolerant fraternization policy than other services, allowing personal relationships between officers and enlisted Soldiers as long as they were not involved in the same chain of command.

In that policy changed. Following in the footsteps of the Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy, the Army barred personal relationships between officers and enlisted Soldiers.

Given the OPTEMPO of the armed forces it is in my opinion that if there command does bring it up for punishment they have to much time on their hands. To waste time and resources on something not as important, especially if the relationship is not interfering in any way with their military career not even in the same country and there are two wars going on. There is no legal precedent that will allow them to. Next time provide links in your post as a credible reference as I did with mine.

Why are you researching for them unless you are one of the parties lol Here is a link again. Why waste time researching when you can get the answer from an expert.

Last edited by CWO Sharkey; at Ok this is an update. I just ran into a JAG officer. The JAG officer said they could get married but they cannot date lol. Once they are married, they are good to go. But if they caught dating; then they will be repercussions. So if they get married, there will be no punishments and they can be in the open about it?

Why can’t an enlisted soldier date an officer?

Got it, they can "not" be dating if they do not want to have problems. Now, after they are married there are no repercussions. I will still advise them to talk to their JAG on site, just to be sure. So, just as I said earlier there is no cut and dry answer to this problem. They tried to make it so but, it's impossible in this situation. Thank you all for your help.

As the old saying goes " you can't tell someone who they can or can't fall in love with " I can say this much with this new information the Army might be keeping two very dedicated Soldiers. Fraternization That advice is good and all but not that accurate in reality. I am a CPT in the Army. My wife is a SGT.