Light tanks matchmaking


  1. How Matchmaking Works in World of Tanks
  2. Matchmaker (WoT) - Global wiki.
  3. How Matchmaking Works

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Because of their physical frailty and their strong spotting and concealment abilities, light tanks are usually best played as scouts. Light tanks are well equipped to spot enemy targets in order for their more heavily armed teammates to safely take shots at them, all while staying safe from enemy fire themselves. Light tanks become especially dangerous later in the game when the map is less populated. With more room to move around, light tanks are capable of aggressively spotting or flanking unsuspecting targets and escaping just as quickly.

Light tanks can easily circle tank destroyers and slow moving heavy tanks when caught without support. Light tanks are also adept at hunting down enemy artillery batteries and are incredibly difficult for artillery to kill due to their small size and incredible speed.

How Matchmaking Works in World of Tanks

As with all classes in the game, while most light tanks share similar characteristics there are those which deviate from these norms. This is most true at the lower tiers, where most of the early historical light tanks are. Additionally, Light tanks no longer receive scout matchmaking as they did before. Due to the addition of new Tier 10 Light tanks , scout matchmaking is no longer needed.

The new matchmaking system also takes into account the maps that players on each team have battled on recently to avoid selecting duplicate maps.

World of Tanks -- Matchmaking Gone Wrong...

This new map rotation logic reduces the chances of seeing the same map multiple times in a row, adding variety to matchmaking and making the maps seem less repetitive. Now that these new World of Tanks matchmaking changes have been in effect for some time, let us know what you think of this new matchmaking system in the comments below. Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites.

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Matchmaker (WoT) - Global wiki.

It doesn't have unique matchmaking. Thus we go find the row for Vehicle Tier 2, Light Tank, and see to the right that this vehicle can fight in battle tiers 1, 2 and 3.

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  3. The Matchmaker Explained | World of Tanks.
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  5. Update 4.2 - Full details for Light tank matchmaking.?
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  7. I , on the other hand, benefits from unique matchmaking, as it will never encounter tier 3 tanks. The applicable battle tiers for each vehicle are also shown on the right sidebar of each tank's page on this wiki. The selection of the battle tier you fight in depends on the amount of players available for each battle tier and is otherwise random. Once enough candidates for a certain battle tier are found, the matchmaker tries to form two teams from them. For this purpose each vehicle is assigned a certain weight, and the matchmaker tries to keep the weight of both teams as equal as possible.

    Weighting is performed by vehicle tier and vehicle type, some vehicles are individually weighted, and for some vehicles there are special restrictions. Whether vehicles are stock or fully researched, how they are equipped, nor crew skill is taken into account by the match-maker.

    Vehicle tier is not taken into consideration when balancing teams. This is a common misconception among players. For example, under the current rules a tier 8 medium can be matched against a tier 7 heavy tank.

    How Matchmaking Works

    The only relevance of vehicle tier is to determine the battle tier. However, the top tanks of each team have the same vehicle tier due to the current balancing rules. The vehicle tier should be taken into consideration as it reflects a preordained operating range of a vehicle also known as classification. The range of each tier gradually increases with technology and tiers can overlap.

    If you are in a platoon, the entire platoon is placed into battles according to the platoon member in the vehicle with the highest battle tier. This can produce unwanted results in particular for new players at the lower tiers. For example, a tier 4 scout can enter battles up to tier 7, whereas a tier 4 medium tank on its own can only join battles up to tier 6.