Dating your highschool sweetheart again


  1. The Reality Of Dating Your High School Sweetheart | HuffPost
  2. More From Thought Catalog
  3. 11 Things You'll Get If You're Dating Your High School Sweetheart

My most serious relationship in high school ended when they went off to college and I was still in HS. It was great while it lasted but we still had all our same old issues. We remained very close friends and when it came time for me to start looking at schools I wanted to transfer to he invited me out to look at his school in South Carolina. I flew out there for a weekend and fell in love with the school and city… and we picked up right where we left off. We met through a mutual friend and just stayed in contact every so often even when I stopped being friends with the mutual friend.

He came to my city for a conference and it was just like… oh, hey, there you are. And the rest is history. Basically if there was no cheating, screaming, crying, drama. That level of security and comfort is a great jump start on the relationship and it sounds like you to have it!

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  2. Why People Who Marry Their High School Sweetheart End Up The Happiest | Thought Catalog!
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I definitely say go for it!! My coworker reunited with her high school boyfriend and they seem like a great couple.

We are taking this slow because you are right, we are completely different than high school. He is almost done with his commitment from the Air Force ends this summer actually.

The Reality Of Dating Your High School Sweetheart | HuffPost

He should not have to move again unless he wanted to re-enlist, which he does not. It was a long distance relationship which means it was mostly a phone relationship since we lived 2 hours apart.

I never forgot him though…we would check in with eachother every once in a while. Ten years later we started talking again and he came and visited me. We were neighbors buy went to different schools and neither of us were really ready to do the relationship thing especially him. We broke up, I dated a guy for 5 years, then another guy for over 3, all while we went to rival universities. Then, 8 years later, during grad school, and when I was finally done with the two consecutive bad-decision long-term relationships, and my crazy, party-girl rebound stage, we reconnected on FB I know… , met up for a drink and the rest is history!

I never, EVER would have imagined myself with him back then, but apparently 15 year old me has great taste. We lost touch after graduation because I went away to school and he joined the Marine Corps. We realized we were both interested in each other in high school but never said anything! It gives a relationship a different dynamic when you knew each other when you were younger. I say just see where things go!

About 15 years later they got back together. It can definitely work! It was strange when we first started dating then, at the end of college, because I remembered him from high school as sort of strange and immature. Find support, ask questions, swap stories, and follow brides planning real weddings here on Weddingbee. Getting back together with someone you dated in high school? Hope all of you on the east coast are safe after Snowstorm Jonas. It can be tough, but being with your high school sweetheart means that you got to experience a lot of firsts together. You experienced high school together, you experienced the troubles of post-secondary school together, whether you were at the same university or not, you have been able to share your life with someone for so long that you may know them more than you even know yourself, and you got to relearn things about them when you both grew and experienced change in your lives.

More From Thought Catalog

Overall, you grew together , even if you grew into different people, you learned how to make things work and how to stay compatible, and these are signs of a really strong relationship. Therefore, even though dating your high school sweetheart can be extremely difficult, you are experiencing one of the strongest relationships ever, and if you are careful, it can be a relationship with so much love, trust, and compassion that absolutely no one can break.

Originally written by Christina Donati on Unwritten. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. News Arts And Entertainment 7 12 Education. All in all, I think there are many benefits to marrying your high school sweetheart. Most relationships must weather periods of change and turmoil at some point.

For some, these times come after marriage, when the stakes are even higher. For us, though, the periods of turmoil and change came before marriage. This summer, we attended our year high school reunion. We both had people to see and stories to tell. Walking into your year reunion with a fellow classmate beside you makes the whole process less intimidating.

11 Things You'll Get If You're Dating Your High School Sweetheart

For those high school sweethearts who actually attend the same high school, living in the same hometown can create common experiences and lead to similar values. We see the world in somewhat similar ways because we grew up in the same part of the world.

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  • No matter where you go in life, your roots are an essential thread in the fabric of who you are. We both have similar threads, leading to shared perspectives, values, and even a stronger bond. Certainly, marriage is always difficult and complex. Going to the altar, though, with years of memories, connections, and triumphs as a couple can harbor confidence in your vows. I knew when we said our vows we had a foundation to be successful in the next step of our life together. Having a single one-and-only for the majority of your adult life or all of it can be less devastating to the heart. For many high school sweethearts, friendship and the emotional bond is at the forefront of the early years.

    My husband and I found we had years in high school to work on our emotional connection and to get to know each other at a fundamental level. Without the pressures of adult romance, such as when to move in together or dealing with career choices in addition to relationship choices, we had time to focus on getting to know each other before life got too complicated. This friendship has enhanced the core elements of our relationship, giving us a sturdy foundation to build our marriage upon. All of those laughable moments from high school, those gut-splitting stories of teenage craziness, are memories we share.