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  4. How Romantic Are You? What Shape is Your Heart? Sorry a lt of questions you don't have to answer them all at once and Idk how much of an expert I am on this stuff but I have given my friends advice before. Also Kacchan keep us updated on how things go. For example today she went up to me and just grabbed ny face and smiled. Then said r my hands cold?

    What Will My Love Life Be Like? - ProProfs Quiz

    Unknown r u new here? First, bad question ti ask if you want honesty, second, Of course. Hi is someone here nice. Finally, some sence about identity. I guess I was taught well. We wish you luck with him and that all goes well. There is still possibility, despite how low that is, it still exists. As for the chance of him knowing and reading your writings, it is highly unprobable.

    Even if he reads it, your name is something other than a real name. Don't worry about anything, just be careful and e weariy with what information you let slip. Gray, i did talk to my parents they said yes, so i am gonna ask him out today and wait till tomorrow so he can take my words into consideration and think about what to say back to me the next day, so first i'm gonna ask if he is aloud to date and if he says why do you want to know then ill just say because someone likes you and they want to know and when he tells me then i'll tell him i like him before i leave school and then i'll see what he says tomorrow.

    Creature, You have a good point, i should be more cautious on what information i put out there, for all i know based on what you said before creature one of you could be the guy i'm crushing on reading this because i'm pretty sure he uses this site also any of you could be creepy old people or something who like talking to children. Kacchan, of course we are all gonna greet you as a guy. I agree with Devotee and Gray but with a few loop holes. You should try to ask I you in general aloud to date but no let them know about him. Based off there answer, talk to him.

    Get his parents word if he is genralyy alou to date and if so, you should both try. They Neva said no and your aloud to do it, so your not breaking any rules. If the answer turns out as a no, tweak your definition of date and date, but call it friends. It should work but do what you wish. Also, I don't Find it to e a great idea to talk to us about all your problems.

    We're Testing!

    Speak with real people, like your family and friends, about stuff. It will strengthen you rather than weaken you. Kacchan I agree with LA. And how did u know? Kacchan, I'd ask your parents. Explain that you really like this guy and if they'd accept the fact that you are mature and responsable enough to date him. Don't shout or get annoyed at them just address the matter maturely because then they are more likely to let you.

    Then obviously once you've told this guy how you feel he'll tell you if he's allowed to date or not and if not tell him to ask his parents like you have!! Sneak dating, I agree, is not the best idea!! Also, people please consider me as a male So hopefully soon when i gain enough confidence i will finally tell him, but there is some consequences to that 1.

    So i don't know if i should sneak date him which probably isn't the wisest choice Gray, I'm trans and bi because i like guys and girls, also everyone is here for you, we except you for who are and your likes and dislikes, we all respect that your lesbian and trans, your not the only one here who is trans i like girls and guys so there for i'm considered bi i have been trans for a while, so of course we will all still talk to you. There is no way anyone on here wouldn't have accepted you and I'm so happy for you that your cousin did and Creature, you are spot on with what you said!!

    Thank u so much u guys!!!!! Today I came out to my cousin and she was totally cool with it. I deep down I knew that she was going to be cool with it but I think the thought of admitting it to her was frightening for me. Hey, everybody is literally the same thing.