Esl dating and relationships


  1. Dating Apps and Modern Relationships
  2. English Lessons
  3. Learn dating vocabulary:
  4. Heads Up English | ESL Lessons - Love and Relationships

Please look up these words on your own. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section. My friend Pete from Australia had a conversation about dating using almost all of the vocab words listed above. Listen and see how many of the words you can catch!

Dating Apps and Modern Relationships

Tell the story of one of your relationships or the relationship of someone you know , either current or past using at least ten of the words above. Read about the top dating apps of Which app do you think is the most interesting? Can you imagine it being successful? Watch a clip from my favorite movie When Harry Met Sally and answer the following questions: Divide the class into small groups. If you could go back to another time and place, what time and place would you choose and why? Do you have any tatoos? If so, tell about Are cats better pets than dogs or are dogs better pets than cats?

If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be Have you ever seen an opera? Have you ever been to the symphony? If so, tell about it. Tell about the last time you visited a Do you always lock your house? What about your car? How have science and technology changed what crimes are committed?

English Lessons

Would you like to have a Do most people in your country prefer traditional medicine, modern medicine, or a combination of the two? Do you think there are any legal What do you usually do on the weekends? What did you do last weekend? Do you have plans for this weekend? What kind of music do you What's your favorite dessert? How often do you eat it? Do you think you have a generally healthy diet?

  • Relationships and dating.
  • .
  • Dating Apps: Is fate in our hands?;
  • dating lecturer.
  • .

What have you eaten so far today? Do you think that old buildings are more beautiful than new ones? What's your favorite room in the house? What languages have you studied? How well can you read, write and speak each of them? Have you ever had a friendship with someone who Who is your favorite actor?

Who is your favorite actress? Do you ever wish that they were together in real life? How popular is live music in your country? When was the last time you went to a concert or live show? What kind of music do you like? How are government officials chosen in your country?

Learn dating vocabulary:

Do you think this method is fair? In your opinion, how much should governments Who is the most famous scientist from your country? In what ways has science most advanced society? What was the last thing you bought for yourself?

Where did you buy it? Why did you buy it?

  • "A Fun Place to Learn English as a Second Language!".
  • Learning English;
  • ESL Conversation Questions - Dating (I-TESL-J);

Do you enjoy shopping? How often do you go Do you usually remember your dreams?

Heads Up English | ESL Lessons - Love and Relationships

Tell about a recent dream you remember. What do you know about dream interpretation? Who was the last friend that you met? How did you meet them? How did your parents meet? Describe a perfect night spent When do you think people will visit Mars? What do you think they will find there? Have you ever used a telescope?