Intj girl dating


  1. More From Thought Catalog
  2. 9 Unmistakable Signs You’re Dating An INTJ
  3. INTJ Female: The Unicorn Amongst The Humans
  4. Infographics
  5. INTJ Woman: 10 Traits and How To Date One

She will analyze your conversation, your responses, and perhaps even your body language. Prepare to feel judged even though she really is just trying to figure you out. If you are not confident in yourself, you will not be worth her time.

More From Thought Catalog

If this response was to long for you, question again if an INTJ female is a good fit for you. We love to go deep into analysis and theory, and hold long conversations.

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This is so accurate. Reading this really bring some old memories that make me smile.

9 Unmistakable Signs You’re Dating An INTJ

Thanks for sharing and congratulations on finding your life partner: I just stumbled across this and read it with my partner possibly an ISTJ of 12 years…a hilariously spot-on retelling of our early courtship! This part was interesting: If you like that, cool. Like Liked by 1 person.

This is spot on. Good and bad parts of course to being an intj. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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INTJ Female: The Unicorn Amongst The Humans

Notify me of new posts via email. Facebook Email Tumblr Reddit. I absolutely related to this as a fellow INTJ. I am still searching for my match.


Check out the bookstores. Reading this really bring some old memories that make me smile Like Like. And also, I tell my man I love him and he has a sexy brain all the time. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.

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  7. Dating an INTJ female….
  8. The way in which this competitiveness shows itself will differ from one INTJ female to another, though academic superiority is almost universal. This can highlight the elevated self-regard and arrogance characteristic of the INTJ. INTJ girls are often disinterested in appearing like other girls and do not usually feel obligated to adhere to gender-specific standards. As a result, it can be difficult to find peers with whom she shares enough common interests to found a deep or lasting relationship on.

    If an INTJ girl is self-confident enough, she will make lifetime goals and plan for success. Others may not deal with the lack of support as well, losing themselves in anxiety or even depression. Struggles with low self-worth or self-respect can both lead to and be caused by the perfectionist habit of comparing oneself to others and to impossible, internalized standards.

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    This can deepen anxiety in social situations, making it increasingly difficult to relax. Pressure to meet social expectations can drive the female INTJ to take refuge inside her own mind in order to avoid external judgment. INTJ women hate being stereotyped into mundane gender roles. When seeking a fulfilling relationship , an INTJ woman will look for a person with whom she can create an equivalent partnership, where both partners invest in one another and help each other to reach their life goals.

    Interactions with a potential partner are unlikely to include flirting or physical touch, as INTJ women believe intimate relationships should be founded on intellectual and emotional compatibility and acceptance. In addition, they will avoid drama; this means that arguments based on emotions or logical fallacies will drive the INTJ woman away.

    INTJ women would rather be alone than in a nonfunctional relationship. INTJ women take their work seriously, approaching work situations with a professional mindset. Like their male counterparts, INTJ women tend to dislike authority.

    INTJ Woman: 10 Traits and How To Date One

    As a boss with a female INTJ employee, the best way to handle them is simply to not handle them. INTJs love independence and respect. If given the option, the INTJ woman will almost always work alone or in small, like-minded groups. Getting into workplace social interactions is a challenge.