Scammers using dating sites


  1. Common Scams
  2. How to Avoid a Romance Scam When Using Online Dating Sites
  3. Online dating & romance scams: How to spot & avoid them | Comparitech

I said I would send her one, but not going to, then she started asking for money to be sent to her. She is supposedly a graduate student in Michigan. English is not her first language. I went on Google Earth and entered the address she gave me and came up with an apartment building. I didn't get an apartment number, so I asked for one, instead of getting the apartment number, I was told just send it to the address and I will get it, that sent up the biggest flag for me.

Anyone I meet and start dating, I don't ask for money and would never think of asking someone for a phone. All the pictures she sent have been taken by someone else, not one selfie. Beware, if it sounds too good to be true, then it is. Was on a site a few month ago but deleted my profile since and was communicating with a gentleman. Claimed one night Please be aware that "Michael" is a scam and do not reply to phone Hello, so i just want to put it out there that the Money Back Recovery Firm are a tried and tested assets and fund recovery firm.

I came across them when my company almost lost millions in dollar investments to fake brokers. Money back recovery firm also provided services involving forex and crypto trading, investment management for my company. I was talking to a man I met on facebook for several months. He went on a business trip that was to last two weeks in Canada. I didn't hear from him for a few days. He then contacted through text message that he was in a hospital in Canada. His story was that he got off the plane got into a cab.

The cab took him to a house unknown. Three me beat, rob him of all documentations money credit card phone. He was in the hospital 2 months. He had knee surgery, two strokes. I was sent emails with pictures of him in ER from his doctor. He convinced the doctors I was his wife.

He would text me on the doctor or nurse phone. During this time he kept asking me to send him money. I stop hearing from him for one month. He said he had to leave the hospital and was staying with a friend and the friend had bought a phone for him. He asked me for He said he was looking for a small job to make money to fly home. Several days went by and I didn't hear from him.

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I sent a text telling him that I wanted a live video chat. I pressured him to let me see who I was talking to.

Common Scams

They sent me more pictures of themself. I demanded a video chat. They started getting angry and out of character at this point and called me the bitch word. The conversation turned worse. I told him I didn't think he was the person I thought he was. He told me that he didn't need me anymore that he arrived in Washington D C two days ago. All this time he had filled me with promises of marriage, that he loved me.

He was going to relocate to Florida where I live. The conversation got so bad that I deleted off the app hangout that we were text on. His words hurt me so much.

How to Avoid a Romance Scam When Using Online Dating Sites

I have not heard from him in 21 days now. He has all my information. I tried checking for information on him.

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  7. He lied about where he worked. I contacted the company he was suppose to work at. I believe it was all a lie. It has broken my heart. My scammer said he was from Stuttgart, Germany and very quickly asked that we phone each other. I suggested WhatsApp and failed to notice that he didn't use the video but he mentioned it and told me he was too shy.

    He told me 'I was the one' after 2 conversations and must remove myself from the dating site and he would do the same. I found everything weird and his accent didn't sound German, He then told me he was travelling to Turkey to get supplies for his incredibly successful furniture company. When the plane landed he bombarded me with texts, One text said he was having difficulties with his online banking and by the way he was coming to visit me. This was all in less than one week of first contact. He rang me from 'Turkey' and kept calling me 'Sweetie' and wanted to let me know he was having online banking problems.

    I told him to contact his head office in German - this angered him and he started shouting that I didn't understand German business procedures.

    Online dating & romance scams: How to spot & avoid them | Comparitech

    When I told him never to ring me again he began to bombard me with texts again - how sorry he was to have shouted at me, etc. I thought I had blocked him but he began ringing me at 2 and 3 in the morning. This time I successfully blocked him. The fabulous furniture shop etc in Stuttgart, doesn't exist. I just blocked a guy who claims he wants to marry me. Is a soldier in the United Peacekeeping mission in Syria. At first, it was innocent enough, and I spoke to him on Hangouts. Of course now he has my email, but I blocked him, because next he will be asking for money.

    Woman catches online dating scam

    I had a similar experience with "Kate Stevens" just as recently as a day ago. Pictures were sent and I verified them as fake belonging to former Miss Utah and Utah National Guard Sergeant Jill Stevens , yet she insisted that she was who she said she was. After that, I asked for a video chat and we did that. Although similar to the picture, there were obvious differences with her appearance and no sound on her end. Last week I decided to head right outside of Austin Texas to turn off the cell phone and disconnect for a few days. Right before I left, she started hitting me up for an iTunes Gift Card.

    I didn't think anything of it and went on about my trip. Apparently my absence caused her to hit me with a number of messages asking about it and demanded a prompt response. Having discovered my "exhaustive point" with the charade while sitting at the campfire, I pulled the proverbial plug on our conversation when I returned from Austin. With the people trying to claim to be military, there are a few things that you can do to call them out on it: If they have time to sit on an online dating site while downrange, they probably aren't downrange.

    Most SpecOps members have regular military jobs and the likeliness of coming across an Operator online is less than that of being struck by lightning. Anyway, felt like telling my experience and give some pointers on how to avoid that stuff. Every woman I've ever begun talking to online to this point has asked me for everything from gift cards to shoes to sex toys. Had one literally ask me for my Credit Card information I have been talking with a gentleman for several months now.

    He wants me to actually get his visit visa from Pakistan for him. I am so confused. Please can you help me we FaceTime and talk on phone and text.

    Know if You’re at Risk

    He was on my Facebook. His fb name is Ali Azhar engineer. Please discontinue talking with this man! A true Pakistani man would never ask a woman for help financially because of their pride and culture! I found you can lose bank accounts, investments and such even if you don't own them. There was an elderly guy in the nursing home who gave his daughter power of attorney over his bank accounts and investments.

    The daughter began to abuse these accounts, withdrawing lots of cash, gambling it, and playing the big shot with her friends. I got on a date site and met this smoking hot babe from Indonesia 21 years my junior. We went pretty fast and we soon began to talk about our future together here in the US. I was asked to supply bank info to her so she could get her money out of her country. In short order I learned the bank accounts got closed and there were overdrafts, the investment house sent a letter wishing the client best wishes since these accounts got liquidated.

    The owner of the accounts was all pissed. Now I'm seeing people can get their money back they lost over the internet. How do you do that even if the accounts weren't yours to begin with? Hi, I have met many scammers on line, They normally sweet talk you for months on end. Then say after 3 months they come up with all kinds of excuses about why they need cash.