Dating a stoner problems


  1. I'm dating a pothead - The Globe and Mail
  2. The Globe and Mail
  3. I'm dating a pothead

I'm dating a pothead - The Globe and Mail

Any snack items I brought home had to be hidden from her, or she'd eat everything in sight. I'm an alcoholic and had no problem having booze in the house, what gives? She listened to the Grateful Dead un-ironically too, which is fucking unforgivable. I was seeing this guy last year. We got along well and had a lot of fun together, but he drank a lot and smoked a lot of weed, which was a turnoff for me. One night he invited me over. We're chilling at his place, and he tells me that he's going sober for a while.

I commended him and thought to myself, "This will be such a nice sober night together. The night goes on and suddenly he pulls out his weed pen and starts vaping. I say, "I thought you were sober? If I'm gonna be sober, I'm gonna need something else fun to replace it.

Now I'm sitting in his room alone, baffled at the situation. He comes back about 30 minutes later with the shrooms and takes them immediately. He offers me some, and I decline. I already felt pretty uncomfortable, and I didn't want to make it worse. So, I think to myself, "Ok, this is not really a big deal.

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He'll just trip and feel good, and we can still have a good night. Then we start to hook up. One thing that turned me on about this guy is that he talked dirty in bed. So, he's fingering me and talking dirty, but I start to notice that he's going slower and slower. And not in a sexy, "I'm gonna tease you" way. He was barely moving his fingers at all.

The Globe and Mail

At this point, I noticed that he was falling asleep, but the weird thing was that he was still talking dirty through a sleepy slur. So, he was like, "Yeah, yeah you like that? It was then that I knew I wasn't getting laid. That was the last time I saw him. Doug Mann, Years Old. Every relationship takes patience but this is especially true of stoners as it is widely known that marijuana temporarily disrupts short-term memory.

Understand why your partner uses marijuana. Many people use marijuana recreationally but others use it for medicinal reasons as well. Talk to your partner about their reasons for using marijuana.

I'm dating a pothead

There are a vast array of medical conditions that cannabis can treat or help alleviate the negative symptoms of such as skin disorders, various forms of cancer, anorexia, chronic pain, sleep disorders, eye diseases, and others. While it is possible that your partner simply enjoys the sensation of being high, they may also have an underlying medical condition you should be aware of. Educate yourself about marijuana and its effects. Marijuana often creates a feeling of euphoria and relaxation, due to a release of dopamine in the brain, but other changes can also occur including: Learn about the laws regarding marijuana.

Marijuana laws vary by state and knowing the specific laws will help you protect both your partner and yourself. After all, if you are living in a state where one can carry up to a certain amount of marijuana on them, you should ensure your partner never carries more than that amount. So far, four states Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska have passed new legislature legalizing marijuana, while 14 more states have decriminalized marijuana possession.

In fact, 23 states including Washington DC now allow medical marijuana. Have a conversation with your partner to let them know exactly what you are and are not comfortable with. Doing so will help maintain the balance of the relationship and prevent resentment from building up. For example, if you do not want to be exposed to smoke, let them know! If they respect your wishes as any good partner should , they can smoke before or after spending time with you or find other methods of ingesting marijuana such as consuming edibles.

Compromise takes effort from both sides but you can initiate by asking to have a conversation about what changes you would like to see in the relationship. Don't start an argument or harshly criticize your partner.

It’s totally possible and sometimes totally awesome.

Instead, come up with constructive suggestions for what you and your partner could do better and be prepared to listen to their perspective with an open mind. Unless your partner must be high due to a medical condition , spending time together that is free of substance use is a great way to strengthen a bond and also allow two people to get to know each other more fully.

Chances are, if you are as chill as your pot-loving S. Go ahead, try meditation , yoga, more sex, whatever to make your mind clear and happy. Happiness is happiness is happiness, yeah? Chill out with your stoner bae and enjoy the moment together. There are plenty of fun options, like tinctures, CBD oils, weed lube , edibles, and a whole bunch of low-dose options to get you going. Remember if this stuff is making your partner happy, it might be able to do the same for you, once you find your own cannabis path.