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  2. The Best of the Worst of Online Dating
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  4. 10 Times Tumblr Talked About Dating Perfectly

Second, most women can agree if a guy is really attractive or really unattractive. Women are more likely to disagree on the attractiveness of men in the middle of the economy. We can see this trend in Figure 1. We can also see that the wealth distribution for males in the Tinder economy is quite large. So how can we compare the Tinder economy to other economies? Economists use two main metrics to compare the wealth distribution of economies: The Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient.

If the wealth was equally distributed the graph would show a 45 degree line. The amount the curve bends below the 45 degree line shows the extent of wealth inequality. Figure 2 shows the Lorenz curve for the Tinder economy compared to the curve for the U. The Lorenz curve for the Tinder economy is lower than the curve for the US economy. This means that the inequality in Tinder wealth distribution is larger than the inequality of income in the US economy.

One way economists quantify this difference is by comparing the Gini coefficient for different economies. The Gini coefficient Wikipedia link is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 corresponds with perfect equality where everyone has the same income damn commies and 1 corresponds with perfect inequality where one person has all the income and everyone else has zero income let them eat cake.

Reading Tinder Messages: Transgender Edition - Stef Sanjati

The Tinder Gini coefficient is even higher at 0. This may not seem like a big difference but it is actually huge.

Figure 3 compares the income Gini coefficient distribution for nations and adds the Tinder economy to the list. The Tinder economy has a higher Gini coefficient than This graph is shown as Figure 4.

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Note that the y-axis is in log scale and the curve is fairly linear. This means the curve has a high correlation to an exponential fit. So attractive guys can do pretty well using Tinder congratulations. Unfortunately, this percentage decreases rapidly as you go down the attractiveness scale.

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You can be of above average attractiveness and still only get liked by a few percent of women on Tinder. You would probably be better off just going to a bar or joining some coed recreational sports team. Up until now I have been an OkCupid loyalist, but after sending over messages and not having any hot make-out sessions I decided to give something else a try. I signed up with Tinder because I have heard that it is a good app to find people to make-out with. I got a few matches here and there, but never even a phone number, let alone a hot make-out session.

I got so distraught it made me desperate. I was going cat fishing. I made Attractive Guy 26 years old. He swiped right on every girl Tinder recommended and I kept track of the results. Then I calculated some statistics. The following is what I learned. Attractive Guy did amazingly well. He was liked back by He also did well across all age groups. The average female recommended to Attractive Guy on Tinder was We can conclude that Attractive guy universally appealed to the Tinder female user base.

I also created an Unattractive Guy profile. He is 34, a little chubby, but not hideous by any means.

The Best of the Worst of Online Dating

He did much worse on Tinder. He was only matched with 0. Additionally, the females that liked him were much older than the average Tinder female. The average age of his recommendations was The average age of his matches was I decided to make Attractive Guy 34 years old and Unattractive Guy 26 years old to see how much of a detriment being older than the average Tinder female really was on match percentage.

What I learned was actually pretty fascinating. He only matched with 0.

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With so few likes this is probably a statistically insignificant change from Unattractive 34 year old Guy. His average match age was lower than Unattractive 34 year old Guy but still higher than the average female on Tinder. I hypothesized that Attractive 34 year old Guy would have a lower match percentage than Attractive 26 year old guy since the average age of female Tinder users was around 24 years old.

To explain this surprise you have to know that Tinder puts people that have matched you ahead of other people in your recommendation queue. Women over 30 were filtering out younger males on Tinder so they were more likely to find and match with Attractive 34 year old Guy. These matches got put to the top of his queue. So being an attractive older guy helps you with older women, but does it hurt you with younger women?

The answer is a resounding no. Attractive 34 year old Guy matched with This is only slightly less than Attractive 26 year old Guy. The average age of these women was Apparently for males attractive is attractive at any age. So what did I learn? Tinder actually can work, but pretty much only if you are an attractive guy. So what do you think? Has Tinder worked for you? What age group do you look at compared to your age?

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What percent of people do you tend to swipe right on? Is there anything else you would like to know about Tinder? Until then, happy cat fishing. I just ready your Tinder Experiment II. When these people had theories on what really went on in heaven.

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Apparently, we're all part of this giant reality TV series. Make sure you're following candymagloves on Tumblr, too, Candy Girls. When I'm not busy researching about what to write next on the website, I sleep, read books, and re-watch episodes of Friends. Before the season 2 premiere of Stranger Things, we got to hang with some of the old gang and a pair of brand new strangers making their debut soon.

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