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HR Forum 2015: How companies are dealing with Gen X and Gen Y at work

Thanks to the support of Central Adriatic Ports Authority, on May, , Ancona has been at the centre of the Adriatic maritime tourism sector as a whole. Adriatic Sea Forum, thanks to its widely appreciated formula, is a crucial meeting point for all players with interests in the cruise, ferry and nautical areas and more generally in the tourism and maritime sectors,who operate partly or exclusively in the Adriatic.

Since , the forum has made an important contribution to sharing ideas and facilitating the development of new projects, as well as launching strategies, businesses and proposals. It offers an opportunity to meet and discuss the future and the development of the Adriatic: a place to meet people working in the sectors the forum is aimed at, as well as new stakeholders operating in different areas, with whom new business and p rojects can be entered into or developed.

Adriatic Sea Forum is an opportunity for all those interested in the maritime and tourism sectors to update, create, share and spread information, projects, knowledge and relationships.

Ecco alcuni numeri che danno la misura di questa evoluzione. Capire il reale. Per questo, The European House — Ambrosetti offre continui e diversificati servizi di aggiornamento, per aiutare ogni figura professionale a restare al passo con i vorticosi ritmi del mondo del lavoro contemporaneo.

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Sono le nostre finestre sul mondo, i punti di riferimento concreti per chi conosce e apprezza The European House — Ambrosetti. Le occasioni per chiamare a raccolta gli alti dirigenti dei gruppi nazionali e multinazionali e farli incontrare.

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Metterli a confronto con le opinioni dei grandi della Terra che partecipano ai nostri eventi. In certi casi anche di interagire fra e con loro.

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Eventi al top che ci rendono unici nel panorama mondiale della consulenza. Scarica l'App del Forum Villa d'Este. Investire nel trasporto ferroviario regionale. Global Attractiveness Index Il quadro economico italiano ha risentito della crisi balneare oppure no?