Dating and courtship in islam


  1. About the Author
  2. References
  3. How Young Muslims Define 'Halal Dating' For Themselves : Code Switch : NPR
  4. Courtship in Islam

A woman whose husband dies and she is in her iddah cannot be approached directly but subtle hints can be given regarding interest through a third party indirectly.

About Akhi Soufyan

Direct proposals can be given upon the end of the iddah of the woman. It is permissible for a man to look at a woman who he intends to marry before proposing to her as much as normally possible. There are some conditions for this permissibility so please understand them.

About the Author

A man seeking marriage is allowed to stare and repeat a look while under normal circumstances this is not permissible. This type of looking should only be for the purpose of marriage and not to fulfill desire or lust. A man can only look at a woman who is available for him to marry.

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  • Courtship in Islam -
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  • Muslim Dating And Courtship.

Another important condition is that he should know that if he were to propose that her family could accept his proposal. Looking is limited to what is generally permitted to be shown to strangers, like hands and face. Please read about this matter further by doing your own research. The person releasing the picture should be able to control the content and distribution of the picture. There is also differences on this matter so please research this matter further yourself. Some scholars consider this to be completely impermissible as they say Photographs are not allowed. So do your own research and take the path that is most suitable for you InshAllah.

A woman is allowed to look just as a man is allowed to look. The man should have his awrah covered which is from the navel to his knees at the least.

Talking is allowed between a man and a woman who are considering each other for marriage but there are specific conditions that must be met for it. The presence of the wali or his representative, avoiding private meetings, no touching of any kind and other prohibitions that exist between man and woman before marriage and finally limiting the conversation to what is needed for a couple to make a decision. It is also important to mention in the communication phase that between the two parties when information is shared that it be truthful.

It is also not permissible to hide any physical or other problems that one knows about actually it is sinful in Islam.


Many couples also think that since they are engaged it is okay for them to be in private meetings or even be intimate with each other. This has no basis in Islam and you are both still not permissible for each other until your Nikah is finalized. Your email address will not be published. Marriage is supposed to be a life-long union, so make sure you have enough time to thoroughly investigate or learn about your potential partner.

Make the time to talk to each other, observe each other in different groups, and allow people closest to you to spend time with you as well. This is especially the case for matches found online, through matrimonial events or who live in different communities, provinces or geographical locations than you do. In this day and age the last thing you should do is let your emotions and the excitement of a budding romance cloud your judgment. And make sure the person you decide to confide in is qualified to give you advice.

It should be less about the role they have in your life than it is their ability to give sound, practical, and balanced advice. Both men and women are susceptible to putting too much of the focus on the wrong place. On the contrary, by reaching out to someone or finding a third person to get involved you are writing the narrative and thus becoming an active participant in your own life. While it may be great for you to have the support and presence of a familiar face around you, imagine how your date feels.

Additionally, learning how to have focused one-on-one communication is among the most important factors to a healthy and happy relationship.

Dating, love, Marriage & Relationships In Islam - The Deen Show

You never know what a chance encounter with a stranger can lead to. Love could literally be right around the corner, stay happy so that you can welcome it with a smile on your face! If you lay it on thick in the beginning with too many complicated questions or requirements about time, place, etc. Part of the excitement of getting to know someone is the build-up, the gradual process of getting to know someone. That can quickly be destroyed by too much too fast.

Remember, not only are first impressions everything but you also want to leave every conversation on a good note, making a positive and lasting impression. Ask more questions than talk, listen attentively and dress appropriate for the occasion. In the beginning of any courtship, aside from making more of an effort with basic manners and etiquette, you should never change yourself or accommodate who you are for anyone else.

Being transparent during the courtship process is very important, especially since your intentions are for marriage and not just merely dating someone. You want to be true to your feelings and opinions and feel comfortable expressing yourself freely.

How Young Muslims Define 'Halal Dating' For Themselves : Code Switch : NPR

If you have reservations about these things then you need to ask yourself why. Are you afraid the person will not like who you really are? Are you afraid of their reaction, i. The answers to these questions may alert you to bigger problems if there are any. Disclosing a previous marriage is required in Islam but anything else is up to your discretion. There are exceptions of course that you have to take into consideration. If for example, you have any health conditions as a result of your past then you would be obligated to disclose them.

Is it Permissible to Lie?

Courtship in Islam

If a person is worth your time, they will appreciate the expectations you have for yourself and your potential partner. Pretending to be all you think your partner wants you to be is a recipe for disaster. Listen carefully when the person you are interested in is telling you about their life.

You want to really hear what the person is saying so you can determine if they are the right match for you and your personality. Try not to interrupt or prepare questions and interject too much. Let the conversation remain fluid and show that they have your undivided attention. Scaling back can make you more conscious of how you use your time and how productive your conversations are. Look for red flags and take each one seriously.

Furthermore, forcing something for fear of not having it is a sign of weakness of faith. Marriage, like everything in life is a decree from Allah swt and one has to exercise patience until He determines the right time and sends you the right person. People who have a tendency of confiding in too many people or who are always asking others for advice are usually afraid of taking responsibility for their choices. Plus, if more than one person tells you something about a potential partner, even if it has to do with their past, be receptive to hearing them out completely.

You want your decision to marry someone to be an informed decision. By being happy for your friends, not only will your friendship flourish but also you might meet someone at his or her wedding or through his or her new connections. You should continue to grow as a person in all ways that are important to you.