Dating sims for ipad


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He says, ""you should just fall in love with me"", what's that supposed to mean?! Maynard] Rebellious Cyril's gentle, yet firm father. Though his relationship with his son is strained, he's always nice to you Will you come to rely on him for his maturity and maybe more? Ok I've only played a tiny bit of it and I'm addicted to the storyline! I looked up what time it is in Japan so I know when my tickets will be refreshed ok.

So when the awesome time had come, I went on the app, and to my absolute horror, I still had 0 tickets!!!! Maybe I'll wait till tomorrow and see if I have some then The story is great and the characters look amazing but 2 stars i left out because of the stupid frustrating trials.

Dating sims for the iPad?

I can survive 5 scenario tickets a day, Im fine with that but to be forced to buy stuff or wait a few days to get pass a checkpoint thingo is really disappointing. This game would be awesome if it didn't suffer from freemium greed. The stories are sweet, lots of lovely illustrations, cute mini games but to get through a single story you either need to spend hundreds of dollars on the in-app purchases or slowly churn away for two months.

This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. Description Hot princes from around the world spring marriage proposals on you! Information Seller Arithmetic Inc. Compatibility Requires iOS 7. Should you dare to start a forbidden romance with your teacher who is also a quail? It's entirely up to you - just make sure you don't get your eyes pecked when you move in for the first kiss. Do you wish you were in better shape, but suffer from a lack of incentive?

What if every push-up or squat you did had a direct correlation to the affections of an adorable workout buddy? Burn Your Fat With Me!!

HORSE BOY DATING SIMULATOR?! - My Horse Prince/UmaPri (iOS Gameplay)

Your exercise routine becomes the means of progression through a dating sim, which some gym rats might call an accurate representation of reality. Think you could do 50 sit-ups in three minutes if it meant going out on a date? Of course you could! You might start this ingenious app as an undefined ball of flab, but by the end of the game, you'll be fit as a fiddle.

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When people ask you how you got into such great shape, just tell them the truth: You won your trainer's heart with your stick-to-itiveness and discipline. The game dubs this impetus "movation" - and as an appreciator of puns, I've got to give props for that one. Steven Spielberg is one of the most respected directors in the film industry, but even he couldn't capture the gentle nuance of a tyrannosaurus rex's softer side.

Jurassic Heart does what Spielberg could not: Even a vegan would fall in love with the carnivorous Taira-kun, a shy T-rex who struggles with performance anxiety. Of all the dinosaurs I've ever known, Taira-kun is the only one capable of serenading me on the ukulele. Here's a tip, ladies: Play your cards right, and you just might be on your way to bringing dinosaurs back from extinction, if you catch my meaning.

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A teenage boy and an alien disguised as the Chief of State. Let me attempt to describe this game as straightforwardly as possible. When aliens invade Earth and destroy the capital of the United States of Nippon, they brainwash the nation's citizens to think that nothing happened. There's just one small change: You play as a perverted guy with a can-do attitude.

Will you endeavor to boink the most powerful woman in the world? Or does your heart truly lie with the likes of Irina Vladimirovna Putina? When the world's leaders all look like prepubescent girls, politics become a hell of a lot more interesting. And even if it's all a sinister plot schemed by our alien overlords, can't the denizens of the Snow White House have a little fun?

The Sims Video Games - Official EA Site

On the one hand, My Girlfriend is the President has a penchant for graphic depictions of seemingly underage sexual encounters. On the other hand, it stars a female president, so it deserves at least a modicum of credit for progressive ideas. Now, imagine that this scenario was the basis for a high school romance.

Yeah, I don't know why someone didn't think of that sooner, either. Merui Lucas is an avid player of the faux MMO Rivenwell Online, and she's deduced that one of three boys at school must be the jerk - someone by the name of Alistair - who stole her phat lootz. You've got 30 days to crack the case, dipping in and out of the in-game game but will you fall in love by month's end? If every instance of ninja looting escalated into a full-on love triangle, the world would be a very different place indeed. Meet Sal name likely withheld to protect the socially damaged.

He's just a normal guy living in Japan, who fell head over heels for Nene Anegasaki. As their love grew stronger, Sal's heart got bolder, until finally he resolutely decided that he would marry her.

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Now, Sal and Nene Anegasaki are happily married. Actually, I can't quite say that with percent certainty, because Nene Anegasaki is a character in a Nintendo DS game, and is therefore incapable of discriminating between potential suitors. Sal , on the other hand, is all too real.

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Though it's not legally binding, Sal did in fact marry Nene - there are witnesses and livestream archives to prove it. And while Sal may never know the touch of a woman, perhaps he truly has found love, bridging the gap between virtual and real worlds. Everyone was raving over that movie Her , right? Little do they know that Joaquin Phoenix's got nothing on this guy! Call it unbelievably creepy if you want - but if this guy's truly happy, then who are we to judge?

Keiji Inafune's niece and some theme park employees So you're going along, reading the description for Sweet Fuse , and everything seems to be on the up and up. The male cast members of Pacific Rim There's no shortage of simple, absurdist dating sims revolving around meme-status celebrities, including Nicolas Cage, Adam Sandler, and John Cena, to name a few. Man and alpaca PacaPlus begins the way most dating sims end.

You and the guy who maybe killed your mom Sometimes romance can bloom out of tragedy. A dead girl and her underworld suitors Here's a line you won't hear too often: The denizens of a manly-men-only lumberjack town If you move to a place called Meat Log Mountain, you ought to be mentally prepared for a certain kind of atmosphere. A teenage boy and a human-sized cricket In Japanese, this dating sim's title roughly translates to Lets Be in Love with Creatures!

A teenage girl and many, many siblings Your parents got divorced; it sucks, but it happens. You and female versions of notable historical figures If only you were born in the 15th century. People with disabilities No, we're not saying that dating someone with a disability is the same as courting a pigeon - stick with us on this one. An androgynous alien and the protagonists from various Namco IPs If you've ever transferred between schools, you probably know about the trials and tribulations of being the new kid, just trying to fit in as you get your social bearings.

A group of male gangsters Take the classic film The Great Escape , then amplify any homoerotic undertones to their absolute limits. Teenage boys with impossibly sharp chins True fact: A young girl and a pigeon Hatoful Boyfriend has been mystifying gamers since , achieving such infamous cult status that it somehow made its way onto the PS4. People of contrasting physical fitness Do you wish you were in better shape, but suffer from a lack of incentive?

A teenage girl and a dinosaur Steven Spielberg is one of the most respected directors in the film industry, but even he couldn't capture the gentle nuance of a tyrannosaurus rex's softer side. A teenage boy and an alien disguised as the Chief of State Let me attempt to describe this game as straightforwardly as possible. A real-world man and a machine Meet Sal name likely withheld to protect the socially damaged.

Allows players to communicate via the in-game party chat feature. Contains direct links to the Internet and social networking sites intended for an audience over The app uses Google Play Game Services. Plus, Parkside, Market Square, Downtown, and Waterfront have all gotten a festive makeover just in time for Winterfest.

You will be able to earn holiday rewards during the event to celebrate the season. During this time, your Sims can go also ice skating. Check back soon for more details, and thanks for playing!