Is it bad if a freshman dating a junior


  1. Is dating a Junior bad if your a Freshman in Highschool?
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  5. Is it weird/creepy for an 18 year old college freshmen to date a 17 HS senior?
Does Dating Freshmen = Pedophile?

Is it weird to date a freshman as a junior in highschool? Add Thread to del. I saw this cute freshman on my bus and I'm a junior, do you guys think a junior dating a freshman is weird? Share Share this post on Digg Del. Have you talked to the freshman?

Is dating a Junior bad if your a Freshman in Highschool?

No I don't normally take my bus but I did the other day and I just saw her in the front, I was planning on approaching her next time I take the bus. I don't think it's weird. When I was a junior in high school, I knew people that were juniors dating freshmen.

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There was this really hot girl in my year, freshmen year, who was dating a Junior. Thought the guy was a g. Every high school person needs to get this out of their heads: Get out of the "class" zone. Stop worrying so much about being a "junior" and she's a "sophomore". Next, you need to talk to her.

With that said, you should know that was super cool. Nah, I dated a guy who was a senior in high school the year after I graduated. We were in the same "maturity range" as far as life experience and of course, physical appearance goes so it wasn't weird at all. I'm not completely up to date on what a senior and stuff is, but if you're asking if it's weird that an 18 year old dates a 17 year old then fuck no.

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What would be weird about it? I don't get it. Unless you are in the US. They have an extremely weird history of lawsuits based on this stuff. Like teens who exchange nude pics with consent being charged for pedophilia and actually being found guilty when the age difference was one or two years. It isn't weird at all. I know several guys who are nearly 20 and are dating girls that are 17 or 18 so you're fine. If y'all were dating before you were 18, and if you're familiar with the minor's family, you're probably fine.

But realize that you're basically at the mercy of their legal guardian's rules - with that small of an age difference, it's unlikely to go super bad, but hey. People get weird about age gaps not one that small , but some relationships are worth it. As long as you play by the rules, doesn't matter what anyone else says - do what feels right to you, because that's the only thing that will matter further down the road. Just be aware of your local age of consent and the laws surrounding it because however special your relationship is it is not worth jail time.

If it's as magical as you feel, it isn't going to disappear once they're legal. I distinctly remember a 17 year old having pedophilia charge on his record for exchanging nude pics with his girlfriend of It is absolutely ridiculous.

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Glad I don't live there. I don't think it's weird. If you knew each other before it's not like you went scouting for a high school girl.

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There's also the fact that you're 18 and shes Homie that's a year. That means more when you're young, but seriously it's not a big deal. Nope that was the situation with my girlfriend of 8.

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We started dating when I was a senior in highschool. That is a pretty normal thing. I will say that going to a senior prom again sucked real bad though, so be ready for that. Yup, and the wilder thing is that minors can get busted on CP charges for taking pictures of themselves.

Is dating a Junior bad if your a Freshman in Highschool? | Yahoo Answers

Really, it isn't too hard to avoid trouble if you keep your head on your shoulders, but I really wish we had more common-sense solutions for when kids make mistakes. That's pretty normal actually considering its only a year difference, and unless you're in the same class one of you HAS to be a college freshman first.

Just keep in mind to be respectful of her parents. She's not an adult yet so their opinion matters more than usual and can get you into some potential problems. Also be careful of any extra "activities" you might do. Know what's allowed and what's not so you don't get into trouble now or later on. If things go bad, you can get charges over the smallest things without realizing it if you aren't careful.

Is it weird/creepy for an 18 year old college freshmen to date a 17 HS senior?

But bottom line is don't worry about a year's difference. If you really like her just enjoy the relationship. You'll be experiencing very different things college vs high school but you should still be able to relate to eachother at this point. I guess I thought I read that the girl is the younger and you're the older guy, but now that I look again you never said. If that's not the case just ignore that assumption.

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The basic message still applies. I have to be honest with you, I think the entire 'kids make mistakes' thing isn't helping. This entire debate not the one we're having but about this issue in general takes it as a given that it is improper, immoral and wrong to do these kinds of things. I'm 28 years old, and I exchange nude pics back and forth sometimes.