Batman dating site


  1. The Dark Knight: 25 Sites to Expand Your Batman Knowledge
  2. This is actually a very common phenomenon.
  3. Dating in Batman
  4. Other Batman Cities:

If a man had to deal with the normal pains a woman deals with he would most likely collapse into a ball of quivering flesh. During my stay here I have found that I do appreciate the male body, and slowly I've found a few who deserve my friendship. Booster Gold is not one of them. What do you mean I can't put that on here?

I shall because I don't want him to reply! While I've been here I learned quite a bit and I do enjoy fantasy novels. To be honest the Hobbit is one of my favorites and even though it is a tale about men I find myself englamered by the world described. I've picked up playing Chess and I'm quite adapt at it. I do enjoy the art of fencing but I would rather call it sword play, and I've taken quite a liking to baseball. I've heard the of the Rugby team that has started and it has peaked my interest. I also enjoy movies, but for the life of me I can not get into the Jane Austin books.

The way the women are treated in them seems wrong. For example I believe the woman in Pride and Predigest should have taken a blunt object, smacked the offensive pigheaded man over the head, and claimed his goods. I suppose the movies I have enjoyed the most have been the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I do not like being Ogled. I am not a piece of meat.

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I don't like to be around someone who is arrogant without just cause. The Batman has proved he has just cause, but the others here have not. One can only be arrogant when they have proven themselves. There is nothing worse than someone who takes pleasure in the pain of others.

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I suppose what I am looking for is a friendship. Someone to get to know and spend free time with. Half the Watchtower has signed up. We're almost ready to divide into teams, choose colors, and pick names. For my team I'm thinking we go with the color red and call ourselves The Furies. It's not complicated, let's plan on going to a match this Friday and I'll explain everything to you then. Sure, it's not like I have any date plans for Friday anyway. Besides B'wana Beast it's hard to find guys who are interested. I don't get that, guys should be lining up for a date with you.

Hell, if I were a guy I'd date you. You're kidding right, that type of thing attracts all sorts of crazy people. There are crazies everywhere, sometimes you just have to take a chance. I have a profile on there, so does Booster Gold, Lobo, Maxima…. I don't think so, it looks real.

The Dark Knight: 25 Sites to Expand Your Batman Knowledge

He's gotten quite a few hits too. I'm just surprised at the number of people interested in the cranky bastard. Batman has a certain…charm that many people find appealing. Maybe I will join, though I've never done anything like this before. How do you know he'll even see it? He has a girlfriend so it's not like he's going to be perusing a dating site.

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Give me some credit here Zee, I know what I'm doing. Speaking of which, I better get off this thing and head for the training room, John will be looking for me soon. B'wanna Beast sighed as he walked to the cafeteria.

This is actually a very common phenomenon.

He wanted to find a private place to eat, he didn't want to be around other people. B'wanna Beast looked up and found himself staring at a big white man with grizzly hair and red eyes. He was standing by a makeshift counter.


It almost looked like a bar. Despite all rational thought telling him to ignore Lobo, the masculine part of him was agreeing with the alien. He then proceeded to whisper, "There's so many of ya heroes around no one bothers to stop me. As long as I don't run into the big seven, everyone assumes I work here. Maxima was still eating her lunch.

No way he can sneak by her without her clinging onto him again. He thought he would never see her again after he was hired by her to kill some monster or something. He couldn't even remember anymore. But Lobo was not alone for long. Within a few minutes after B'wanna Beast had left, someone else entered. She was tall with blond hair and fierce eyes. She looked a little dirty like she just walked away from a fight. Artemis looked a little proud at what she did and stormed out.

Lobo came to not to long after she had left. Just In All Stories: Story Story Writer Forum Community. Justice League and online dating. Let the hilarity ensue! Had to change the rating to M for some of the last chapter.

Dating in Batman

Batman I am writing this up so that Superman and J'onn will shut up. What I am looking for in a romantic partner: What I'm looking for in a romantic partner: I guess that's really it, so ladies, look, see, and pick a clear winner, pick Booster Gold! Things Lobo doesn't like: Gas, mosquitos, space dolphin killers.

Badass Thanagarian Let's cut the crap and get straight down to business. My Dislikes I hate being told no! What I am seeking.

Other Batman Cities:

I made it some time ago," he answered as he worked. Theamerican Flash talking to John on Facebook chat Flash: Mister Terrific you know because he has the big 'T' on his face and he is John: That is not what I was going to say! Then what were you going to say? But seriously dude you should check it out. Plus I guess he considers Supes and him to be buddies. It is a stupid idea. The only people on it are people no one really knows. He's getting like a gazillion hits. Is gazillion even a number? And word on the street was Clark made him do it.

Well let's just say some people want Bruce to get a little closer to a certain Amazon. We only have one Amazon. Wait Diana and Bruce? Wait they like each other? When did that happen? I just don't always like to butt in on people's personal lives!