Dating while married quotes


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It is easy to lose the romance of your marriage throughout the years. It may seem like you simply live in the same house as your spouse instead of feeling that close connection from when you were first married. It is easy to come up with excuses to not go on dates as well. I know though that as we stop making excuses and set aside a time for date night that our marriages will be stronger and we will be happier.

Here are some reasons I have come up with on the importance of date night for married couples. It has some pretty strong statistics about the importance of dating and how couple time can lower your chances of divorce and other good things! Building our communication is important.

dating while married | Quotes | Pinterest | Dating, Marriage and Relationship

Spending one on one time helps us to do this. There are so many distractions in our everyday life that can hinder our communication. Date night gives us the opportunity to continue to get to know our spouse. We can learn what is most important to each other and work through any misunderstandings or miscommunications. Many couples are very busy, with little together time. This can help each spouse support the other and grow together. At the same time, it also gives you time to think and brainstorm on some of these choices.

Date nights are a time when I remember why I fell in love with my husband. We always have a blast together.

Quick to Forgive

One on one time can remind you of what life was like before kids and other added stresses. Stress brings out the worst in everyone.

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This is why we need time together that is not stressful! Even if their relationship is crumbling, there still remains that history… that love story between the two of them.

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At the end of the day, it sucks for all involved. While it definitely just seems like pointless emotional entanglement with no way forward, there might still be some good there…somewhere, maybe? And that could actually work for you. You could navigate this whole thing without getting too caught up. Here comes the reality check. And that chips away at you. But you also know the person you love, if given the ultimatum, you or their relationship? And sweetheart, that is no way to live. Intimate relations were designed by the Lord as a sacred opportunity to renew marriage covenants, provide therapy, and keep you two in love.

It is essential in a stressful world that the two of you enjoy your physical and emotional relationship. Intimacy is not to be abused. This is your spouse, companion, confidant, lover, and therapist all rolled into one, and you two should enjoy the privilege of sharing your masculine and feminine traits in a wholesome way. Of course, the relationship must be healthy if this part of the marriage is to be cherished.

Rather, loving, kind interactions facilitate greater unity. Spend time with children and grandchildren. Be kind to children. A wife will have a hard time feeling affection toward her husband if he mistreats or is unkind to their children. The reverse is also true.

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  • The Importance of Date Night for Married Couples.

Husbands and wives who take an active, positive role in parenting engender love from their spouses. Seek feedback and help each other.

Spouse Quotes

From an eternal perspective, we are all new at marriage and have a lot to learn. A humble approach toward each other allows husbands and wives to learn from one another. Seeking feedback from your spouse about how you are doing and how you could improve might be just what you need to be a better spouse and parent.

Remember that insisting on being right is not as important as being united and having the Spirit. Anger is a great destroyer of marriages and families.