How to keep dating light


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  2. Keeping It Casual: 9 Ways To Ensure Things Don’t Get Too Serious
  3. Relationship Advice for Women: How to Get Him to Commit | Shape Magazine

This is setting yourself up for failure, or steering the fling in more domestic waters.

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Going to events of these nature should be fully optional, with no passive-aggressive disappointment. Once things start to feel like a chore, the fun is over. Or at the very least, pretending to be cool with it. I know the second one sounds kinda crazy, but is in fact an option. An option that might in fact work. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. You may unsubscribe at any time. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. With that in mind, here are some tidbits of possibly helpful advice: Friends With Benefits 1.

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Talk about blurred lines. However you can use these tips to subtly up the chances that he'll want to turn casual dating into something more. You think you desire something serious with this particular guy—but before you do anything else, be sure. Step back and ask yourself the following questions, Trespicio suggests: Do I have fun with him? Is my mood elevated when I'm with him?

Do I feel good about myself after we part ways?

Keeping It Casual: 9 Ways To Ensure Things Don’t Get Too Serious

Does he improve my life? Do I feel respected? One thing to look out for: If he's acting extremely jealous or policing your every move, you need to really reevaluate things.

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And never tell yourself, "He's a nice guy and has done nothing wrong, so I guess I should be with him. Be in a relationship where you feel good when you're without him, but you feel even better with him. It seems counterintuitive, but experts' No. Does he try to see you whenever he's free?

Does he seem genuinely interested in what you have to say? Does he have as much fun on dates as you do?

Relationship Advice for Women: How to Get Him to Commit | Shape Magazine

These are likely signs he's in it for real, so enjoy being with him and relax about making things "official. You don't have to stay in the dark forever, though.

If it's been about six months and he hasn't dropped one hint about where he sees this going, casually speak up, says Jennifer Kelman , a licensed social worker and relationship expert at Pearl. For example, if you'd like him to meet your parents, ask if he'd be up for going out to dinner with them, but let him know there's no harm if he's not quite ready for that yet. Above all, keep the tone light and maintain open lines of communication. If you feel confident at this point that you want things to be serious, go ahead and tell him, Trespicio says.

But if he still doesn't respond when you bring it up again, it may be time to rethink the relationship.

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Spending Saturday morning in the soup kitchen or helping an elderly person carry his groceries may be all it takes to have him calling you girlfriend. In a recent British study, people rated potential sexual partners to be more attractive for a long-term relationship if they had altruistic qualities. No need to sign up at the homeless shelter only to impress him. Little things in your everyday life, from buying coffee for the woman in line behind you to walking your neighbor's dog, count too.