Antiques dating


  1. Dating Furniture Using Dovetail Joints
  2. Mister Bianco | The Refinery

In the not so distant past, each and every nail had to be individually and laboriously crafted by a blacksmith. An experienced smith could make a single nail in as little as a minute, which is quite a long time for something that is now churned out by the thousands using modern mass-production techniques.

Nails made in the traditional way were cut and hammered from nail stock, giving them a tapering profile with squared edges. As it was hammered, the head would often assume a shape reminiscent of flower petals where the iron flattened around the edges.

Dating Furniture Using Dovetail Joints

Toward the end of the 19th century, mass-manufacturing saw the rise of the round nail that we are familiar with today. Modern examples are generally made from wire stock and feature a perfectly consistent, round shaft with regular points and heads.

Antique Ottoman Empire Yataghan Yatagan Dating from 1275

Screws also changed greatly over previous centuries and were not fully machine made until around Prior to this, screws had been partially or wholly hand made giving them a much rougher appearance. Screw heads were invariably of the flat-head variety and the slot had to be cut by hand with a hack saw.

  • Eyeballing Antique Furniture.
  • What is a dovetail joint?.
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  • System for Dating Country and Primitive Furniture, Part One;

The first, and often simplest step involves inspecting certain areas of the furniture for telltale signs of age. Less visible areas like the bottom, interior, and back of a piece will often show signs of hand crafting as well as revealing construction techniques that can help to zero in on the period of origin.

Drawers are perhaps the best place to look when first inspecting a piece since they are the location most likely to show wear that has accumulated over the years. Cabinet doors and hinges can also reveal clues to the age of an item.

Mister Bianco | The Refinery

Tool marks from hand saws, planers, and chisels give an idea as to whether the piece was made before the era of mass production. Hardware like knobs, pulls, screws, and nails can also tell a lot about the age of a piece. Those that were used were very rough looking and irregular as they were entirely hand made.

  1. Dating Antiques Part I: An Introduction | Chic Euro Antiques.
  2. best Dating antiques x images on Pinterest | Pottery marks, Pottery pots and Stamps.
  3. Antique Dating Furniture;
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  5. Many periods are known for their use of certain types and grains of wood. The same goes for fabric patterns and upholstery techniques.