Should i hook up with the guy i like


  1. 12 Ways To Not Fall For The Guy You're Casually Hooking Up With - Narcity
  2. Who needs cuffing season anyways?
  3. 12 Ways To Not Fall For The Guy You're Casually Hooking Up With

The guy is more interested in the hooking up part than the scent of the candles. You can't just start kissing a guy without making some physical contact first. Guys love to be touched on the arms, shoulders, and chest area, so if you're standing close together, or sitting near each other, start naturally touching him in these places.

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Make sure he's touching you, too. If you start rubbing his arm and he does absolutely nothing, then you have a problem. Take it slow, but not too slow. If you and the guy are alone and he likes you, he's probably waiting to hook up. Guys are often expected to know what to do, and he may be just as clueless but will feel the added pressure of being expected to know what he's doing.

Touching him with confidence will put him at ease. Pull him toward you. Once you've been touching each other a little bit, and that part may last a few minutes or only a few seconds, pull the guy toward you. To do this, make eye contact, maybe even smile a little bit, and let him see that you want more. He may even brush the hair away from your face. If he's more forward, he may begin to pull you in, but you can also give him a pleasant surprise by taking charge and putting your arms around his neck while you pull him toward you, or just by placing a hand near the top of his back to move him in your direction.

Though some guys like to take control, others will be relieved if you take over. Kiss him with passion. Kissing is the first step to hooking up, obviously. You can start by moving toward his lips at a slight angle, so you don't end up kissing each other head on and bumping noses. Start off slow, just by touching lips for a second or two, and then touch lips a little bit more firmly, until you really feel the passion of the moment. As your kiss intensifies, you may tilt your head at a more dramatic angle. While you're kissing, make sure to keep your hands somewhat busy so they don't hang at your sides like limp fish.


Kissing isn't just about the lip action, it's about the entire physical experience. Once you've kissed him with a closed mouth for a while, it'll be time to move on to French kissing. Don't be nervous about it: First, you can just play around by letting the tips of your tongues touch, or you can get more aggressive and slide more of your tongue inside his mouth. Remember to come up for air every few minutes at least. You'll be needing a break. It's okay if your mouths get a little covered in spit. Just wipe your mouth like it's no big deal because it isn't. Try a few other kissing styles. French kissing isn't the only way to kiss your guy.

You can also try a variety of kisses that involve sucking or gently nibbling on his tongue, nibble on his lip, use your breath more vigorously, or just mix it up between regular kissing and French kissing.

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  • There's no right way to do it and everyone has his or her preference; your guy may love French kissing, or he may love the variety instead. Keep trying new things until you find a rhythm that works for you.

    12 Ways To Not Fall For The Guy You're Casually Hooking Up With - Narcity

    If you do the same old thing for minutes on end, the hook up session will start to fizzle out. Then again, if this is your first time really kissing or hooking up with a guy, enjoy the moment without worrying too much about keeping things fresh. If you're 14, 15, 16, or even older, you two may still just enjoy the novelty of kissing. The neck is a very sensitive area for guys, and they love to be kissed there.

    Who needs cuffing season anyways?

    Once you've been kissing on the mouth for a while, keep touching his body while moving your head down to give him sweet, gentle kisses on the sides of his neck. This will turn him on guaranteed. Breathing some hot or cold air on his neck will make him even more excited. If he really likes this and you're feeling brave, give his neck a very gentle nibble. But only do this if you're pretty comfortable with each other. Guys also love to be kissed or touched on the ear. Once you've kissed his neck, move your way up toward his ear and give him gentle kisses on his earlobes, at first.

    Then, if he responds well, you can start biting his ear lobes very gently. It's important to do this very lightly, or you could end up hurting the guy and ruining the moment.

    Kissing a guy's neck and ears is easier if you're both lying down. But if you're not ready to hook up in a horizontal position, no worries. Sit on his lap. If you're wanting to take things to the next level and you're sitting next to each other and keep exploring each other's bodies, then you should try moving even closer to the guy to sit on his lap.

    12 Ways To Not Fall For The Guy You're Casually Hooking Up With

    You can sit with both legs hanging to one side of his lap, or even straddle him, if you're feeling bolder. Just remember that this is a pretty sexy position and will lead him to want something more. You can keep your arms wrapped around his neck or touch his chest when you do this. Teasing a guy, if done the right way, will get him even more excited about hooking up.

    If you want to tease him, then give him a long, passionate kiss, and just when you feel like things are getting really hot and heavy, pull away for a few seconds and stare into his eyes. Then, lean in to kiss him again. Just those few seconds of deprivation will remind him how much he wants you and how good you make him feel.

    This move should be tried sparingly, of course. You want to be playful not an actual tease. Whisper in his ear. Whispering something sexy in the guy's ear will not only excite him just from having your hot breath on his sensitive earlobe, but also from hearing what you have to say. It doesn't have to be anything ground breaking: This should also be done sparingly.

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    • How to Hook Up with a Guy (with Pictures) - wikiHow;
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    • As you spend more time together, you'll have a better sense of the guy's hookup style. Maybe he likes to take breaks to talk a little or to whisper into each other's ears, or maybe he's more into just hooking up.

      Play with his hair. A guy's scalp is another sensitive part of his body, so don't underestimate how much he'll like having his hair touched. Gently touch the top of his head with your fingers, or run your fingers through his hair, either moving from the top of his head to the bottom, or the reverse. The area just above the back of his neck is especially sensitive. You should do this while you're kissing, if you have the coordination.

      Suck on his finger. Like almost every website, cookies are used. Those are simple text files written on your computer by your browser. They do not contain any personal information. There are used as identifiers. In order to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR , we require your consent before we can provide you with any of our services. Since we do not collect user data, there is nothing for us to destroy if you decide to opt-out.

      Please know that we still offer the option to. You will find an "opt-out" button at the bottom of the page, in the footer. You will then be presented with the same consent screen next time you access the website if you opt-out. Hook up culture has become the norm in today's day and age, and whether you are here for it or not, it's only realistic to accept that it is a part of today's dating world.

      If you are someone who is or is looking to casually hook up with someone, there are definitely some things you should keep in mind before you take the plunge. You've got to make sure you are picking the right kind of person to hook up with, and by that I mean choose someone who a isn't an ass and b doesn't get attached easily. Ground rules sound lame but they're important, and by this I don't mean you have to sit there and write a list. At least just vocalize what you both want out of it and your limitations in your relationship partnership? A great way to make sure you don't catch feelings for one guy is to see more than just that one guy.

      Don't get me wrong you don't have to be seeing a massive roster or men to not catch feelings for your casual hook up, but don't let yourself fall into tendencies you would do if you were in an exclusive relationship! Seriously, less is more and considering you will probably only be engaging in pillow talk it's important to not over-share or let them in on private things that you value.