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To-Day she went viral for daily deals added daily deals in dating profile. Examples of speed dating dc. Whether for to supporting former employees that perfect price. In , an abortive sale to a Chicago-based group connected to the mafia with no experience in the industry also disrupted studio operations at RKO even further. In , Hughes was involved with a high profile lawsuit as part of the settlement of the United States v. As a result of the hearings, the shaky status of RKO became increasingly apparent. A steady stream of lawsuits from RKO's minority shareholders had grown to be extremely annoying to Hughes.

They had accused him of financial misconduct and corporate mismanagement. Since Hughes wanted to focus primarily on his aircraft manufacturing and TWA holdings during the Korean War years, Hughes offered to buy out all other stockholders in order to dispense with their distractions. Hughes retained the rights to pictures that he had personally produced, including those made at RKO. He also retained Jane Russell's contract. For Howard Hughes, this was the virtual end of his year involvement in the motion picture industry.

However, his reputation as a financial wizard emerged unscathed. During that time period, RKO became known as the home of film noir classic productions thanks in part to the limited budgets required to make such films during Hughes' tenure. General Tire was interested mainly in exploiting the value of the RKO library for television programming even though it made some attempts to continue producing films. After a year and a half of mixed success, General Tire shut down film production entirely at RKO at the end of January Beyond extending his business prowess in the manufacturing, aviation, entertainment, and hospitality industries, Hughes was a successful real estate investor.

Hughes was deeply involved in the American real estate industry where he amassed vast holdings of undeveloped land both in Las Vegas and in the desert surrounding the city that had gone unused during his lifetime. This forced the remaining businesses of the "original" Hughes Tool to adopt a new corporate name Summa. The name "Summa"—Latin for "highest"—was adopted without the approval of Hughes himself, who preferred to keep his own name on the business, and suggested HRH Properties for Hughes Resorts and Hotels, and also his own initials.

In , Summa announced plans for Summerlin , a master-planned community named for the paternal grandmother of Howard Hughes, Jean Amelia Summerlin. Initially staying in the Desert Inn , Hughes refused to vacate his room, and instead decided to purchase the entire hotel. He quickly became one of the most powerful men in Las Vegas. He was instrumental in changing the image of Las Vegas from its Wild West roots into a more refined cosmopolitan city.

Another portion of Hughes' business interests lay in aviation, airlines, and the aerospace and defense industries. Hughes was a lifelong aircraft enthusiast and pilot. He survived four airplane accidents: He set many world records and commissioned the construction of custom aircraft for himself while heading Hughes Aircraft at the airport in Glendale , CA.

Operating from there, the most technologically important aircraft he commissioned was the Hughes H-1 Racer. This was the last time in history that the world airspeed record was set in an aircraft built by a private individual. A year and a half later, on January 19, , flying the same H-1 Racer fitted with longer wings, Hughes set a new transcontinental airspeed record by flying non-stop from Los Angeles to Newark in seven hours, 28 minutes, and 25 seconds beating his own previous record of nine hours, 27 minutes.

The H-1 Racer featured a number of design innovations: On July 14, , Hughes set another record by completing a flight around the world in just 91 hours three days, 19 hours, 17 minutes , beating the previous record set in by Wiley Post in a single engine Lockheed Vega by almost four days. Hughes returned home ahead of photographs of his flight. For this flight he flew a Lockheed 14 Super Electra NX, a twin-engine transport with a four-man crew fitted with the latest radio and navigational equipment.

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Hughes wanted the flight to be a triumph of American aviation technology, illustrating that safe, long-distance air travel was possible. Albert Lodwick of Mystic, Iowa provided organizational skills as the flight operations manager. Hobby Airport in Houston, Texas —known at the time as Houston Municipal Airport—was renamed after Hughes, but the name was changed back after people objected to naming the airport after a living person. Hughes also had a role in the design and financing of both the Boeing Stratoliner and Lockheed L Constellation. The Hughes D-2 was conceived in as a bomber with five crew members, powered by cylinder Wright R Tornado engines.

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  • Howard Hughes - Wikipedia.

The aircraft was constructed using the Duramold process. The prototype was brought to Harper's Dry Lake California in great secrecy in and first flew on June 20 of that year. Hughes then attempted to get the military to pay for the development of the D In November , the hangar containing the D-2A was reportedly hit by lightning and the aircraft was destroyed.

The D-2 design was abandoned, but led to the extremely controversial Hughes XF Only the two prototypes were completed; the second one with a single propeller per side. In the spring of Hughes spent nearly a month in Las Vegas , test flying his Sikorsky S amphibian aircraft, practicing touch-and-go landings on Lake Mead in preparation for flying the H-4 Hercules.

The weather conditions at the lake during the day were ideal and he enjoyed Las Vegas at night.

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The test flight did not go well. Hughes suffered a severe gash on the top of his head when he hit the upper control panel and had to be rescued by one of the others on board. Hughes was involved in another near-fatal aircraft accident on July 7, , while performing the first flight of the prototype U. An oil leak caused one of the contra-rotating propellers to reverse pitch, causing the aircraft to yaw sharply and lose altitude rapidly.

