Still dating after 3 years


  1. You May Like
  2. How To Get Your Ex Back After a Year or More Apart
  3. 12 questions couples should be able to answer about each other after a year together

He told me that he lost interest in everything and can't take care of anyone or be caring to me as before and this maybe a reason for not to start this relationship again. But ended the call promising that everything is going to be ok and we are going to be good friends.. Now he never initiate contact.. Except for one time he sent me some old memories.. What should i do to Make him trust and want this relationship..

He just Can't end this relationship and she never allows to because she thinks he is a good catch as a husband.. You could always start off as friends first, and initiate conversational topics to get him comfortable with the idea of talking to you again. This is important or it'll be hard to actually win him back if you're waiting for him to reach out first.

Hello Me and my friend was so close then we broke up almost 5 months ago.. I tried to speak to him and he was still mad but finally he replied after several tries.. We had some chat.. And sent me some old photos of us reminding me of the old time. But he seems that he pulls back.. I sent him good morning text yesterday. He saw it but no response.. I don't want to be clingy or needy.. But what should i do to get him close with me again..? My ex and I were in a relationship for 1 year and 6 months.

After that, he broke up with me and we didn't speak for a year. After a year, he came back to me but I was too broken by the relationship. He waited 3 years for me.


During those 3 years, we never stopped talking. Recently, I came to terms with my anger and I decided that I want to be with him, that I see a future with him. However, he became very distant to me and when we got a chance to speak in person, he told me he got tired of waiting and is in love with another girl. They are about to start a new relationship.

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What do I do if I'm still in love with him? As he had waited for you for 3 years before giving up and falling for someone else, you may have to consider the possibility that he has completely moved on since then and no longer has feelings for you. If that is the case, it would probably be better to move on instead of trying to convince him especially if he has no interest in getting back together anymore.

My ex and I broke up over a year ago and she refuses to talk to me. I had let her down incredibly and hurt her on multiple occasions. To make matters worse after I tried so hard to get her to talk to me it only pushed her away farther. She has blocked me on social media all except Instagram, blocked my number and from what I assume and I hear from mutual friends is that she hates me. I know that is only the by product of how much she loved me.

You could always begin by checking in on her casually to ask how she's been lately, and based on how she responds, you can tell if she's forgiven you yet or not. No one stays mad forever, and we all eventually let go of the past, it's just a matter of how long it takes. My Ex and I broke up in January We had plans to hang out again in may but our schedules didn't line up so we decided to reschedule.

I have been seeing someone casually as well and told her that during that conversation also. In the back of my mind I always wanted to get another shot with my ex. The news shes seeing someone really shocked me as just 2 weeks before she texted me asking about a day id be free for plans. I truly feel what caused us to break up is entirely fixable no cheating, no constant fighting or anything like that and still find myself thinking about her alot.

Should i try still try and contact her? Probably no contact at this point as both of you progress on with your lives for the time being since you're both seeing other people. In the future if the opportunity presents itself again, you could take it if you still have strong feelings for her.

My ex and I were close friends for about 5 years before we dated for a little over a year. She ended things after a major family situation happened and she said it made her realize that there were a lot of problems in our relationship, and that she had ultimately fallen out of love with me. After this we tried to be friends for a few weeks, but wound up fighting and blocking each other on social media.

We hadn't spoken for something like 6 months, and she messaged me asking if we could try to be friends again. We spoke about what we were going through, she apologized for a lot of things and so did I. We've hung out once as friends with other friends. I want to get back together, I don't think she still has feelings for me, or if she does they're not very strong. She's said she "handled the breakup poorly" and similar comments which to me indicate she's still glad she broke up.

How To Get Your Ex Back After a Year or More Apart

I don't want us to continue our old relationship because we wound up being something closer to friends with benefits than we were a couple. Any advice on forming a new relationship with her? A lot can change within 6 months. Show her the positive changes you've gone through, and try to win her back as if you were trying to win someone for the first time instead of referring to past memories.

12 questions couples should be able to answer about each other after a year together

You'll have to understand first and foremost that the path you're going on isn't a healthy one, and the best way to actually start over is probably to go into no contact , because the habits and mindset that have been formed since the breakup won't change otherwise. My girlfriend broke up with me by saying that she is not interested and happy It has been months but she stayed in contact with me We have arguements and she don't want to be in relationship Follow the guidelines in our main article , and probably begin no contact to distance yourself. Just seeking some advice on this as I said I still would like to get back with her?

If you've been together with her for so long, its likely that she still has feelings for you but may have lost attraction which led to the breakup. My suggestion to you especially if you've still been in constant contact with this whole time would be to start NC right now for a period, and spend the time making positive changes to your life and even appearance in order to rekindle the attraction level when you do contact her again in the future.

After breakup with my friend of 2 years relationship i tried to reach but he told me that he wants no contact and wanted to cut off completely with me.. He was angry and frustrated.. So i kept off for nearly 5 months.. Then contacted him again.. He finally replied my msg after 3 trials.. Wishing me to be fine and says he has forgiven me.. And asking to forgive him too.. Having other people in my life and concentrating on my self.. But i want to get back with him even after a while.. We were so close friends..

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And it's oblivious he doesn't want to get closer because of what happened in the past Is there any chance? And what to do?

There might be a slim chance, but you're going to have to ease into it by bits of slow and casual contact over a prolonged period of time. Even then, there's no guarantee that he will open up to you again but it's a risk you're going to have to take if you genuinely want to be friends or anything more down the road. Hey, I left my ex from 1 year and couple of months we stayed on contact friendly This year I entered in a relationship although i still have feeling towards my ex and these feelings are killing me and she doesnt like me and always I must start a conversation so I can talk to her but I love her and i want any help!!!

Perhaps be fair to your current partner and end things if you don't feel for her the same way you do your ex, and with regards to your ex, you could always make your feelings known and see whether she's willing to give things another shot.