Ocean dating


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  3. Dating the Ocean Floor: 1. The mystery of ocean rifts

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Researchers can then use the resulting sediment layers to glean information about the history of earthquakes and the carbon cycle in the deep ocean. Researchers analyzed the carbon-rich sediments using radiocarbon dating. This method—measuring the amount of organic carbon as well as radioactive carbon 14 C in mineralized compounds—has long been a means of determining the age of individual sediment layers.

Until now, however, it has not been possible to analyze samples from deeper than 5, meters below the surface, because the mineralized compounds dissolve under increased water pressure. Strasser and his team had to use new methods for their analysis.


This greatly increases efficiency, since it takes just a single core sample to make more than one hundred 14 C age measurements directly on the organic matter contained within the sediment. In addition, for the first time in the dating of deep-ocean sediment layers, the researchers applied the Ramped PyrOx measurement method pyrolysis. The researchers used this method in cooperation with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute US , which first developed it.

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The process involves burning organic matter at different temperatures. Because older organic matter contains stronger chemical bonds, it requires higher temperatures to burn.

How It Works

The relative age variation of the individual temperature fractions between two samples distinguishes the age difference between sediment levels in the deep sea very precisely. Thanks to these two innovative methods, the researchers could determine the relative age of organic matter in individual sediment layers with a high degree of precision.

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The core sample they tested contained older organic matter in three places, as well as higher rates of carbon export to the deep ocean. These places correspond to three historically documented yet hitherto partially imprecisely dated seismic events in the Japan Trench: The issue of sediment presented a paradox. If the Earth's surface was completely static, why had all the mountains on the continents not been worn away by weathering and filled up the oceans as sediment?

This paradox is another on the list that was solved by plate tectonics. More powerful echo-sounders used explosives set off at the surface to explore the rock below the water.

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  3. Dirt from ocean floor could boost quake prediction.
  4. The ocean crust has a roughly constant thickness, around 7 kilometres thick. Below it is the mantle.

    Dating the Ocean Floor: 1. The mystery of ocean rifts

    On top there is on average around half a kilometre of sediment figures from Wikipedia: The ocean as a tape recorder 5. Dating the Ocean Floor: The mystery of ocean rifts A rift runs down the middle of the Atlantic. Further Details See also Wikipedia: