Issues with dating a married man


  1. The Truth About Dating A Married Man
  2. The Truth About Dating A Married Man - David Wygant
  3. It starts with passion.

You will be the one suffering and waiting. Unless he divorces his wife right away, you just don't know how long you will wait. You are dating a married man, after all.

The Truth About Dating A Married Man

This means he has been dishonest with his wife. How can you trust him when it comes to your relationship? What kind of person takes up with someone else while still married? He might tell you he and his wife are both OK with the situation, but you just don't know. He might say his wife is a horrible person and try to put her down, but again, you don't know.

It's not a good sign that he'll cheat on someone instead of being honest and working on the relationship. If his wife really is as horrible as he says she is, that calls into question his taste and judgment in women. If he has a pattern of not choosing the right woman for him, that doesn't bode well for your relationship.

You don't know the nature of his relationship with his wife. However, when you put yourself in his wife's shoes, you see things differently. How would you feel if that happened to you? But in this situation, you are the other woman and you are coming between him and his family. Guilt can set in as you think about what you are doing to his wife. The intimacy they share, the illusion he creates, is tremendously mesmerizing.

She may perceive it as his commitment, an investment in their relationship. It may feel precious—something to be guarded and protected, nurtured. But common sense will kick in. For others, the game goes on—informed by these widely held opinions. Infidelity rates are somewhere around 50 percent for men.

The Truth About Dating A Married Man - David Wygant

Right" away from his wife—even if it means taking an increasingly tenuous emotional risk. If women like Susan are very fortunate they'll learn more about the behavioral statistics of men who cheat before they decide to deepen their emotional risk. In comparison to married men who cheat, the majority of women who enter into affairs with married men report that they do so because they are in love or falling in love with him.

There may be a vast disconnect between what Susan is thinking and what this man she thinks is the man of her dreams is thinking. It may be morally or ethically wrong; it just depends who you ask.

Dating Married Men - Problems

But this article is not about judgement. It's simply about understanding our natural tendencies and their origins. If a woman in Susan's position digs deep enough into the infidelity blogs and self-help guides and finds these facts, she may just save herself before he ends the relationship.

And, according to infidelity studies, this will likely happen around year three or four. Maybe his wife is starting to suspect something. But year four seems to be a drop-dead date in the data. Whether she discovers these facts or not, her heart is destined to be broken. Broken relationships lead to broken hearts.

However, some data point to the possibility that a broken heart after ending it with a married person can be much more difficult to heal than a broken heart after a more traditional relationship. Researchers point to several possibilities. However, that may not be practical for all women. The love of your life just might be a married man. Being part of any couple can be challenging and unpredictable, as we all know. But when the man with whom you're involved is part of another couple, someone else's husband, then the challenge and unpredictability can make your life a messy, unhappy waiting game that you will rarely win.

The woman who is in love with a married man lives a life that, for the most part, is shrouded in secrecy. Her close circle of friends might know about her affair, but she really cannot let anyone else, such as colleagues or her family, know. She is alone most of the time and spends it waiting: She is not his wife, she is not mother to his children, she is not his parents' daughter-in-law.

It starts with passion.

Her chance for happiness hinges on a future that is highly uncertain, to say the least. Your own survival is crucial, and if you do happen to fall in love with a married man, there are several hard truths you need to know.

The needs of the many namely, his family will always outweigh your needs. His family will always come first, and that includes his wife. Simply because he talks in a negative way about his marriage doesn't mean that his obligations to his wife are any less important to him. Whether or not they have children is a moot point; he will always feel as if he has to be a husband to her and take care of the marriage, whether he truly loves her or not.

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Their life together includes friendships and a social network that is shared and comfortable for him. He won't risk losing that. His life with you is secret and always will be. No matter how much you may want to walk in the sunshine with him and have him openly acknowledge his love for you, it won't happen. While he is more than willing to be your lover and to bring you gifts, he is not about to have you meet his friends and risk having his family find out about you.