10 signs youre dating a gentleman


  1. 10 Signs You’ve Found A Real Gentleman And You Shouldn’t Let Him Go
  2. 14 Ways You Know You’re Finally Dating A Gentleman
  3. 2. He makes an effort to make life easier for those around him.
  4. 10 Sure Signs You've Found a Modern Gentleman

Men who don't put in proper effort or seem to take a relationship for granted. The man we're referring to as the Modern Gentleman will pay attention to things you say and don't say , and act accordingly. You'll notice this particularly in the small things he does for you - will he always get it right?

10 Signs You’ve Found A Real Gentleman And You Shouldn’t Let Him Go

Will he always be trying? He always supports and encourages you. The right guy wants to see you at your best, and he wants to support your mission to get there.

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  • 1. He always has the best and most sincere intentions.!

He will never discourage you or make you feel like you can't do anything you set your mind to - because he knows you can. He will never feel as though he needs to bring anyone down in order to lift himself up. A man of quality never shies away from equality.

He will understand that as a strong, independent woman, you don't need him for anything - but that won't stop him from always being there to offer his help just in case. Whether you need another set of eyes on your presentation from work, or have gotten a flat tire at 4am with nobody else to call - he will be there.

Whether or not you physically or emotionally need someone to protect you, men biologically have the urge to protect the people we love, particularly significant others. You may never need him to fend off a mugger or save you from a burning house, but he will make it clear to you that if he ever had to - he would.

The only thing more important than starting a great relationship, is maintaining a great relationship. Relationships are like fires, you cannot start one, walk out of the room, and expect for it to burn forever.

14 Ways You Know You’re Finally Dating A Gentleman

You need to continuously stoke it with love, affection, appreciation, respect, and all of the other fundamentals that ignited your blaze in the first place. Complacency is a sure path to letting things get stale - a path he will never take. He will not be a doormat. Some people think that my advice to men sounds a lot like I'm encouraging them to become a servant to the woman in their life, but it is actually the opposite. No high-value woman will respect a man who just follows her around like a puppy dog.

If that's what she wanted, she'd get a puppy dog. He opens himself up to you so that you are able to trust and believe in him. He wants you to feel safe with him. He always stays mindful of the needs and feelings of those who are around him.

2. He makes an effort to make life easier for those around him.

He knows that he has a role to play in your relationship; and he always makes a real effort to fulfill that role to the best of his abilities. He never wants to leave you feeling discontented. He always wants to be able to put the effort into making sure you see him as an attractive man. He knows who he really is on the inside and he is secure in his person. He has a developed understanding of himself so that you would never have to doubt who he is.

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10 Sure Signs You've Found a Modern Gentleman

He pays attention and puts in effort for you. He always supports and encourages you.

2. He's Going to Have a Plan.

He will jump at the chance to help you. He takes pride in protecting you. He is always keeping things fresh.

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  7. He will not be a doormat. He will be on his own path in life, as will she, and they will merge them to walk together. He is always honest with you. He will never, ever be abusive in any way, shape, or form. Congratulations and thank you! Donna Artemisio on April 3, at