Dating sites for eczema


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Eczema isn't contagious like a cold, but most people with eczema have family members with the condition.


Researchers think it's inherited or passed through the genes. In general, eczema is fairly common — about 1 in 10 people in the world will be affected by it at some point in their lives. People with eczema also may have asthma and certain allergies, such as hay fever. For some, food allergies such as allergies to cow's milk, soy, eggs, fish, or wheat may bring on or worsen eczema.

It can be difficult to avoid all the triggers, or irritants, that may cause or worsen eczema flare-ups. In many people, the itchy patches of eczema usually appear where the elbow bends; on the backs of the knees, ankles, and wrists; and on the face, neck, and upper chest — although any part of the body can be affected.

In an eczema flare-up, skin may feel hot and itchy at first. Then, if the person scratches, the skin may become red, inflamed, or blistered.

Some people who have eczema scratch their skin so much it becomes almost leathery in texture. Others find that their skin becomes extremely dry and scaly.

Eczema: Woman CURED skin condition by changing diet and avoiding these foods |

Even though many people have eczema, the symptoms can vary quite a bit from person to person. If you think you have eczema, your best bet is to visit your doctor, who may refer you to a dermatologist a doctor who specializes in treating skin. Diagnosing atopic eczema can be difficult because it may be confused with other skin conditions. For example, eczema can easily be confused with a skin condition called contact dermatitis , which happens when the skin comes in contact with an irritating substance, like the perfume in a certain detergent.

In addition to a physical examination , a doctor will take your medical history by asking about any concerns and symptoms you have, your past health, your family's health, any medications you're taking, any allergies you may have, and other issues. Your doctor can also help identify things in your environment that may be contributing to your skin irritation.


For example, if you started using a new shower gel or body lotion before the symptoms appeared, mention this to your doctor because a substance in the cream or lotion might be irritating your skin. For some people with severe eczema, ultraviolet light therapy can help clear up the condition. Newer medicines that change the way the skin's immune system reacts also may help. If eczema doesn't respond to normal treatment, your doctor might do allergy testing to see if something else is triggering the condition, especially if you have asthma or seasonal allergies.

If you're tested for food allergies, you may be given certain foods such as eggs, milk, soy, or nuts and observed to see if the food causes an eczema flare-up. Food allergy testing also can be done by pricking the skin with an extract of the food substance and observing the reaction. But sometimes allergy testing can be misleading because someone may have an allergic reaction to a food that is not responsible for the eczema flare-up.

I have a date coming up this weekend. Of course, I see the benefit.

Nine things you should know about coping with skin conditions.

I want to get to know people and I genuinely do hope to build a future with the people I choose to date, but at the same time, it takes so much effort! Picking out the perfect outfit, perfect hair. The wrong perfume can cause inflammation and ultimately land me in a night of stares and awkwardness. Realistically I know I need to socialize. I know I need to get out of the house and meet people, but there are times I just take a break from it all.

Dating is already stressful enough. With the pressure society already places on women to be a certain size, a certain look, nice hair. On top of dealing with everyday insecurities , I live with the burden of external and internal conditions and symptoms.

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Right now my condition is pretty tamed. From backpacking through Europe, to moving. All the environmental changes that could have very easily caused a crazy flare only seemed to irritate my skin a bit. A very small part. And when I do most people are pretty understanding.

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