Matchmaking tarot


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What does that thing say about the question you brought to the reading? You can also do exercises where you place yourself within the cards, and experience the scene first hand. There are so many ways to interpret a card, and a lot of it has to do with letting go of what you think you're "supposed" to see, and allowing the real message to shine through. Don't know if that helped or confused you even more. LOL Feel free to email me if you'd like.

Chinese Astrology in Matchmaking

Wednesday, February 10, Tarot Matchmaking. It's almost Valentine's Day, and Cupid wants to come out and play. This post is inspired by a fun writing prompt shared by Cat 'n Owl. I wanted to use my PDR deck for this exercise both because it has a beautifully romantic feel to it, and also to add variety to my daily use of this deck. I knew right away who my bachelorette was.

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She is a lovely house maiden who works quietly and diligently. She is honest and trustworthy, good and kind. She keeps to herself, enjoys simple pleasures, and is modest and humble. She thinks that no one notices her, but little does she know that there were more than half a dozen suitors lined up to be her Valentine's Day date.

And as the matchmaker, it was up to me to decide who to set her up with. There was a king, a few knights, a couple of knaves and a violinist who asked to be considered. They all made compelling arguments, but one by one they were eliminated for one reason or another. It's not that they weren't lovely, it's just that they weren't the perfect match for her. And she deserves to find true love. In the end, the King was too pretentious. The Knights were too obsessed with the conquest and adventure, and none were a suitable match for Temperanz's demure nature. The violinist appeared romantic and sweet, but it turns out he was too self absorbed.


That left us with two knaves vying for the number one spot. One offered loyalty and chivalry. He assured me he would lay down his life for her. And I was very drawn to him. However, the other knave offered her something near and dear to her heart. Fante di Coppa He held a cup in his hand, presenting the one thing that she treasures. He tells me that he watches her every day. He sees the precision and care with which she pours the water into the castle's vases, never spilling a drop. His offering shows that he is the one, above all others, who knows the true Temperanz.

He stands both bold and shy in his offering, the combination which would suit Temperanz beautifully, as she is, after all, the model of this type of alchemy. The knave's flowing ribbons and garments match the flow of his beloved's. And he offers her his cup and his love, without strings.

He looks the other way, so she is free to reject him if she desires, without feeling the guilt of seeing the pain on his face.

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His face is in fact hidden behind the cup, so that she may make her decision fairly and honestly. Yes, this is the one for her. It's a match made in heaven. The knave, like Temperanz, is quiet and subtle in his actions, yet they come from the heart, deep and true.

My work is done. And they lived happily ever after. It may be fair to say only that they were able to speed up, or slow down, relationships that were already forming. In this sense they were probably not distinguishable from relatives, rivals, or others with an interest. Clergy probably played a key role in most Western cultures, as they continue to do in modern ones, especially where they are the most trusted mediators in the society.

Compatibility Games

Matchmaking was certainly one of the peripheral functions of the village priest in Medieval Catholic society, as well as a Talmudic duty of rabbis in traditional Jewish communities. Today, the shidduch is a system of matchmaking in which Jewish singles are introduced to one another in Orthodox Jewish communities. Matchmakers trade on the belief that romantic love is something akin to a human right , and the modern online dating service is just one of many examples of a dating system where technology is invoked almost as a magic charm with the capacity to bring happiness.

The acceptance of dating systems, however, has created something of a resurgence in the role of the traditional professional matchmaker. Those who find dating systems or services useful but prefer human intelligence and personal touches can choose from a wide range of such services now available. According to Mark Brooks an online personals and social networking expert , "you can actually find people who are compatible, and this is a major advance that is going to keep the industry alive for the upcoming 50 years".

Tarot - Know about Tarot Cards, Tarot reading and much more about Tarot

In Singapore , the Social Development Unit SDU , run by the city-state 's government , offers a combination of professional counsel and dating system technology, like many commercial dating services. Thus the role of the matchmaker has become institutionalized, as a bureaucrat , and every citizen in Singapore has access to some subset of the matchmaking services that were once reserved for royalty or upper classes. The Matchmaking Institute is the only school for matchmaking in the US, established in that is accredited by the state of New York, providing certifications to matchmakers from all over the world.

The Various academics and practitioners in sexology and marriage counseling have developed matchmaking methods with the goal of maximising its success. For example, profiles produced by personality tests can be evaluated for compatibility. In contradiction to social networking solutions, real meetings between business people are in focus. Trade fair organisations e.

Following the inspiration of dating sites, some online B2B networking platforms developed advanced business matching solutions enabling relevant business partners' identification. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Not to be confused with matcha-making. This article is about human matchmakers. For modern matchmaking which tends to substitute information technology or game-like rules for the expert's finesse, see Dating.