What is the dating law in california


  1. What are the laws on dating a minor in California? Minors_ Legal Questions & Answers
  2. My Son Is Dating a Minor: Should I Be Worried About the Legal Implications?
  3. References
  4. California Law on Underage Dating

She claimed it was rape, he claimed it was consensual, and a jury acquitted him of the charges.

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  • Statutory Rape: The Age of Consent?
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However, because of their age difference, the jury still found Dixon guilty of statutory rape and aggravated child molestation, and sentenced him to a mandatory 10 years in prison under Georgia law. He walked out of prison on May 3, , at age 19, a free man.

What are the laws on dating a minor in California? Minors_ Legal Questions & Answers

Prior to his court case and conviction, Dixon had been offered a full football scholarship at Vanderbilt University, which was revoked after his arrest. Upon his release from prison, Dixon enrolled at Hampton University in Virginia with a football scholarship. The Dixon case is just one in a long line of similar legal battles teens have faced in the last decade. A Hot Topic Among Teens The recent discovery that year-old actress Jamie Lynn Spears, the sister of pop star Britney Spears, became pregnant by her year-old boyfriend has again turned consensual sex among teens into a hotly contested issue.

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Parents, particularly those with teenage daughters, certainly have cause for concern. Research shows that teenage girls tend to have their first sexual experience with male partners who are three or more years older. But do these dangers warrant laws that put young people in prison?

My Son Is Dating a Minor: Should I Be Worried About the Legal Implications?

Romeo and Juliet Make a Comeback Statutory rape is defined by the FBI as non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is younger than the statutory age of consent. The statutory rape laws vary greatly from state to state, with more than half of the states setting the legal age of consent at 16 other states range from 14 to For the most part, there is no single age at which a person can consent to sexual activity.

Only 12 states set a specific age ranging from 16 to 18 , while in the majority of states, the age of consent depends on multiple factors, including the ages of each partner and the number of years between them.

The purpose behind most statutory rape laws is to punish grown adults who take sexual advantage of a minor. The following are just a few examples of Romeo and Juliet laws currently in place in the United States:.

One or more of these charges may be used to prosecute violations of the California Age of Consent, as statutory rape or the California equivalent of that charge. The severity of the criminal charge felony, misdemeanor, etc depends on the specifics of the acts committed and the relative ages of the perpetrator and victim.

Legal Prostítütíon Could Be Coming To California

Click any charge for more detailed information. Back to list of state ages of consent View international ages of consent. What is Age of Consent? What is Statutory Rape?


What is the California Age of Consent? Aggravated Sexual Assault of a child. Forcible acts of sexual penetration. The court shall, however, take into consideration the defendant's ability to pay, and no defendant shall be denied probation because of his or her inability to pay the fine permitted under this subdivision.

California Law on Underage Dating

In prosecutions under Section , , , a, or , in which consent is at issue, "consent" shall be defined to mean positive cooperation in act or attitude pursuant to an exercise of free will. The person must act freely and voluntarily and have knowledge of the nature of the act or transaction involved. A current or previous dating or marital relationship shall not be sufficient to constitute consent where consent is at issue in a prosecution under Section , , , a, or