Younger women dating older men


  1. Older Men Dating Younger Women: What Online Dating Data Tells Us
  2. The Obvious Perks of Dating Older Men | EliteSingles
  3. Health News On Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss
  4. Reasons Why Women Date Older Men

This goes hand-in-hand with their focus on living a healthy lifestyle. Instead, they tend to enjoy the company of their good friends, in social settings where everyone can be heard and interesting conversations can take place. There are a few psychological and biological reasons why women are attracted to older men, particularly women on the younger side who are still in their 20s or early 30s.

From an evolutionary perspective, men can remain fertile longer, and thus an older man who has survived has accumulated more resources than a younger man.

The fact that the man has made it that far in life also is a clue that he has good genetics and robust health, making him a desirable mate. Remember, that in prehistoric times men would not live all that long, so the ones that did were more likely to pass on their genes. In my experience, once you start dating an older man the guys within your age bracket become either immature or too dumb for you.

Older Men Dating Younger Women: What Online Dating Data Tells Us

Some of my friends do not understand why I like older men but they really don't care as long as I'm happy. People I don't know and who don't know me at all, on the other hand, are always the ones quick to jump and think I am a gold-digger. But no matter what people say, I just can't force myself to have a fulfilling and healthy relationship with a guy close to my age.

Either they are too immature for me, too boring, or too serious for my liking. I find older men to be perfect for me. My partner right now is 15 years older, and I am so happy. He is constantly supportive, and he encourages me to be the best version of myself. He teaches me how to handle my finances and how to see life in a different perspective.

I too, sometimes put him in his place if he is about to go way over the top. It is a mutual respect, really. Although it may be a bit difficult to keep up with his pace sometimes, I believe I am where I should be. I don't need to make people understand, but I want to make things clear: While it is true that I am happily with an older guy now, there are some potential downsides to be aware of. Older men can be insecure about their age, and so they try to date younger women to make themselves feel younger.

  1. Dating Older Men: Taking the Search Online;
  2. blackplanet dating sites.
  3. Younger Women Dating Older Men: A Look Into the Data.

This type of behavior is apparent right from the beginning so use some caution when you're first getting to know an older guy. Make sure that you are able to maintain your independence and don't let him control you. This is another issue that older men may have: Since they are used to doing things their way, they may struggle with having to give up some of their decision-making to you. A healthy relationship requires mutual respect, and some older men may not be willing to give that to you.

Instead, they just see you as a prize or an object. Make it clear from the beginning that you will not tolerate that type of treatment. Another potential issue is the generation gap that exists between you and an older man. Having a large age gap of ten years or more could make it difficult to connect over shared cultural values, but don't let that discourage you!

There are plenty of great older guys out there. By the age of 30 and above, people often have their own jobs and have been able to organize their lives somehow. Dating someone who is self-sufficient and independent is way more practical than dating an year-old who is still in school. Although a year-old guy dating an year-old girl is not violating any laws, I don't believe it is practical, and most importantly, I don't think it is healthy.

The guy should know that the girl is not mature enough to really think of the repercussions of being in a relationship with a man old enough to be her grandfather. There will be a lot of issues concerning the age difference, like mental capabilities and behavioral differences. This huge age gap in a relationship is really difficult to handle and does not work out very well most of the time. I don't think it is very healthy to invest in such a relationship.

I am a sixteen-year-old girl, I got my period at ten and matured real quick. Is it normal that I haven't liked anybody under the age of thirty-five since I was about twelve? I have always imagined myself to live with someone much older; someone who can make me feel safe at night and happy in the morning.

Both parents neglected me as a child when my sister was born; I have suspicions that it is just daddy issues. Yes, it could be daddy issues indeed. It is normal for a girl to have a crush on boys that are a little bit older but older than thirty-five? No, that is not normal. I remember I had a crush on a boy two years older than myself when I was in Elementary.

I had my period at 9, and I also matured real quick, but I still had a crush on boys that are close to my age. I only started liking older people like my professors when I was in college. But that was because I found most men my age to be boring and uninteresting. We are from different cultures, and I don't think it is weird if you only like someone. But if you are dating, I think that is a different story.

If it is just a crush, then it is totally okay, but older men aren't supposed to date girls younger than eighteen. So dating when you are only fifteen is really too young. To comment on this article, you must sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. I agree with most of what has been said in the article. I am 25 and in a relationship with a 37 year old man. I find him to be suitable for me because he is more serious and committed than most younger guys.

The Obvious Perks of Dating Older Men | EliteSingles

He is so much more interesting than guys my age because I can talk to him about a variety of topics, not just sports, video games or technology. I think as long as both parties are satisfied, age should not matter. Hi, I'm 46 and going out with a 64 year old, I don't think anything is wrong with that.

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  • Sarah, of 9 months ago seems to have a problem about older men. I am not sabotaging my life, I have had many relationships in the past and I have my own business as so does my older boyfriend. I think it is the choice of the couple and whether they are happy, thats important. I lost my wife a few months ago and am just now trying to get back into life.

    Health News On Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss

    I recently met a young woman that I find very attractive. I am 77 years old and interested in a 30 something woman. I am conflicted because of the great difference in our ages. I am still pretty fit and find her very interesting. We have danced together and she seems to have fun.

    Reasons Why Women Date Older Men

    I feel that I need to get to know her better before I ask her for a date but though I want to see her socially, part of me says that I shouldn't because I feel that she deserves a much younger man. I would appreciate comments to help me resolve my issue. He also wants to have a family. One thing that is difficult though is interacting with his friends, though they are very kind and respectful. I have been attracted to older men a few times over the years but I avoided it.

    I am in my 30s now and recently met someone. Single, older, handsome but still unusual features, different race, other side of the world. I don't know if anything will happen or if we will just be friends. I don't know what to tell my mother about him. I just know sometimes he is the only person I want to talk to or see.

    I worry about the age gap and what people will think. But I am also the kind of person to say "to hell with what people think". I agree with the author. I am not a party girl and I do find a lot of men in my age group immature. Also most older men are more romantic, attentive and encouraging. I can only speak about me.

    But I'm a 56 year old male and my fiancee turning 38 soon.