Speed dating what to ask


  1. The 45 best speed dating questions you can ask a prospective date
  2. 100+ Speed Dating Questions to Get to Know Someone
  3. Good Speed Dating Questions
  4. Dating at Its Fastest!
  5. Questions to ask when Speed Dating | Ditch or Date

The 45 best speed dating questions you can ask a prospective date

What is your favourite TV programme? What do you do for fun? Are you a night owl or an early bird? What book are you reading at the moment? Fun Speed Dating Questions: What would you take with you to a desert island? If you had to be someone else for a day, who would you be and why? If you could invite anyone, dead or alive, to dinner, who would it be? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

What would be your ideal holiday destination? What's the most reckless thing you've ever done? What makes you laugh? If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? If you won the lottery how would you spend it? What time in history would you have liked to be born in and why? If you were to star in a movie, who would you like as your co-star? What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? What would be the title of your biography? What is your favourite takeaway meal? Finally, some offbeat questions to help break the ice: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

What is your favorite store? What is your favorite Disney movie? Getting to Know You The goal of speed dating is to learn if you might like someone, right? How do you like your coffee? What do you do for work? Do you enjoy your current job? Why or why not? What kind of car do you drive? What form of exercise? What is your astrological sign? When is your birthday? Do you have kids? Do you eventually want kids? Do you like to travel? Do you play any sports? What are some of your hobbies? Do you have any pets?

What is something you wish you could change in today's world? Do you follow any religion? Are you close with your family? Can you tell me some things about your family? What is your typical, everyday outfit like? On a holiday, where do you go?

100+ Speed Dating Questions to Get to Know Someone

Do you know how to cook? Do you enjoy it? What are some little things that bring happiness into your everyday life? Where did you grow up?

Good Speed Dating Questions

Do you plan on staying here for the long run? How many close friends do you have? If you had to pick any animated character to portray you in a documentary about your life, who would it be? If you had to kiss any animated character, who would it be? Do you like pickles?

Dating at Its Fastest!

Do you like cheese? How do you like your burgers?


What was your most embarrassing moment? Do I have anything in my teeth? What is your most random, silly childhood memory? Do you break any traffic rules if there is no cop around? Do you play in the snow or rain? How long do you give someone to go at a green light before honking? How do you handle a bad hair day?

What is one thing that you absolutely cannot stand? When do you see a pothole, feet before, the last second, 'what pothole'? If you were any superhero, who would you be? Foot rub or back rub?

Questions to ask when Speed Dating | Ditch or Date

Bubble bath or long shower? Peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese? Amazon or go to the mall? Camping or stay at a resort? Comedy show or concert?

Good Speed Dating Questions to ask

What would you like to change about yourself? How much importance do you attach to religion? Have you ever felt the need to get married?

What do you find the most attractive in the opposite sex Would you forgive your partner if they cheated on you? Funny Questions no date guaranteed!

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Would you mind if my mom joined us on a date as well? Are you the same guy I met aboard the Star Trek? Can I leave right now? My dog must be missing me! How would your best friend describe you? If you could live anywhere in the world, which place would you choose? What is the one thing in the world that makes you cry? Is the cup half empty or half full? Which animals represents you the closest? A few things to keep in mind are, not to talk about religion, past relationships, earnings, and similar sensitive issues that a person might be very uncomfortable with.

The last thing you need is to start off on a bad note and get into an awkward situation. Speed dating may be intriguing, especially for those girls who are shy and take time to open up to people. With just a few minutes to get to know the other person, these questions should help you decide if he could be the one.

If the date is not heading in the right direction, you can use the funny questions for a good laugh. Dating a Recently Divorced Man. Dating Questions to Get to Know Someone.