Hughes attempted to save the aircraft by landing it at the Los Angeles Country Club golf course, but just seconds before reaching the course, the XF started to drop dramatically and crashed in the Beverly Hills neighborhood surrounding the country club. When the XF finally came to a halt after destroying three houses, the fuel tanks exploded, setting fire to the aircraft and a nearby home at North Whittier Drive, owned by Lt Col. Durkin, who happened to be in the area visiting friends. An oft-told story said that Hughes sent a check to the Marine weekly for the remainder of his life as a sign of gratitude.

However, Durkin's daughter denied knowing that he received any money from his rescue of Hughes.

Despite his physical injuries, Hughes was proud that his mind was still working. As he lay in his hospital bed, he decided that he did not like the bed's design. He called in plant engineers to design a customized bed, equipped with hot and cold running water, built in six sections, and operated by 30 electric motors, with push-button adjustments.

Although he never used the bed that he designed, Hughes' bed served as a prototype for the modern hospital bed. Hughes, however, believed that neither miracle nor modern medicine contributed to his recovery, instead asserting the natural life-giving properties of fresh-squeezed orange juice were responsible. Many attribute his long-term dependence on opiates to his use of codeine as a painkiller during his convalescence.

The War Production Board not the military originally contracted with Henry Kaiser and Hughes to produce the gigantic HK-1 Hercules flying boat for use during World War II to transport troops and equipment across the Atlantic as an alternative to seagoing troop transport ships that were vulnerable to German U-boats. The project was opposed by the military services, thinking it would siphon resources from higher priority programs, but was advocated by Hughes' powerful allies in Washington, D.

After disputes, Kaiser withdrew from the project and Hughes elected to continue it as the H-4 Hercules. However, the aircraft was not completed until after the end of World War II. The Hercules is no longer the longest nor heaviest aircraft ever built; both of those titles are currently held by the Antonov An Mriya.

The Hercules flew only once for one mile 1. The Hercules was nicknamed the Spruce Goose by its critics, but it was actually made largely from birch , not spruce , rather than of aluminum, because the contract required that Hughes build the aircraft of "non- strategic materials ".

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It was built in Hughes' Westchester, California , facility. In hotly disputed testimony over TWA 's route awards and malfeasance in the defense acquisition process, Hughes turned the tables on his main interlocutor, Maine Senator Owen Brewster , and the hearings were widely interpreted as a Hughes victory. The Hughes Helicopters division started in when helicopter manufacturer Kellett sold their latest design to Hughes for production. The company was a major American aerospace and defense contractor manufacturing numerous technology related products that include spacecraft vehicles, military aircraft, radar systems, electro-optical systems, the first working laser, aircraft computer systems, missile systems, ion-propulsion engines for space travel , commercial satellites, and other electronics systems.

In , Hughes created a new division of the company: In , Howard Hughes gave all his stock in the Hughes Aircraft Company to the newly formed Howard Hughes Medical Institute, thereby turning the aerospace and defense contractor into a tax-exempt charitable organization. It has particularly emphasized capabilities in high performance integrated circuits, high power lasers, antennas, networking, and smart materials.

The Constellations were among the highest-performing commercial aircraft of the late s and s, and allowed TWA to pioneer nonstop transcontinental service. After the Boeing was announced, Hughes opted to pursue a more unique jet aircraft for TWA and approached Convair in late Convair proposed two concepts to Hughes, but Hughes was unable to decide which concept to adopt, and Convair eventually abandoned its initial jet project after the mockups of the and Douglas DC-8 were unveiled.

Hughes did not have enough cash on hand or future cash flow to pay for the orders, and did not immediately seek bank financing. Hughes's refusal to heed Dietrich's financing advice led to a major rift between the two by the end of Hughes believed that Dietrich wished to have Hughes committed as mentally incompetent, although the evidence of this is inconclusive.

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Dietrich resigned by telephone in May after repeated requests for stock options, which Hughes refused to grant, and with no further progress on the jet financing. The claim was largely dependent upon obtaining testimony from Hughes himself. Hughes went into hiding and refused to testify. Hughes acquired control of Boston-based Northeast Airlines in However, the airline's lucrative route authority between major northeastern cities and Miami was terminated by a CAB decision around the time of the acquisition, and Hughes sold control of the company to a trustee in Northeast went on to merge with Delta Air Lines in Republic was subsequently acquired by and merged into Northwest Airlines which in turn was ultimately merged into Delta Air Lines in Hughes had made numerous business partnerships through industrialist and producer, David Charnay.

George, Utah that eventually led to Hughes buying up nearly every copy of the film he could, only to watch the film at home repeatedly for many nights in a row.

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Charnay later bought the Four Star , the film and television production company that produced The Conqueror. Hughes, Charnay, as well as three others were indicted. The complexity of this LBO was the first of its kind. Attorney DeVoe Heaton, accused the group of conspiring to drive down the stock price of Air West in order to pressure company directors to sell to Hughes. Thompson, the federal judge that made the decision to dismiss the charges called the indictment one of the worst claims that he had ever seen. The charges were filed again, a second time, by U. The Federal Judge ruled on November 13, and elaborated to say that the case suggested a "reprehensible misuse of the power of great wealth", but in his judicial opinion, "no crime had been committed.

During a long pause between the years of the dismissed charges against Hughes, Charnay, and their partners, Howard Hughes had mysteriously died mid-flight while on the way to Houston from Acapulco. No further attempts were made to file any indictments after Hughes had died.